Conventus et acroases
Conventus et acroases linguis adhibitis enumerantur.
Acroases non scietifica in pagina publicationum non scientificarum enumeratae sunt.
- 2023: "Imaging the universe with a gaugeless theory of conformal geometry" in Math + X Symposium on dynamos, planetary exploration and general relativity, inverse problems and machine learning (pdf)
- 2023: "Two-layer tomography assisted by anisotropy" in Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group project review meeting (pdf)
- 2023: "Geophysics and algebraic geometry" in NCSU Geometry and Topology Seminar (pdf)
- 2022: "Geophysics and algebraic geometry" in Inverse Days (pdf)
- 2022: "Geometrization, inverse problems, and physics" in Jyväskylä physics colloquium (pdf)
- 2022: "Inverse problems with neutrinos" in NCSU geometry and topology seminar (pdf)
- 2022: "Inverse problems with neutrinos" in Inverse Problems in Analysis and Geometry (pdf)
- 2022: "Ray transform problems arising from seismology on Mars" in Inverse Problems: Modelling & Simulation (pdf)
- 2022: "Geometry and unexpected coupling of slowness surfaces" in Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group project review meeting (pdf)
- 2022: "Breaking the cosmological conformal gauge with neutrinos" at Rice University (pdf)
- 2021: "Breaking cosmological conformal gauge with neutrinos" in Inverse Days (pdf)
- 2021: "Matematiikalla näkee Maapallon läpi" Nuorten Tiedeakatemian Akatemiaklubissa (pdf, tallenne)
- 2021: "Maapallon matematiikkaa" Jyväskylän yliopiston Hakijan päivässä (pdf)
- 2021: "Stable reconstruction of simple Riemannian manifolds from unknown interior sources" in Inverse problems and nonlinearity (pdf)
- 2021: "Spectral rigidity of planets" in Quasilinear Equations, Inverse Problems and Their Applications (pdf, recording)
- 2021: "Eigenfrequencies: Spectral rigidity with discontinuities" in Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group project review meeting (pdf)
- 2021: "Geometric inverse problems arising from geophysics" in UCI inverse problems seminar online (pdf, recording)
- 2021: "The light ray transform" in NCSU geometry and topology seminar (pdf)
- 2020: "Towards geometrization of geophysics" in Inverse days (pdf)
- 2020: "Geometric inverse problems arising from geophysics" in UCL inverse problems seminar (pdf)
- 2020: "Geometric inverse problems arising from geophysics" in a seminar at Tampere (pdf, recording)
- 2020: "Algebraic and differential geometry of slowness surfaces" in Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group project review meeting (pdf)
- 2020: "Geometric inverse problems arising from geophysics" in a seminar in Helsinki (pdf)
- 2020: "Geometric inverse problems arising from geophysics" in Jyväskylä analysis seminar (pdf)
- 2020: "The geometry of anisotropy" in MATH + X Symposium on Inverse Problems and Deep Learning, Mitigating Natural Hazards (pdf)
- 2019: "Geometrization of geophysics" in Integraatiofest (pdf)
- 2019: "Spectral and travel time tomography on Mars with InSight" in Applied Inverse Problems (pdf)
- 2019: "Inverse problems in elastic Finsler geometry" in Applied Inverse Problems (pdf)
- 2019: "Towards a Mathematical Theory of Seismic Tomography on Mars" in Inverse Problems, Imaging and Partial Differential Equations (pdf)
- 2019: "Inverse problems with one sensor on Mars" in Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group project review meeting (pdf)
- 2019: "Dix's inverse problem on elastic Finsler manifolds" in Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group project review meeting (pdf)
- 2019: "Finsler geometry from the elastic wave equation" in Probing the Earth and the Universe with Microlocal Analysis (pdf)
- 2019: "Towards a mathematical theory of seismic tomography on Mars" in Tomographic Inverse Problems: Theory and Applications (pdf)
- 2019: "Towards a mathematical theory of seismology with a single seismometer" in Math + X Symposium on Inverse Problems and Deep Learning in Space Exploration (pdf)
- 2018: "Functions of constant X-ray transform" in Inverse Days (pdf)
- 2018: "Spectral and travel time tomography on Mars with InSight" at University of Washington, Differential geometry, PDE and inverse problems seminar
- 2018: "Spectral Geometry for the Earth" in SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth (pdf)
- 2018: "Spectral and travel time tomography on Mars with InSight" at Rice University, CAAM Special Lecture
- 2018: "Functions of constant X-ray transform" in Inverse problems, PDE and geometry (pdf)
- 2018: "Open problem: Spectral signature of jump discontinuities" in Spectral Geometry: Theory, Numerical Analysis and Applications
- 2018: "X-ray tomography in periodic slabs" in SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (pdf)
- 2018: "X-ray tomography in periodic slabs" in Inverse Problems: Modeling & Simulation (pdf)
- 2018: "Spectral rigidity of the round Earth" in CCIMI seminar at Cambridge (pdf)
- 2018: "Communication between theory and practice via deep learning and deep teaching" in MATH + X Symposium on Data Science and Inverse Problems in Geophysics (pdf, recording)
- 2017: "X-ray tomography in periodic slabs" in Inverse Days (pdf)
- 2017: "Gauge freedom and tensor tomography with partial data" at Rice University, CAAM Special Lecture
- 2017: "Spectral rigidity and tensor tomography" at University College London (pdf)
- 2017: "Maapallon geometria ja sen selvittäminen" osana Jyväskylän yliopiston yleisöluentosarjaa "Struven ketjulla maapalloa mittaamaan" (pdf)
- 2017: "Spectral rigidity and tensor tomography" in Jyväskylä analysis seminar (pdf)
- 2017: "Inversio-ongelmia ja matematiikan sovelluksia" opettajien täydennyskoulutuksessa Jyväskylässä (pdf)
- 2017: "Pestov identities for generalized X-ray transforms" in Applied Inverse Problems (pdf)
- 2017: "Spectral rigidity of the round Earth" in Applied Inverse Problems (pdf)
- 2017: "Pestov identities for generalized X-ray transforms" in Inverse Problems Seminar, University of Washington (pdf)
- 2017: "Pestov identities for generalized X-ray transforms" in 100 Years of the Radon Transform (pdf)
- 2017: "Miksi matemaatikko näkee seinän läpi?" Jyväskylän yliopiston tiedeiskussa (pdf, videotallenne)
- 2017: "Linearized mathematical inverse problems for the Earth" at Rice University, CAAM Applied Mathematics Colloquium (pdf)
- 2017: "Spectral rigidity of the round Earth" in MATH + X Symposium on Seismology and Inverse Problems (pdf)
- 2016: "Spectral rigidity of the round Earth" in Inverse Days (pdf)
- 2016: "Geodesic X-ray tomography and geophysical applications" at Rice University, CAAM Special Lecture (pdf)
- 2016: "A Eulogy in Honour of Anders Johan Lexell, an 18th Century Finnish Mathematician" at Bridges Finland 2016 (pdf)
- 2016: "Quantum mechanical tomography and neutrino oscillation" at Inverse Problems: Modeling & Simulation (pdf)
- 2016: "Quantum mechanical tomography and neutrino oscillation" at Rice University, CAAM Special Lecture (pdf)
- 2016: "Direct and inverse problems for the $p$-Laplacian" in Finnish Mathematical Days (pdf)
- 2016: "From electrical measurements to tomography on groups" in Finnish Mathematical Days (pdf)
- 2015: "Quantum mechanical tomography and neutrino oscillation" in Inverse Days (pdf)
- 2015: "Ray tomography on manifolds" in Helsinki Inverse Problems Seminar
- 2015: "X-ray imaging and energy identities for PDEs" in 6th Forum of The Polish Mathematical Society (pdf)
- 2015: "What are inverse problems?" in 6th Forum of The Polish Mathematical Society (pdf)
- 2015: "Radon transforms on groups" in Geometric Inverse Problems (pdf)
- 2015: "Broken ray tomography" in Applied Inverse Problems (pdf)
- 2015: "Broken ray tomography and related inverse problems" in Inverse Problems Seminar of University of Washington (pdf)
- 2015: "Broken ray tomography: Approaches and applications" in UNC PDE/Analysis Mini-school (pdf)
- 2014: "Radon transforms on Lie groups" in Inverse Days (pdf)
- 2014: "X-ray transforms on Lie groups" in Distinguished Lectures on Inverse Problems (pdf)
- 2014: Poster "The broken ray transform" in Recent progress in mathematical and numerical analysis of inverse problems (poster pdf)
- 2013: "A geometric approach to the broken ray transform" in Inverse Days (pdf)
- 2013: "Broken ray transforms on Riemannian manifolds" in Jyväskylä analysis seminar (pdf)
- 2013: "Broken ray tomography in the disk" in Jyväskylä analysis seminar
- 2012: "Broken ray tomography in the disk" in Inverse Days (pdf)
- 2012: Graduseminaariesitys koherentista kvasihiukkasapproksimaatiosta (pdf)
- 2011: Seminaarikurssin esitys neutriino-oskillaatioista (pdf)
- 2023: Math + X Symposium on dynamos, planetary exploration and general relativity, inverse problems and machine learning, Hella, Iceland (invited plenary talk)
- 2023: Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group project review meeting, Rice University, Houston, Texas, US (invited talk)
- 2022: Inverse Days, Tahko, Finland (talk)
- 2022: Inverse Problems in Analysis and Geometry, Helsinki, Finland (invited talk)
- 2022: Inverse Problems: Modeling & Simulation, Mellieha, Malta (invited talk)
- 2022: Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group project review meeting, Rice University, Houston, Texas, US (invited talk)
- 2021: Inverse Days, Tampere, Finland (talk, member of organizing committee)
- 2021: Inverse problems and nonlinearity, online (invited plenary talk)
- 2021: Quasilinear Equations, Inverse Problems and Their Applications, online (invited plenary talk)
- 2021: Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group project review meeting, Rice University, Houston, Texas, US (invited talk)
- 2020: Inverse Days, online (talk)
- 2020: Inverse problems and nonlinearity (preconference online)
- 2020: Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group project review meeting, Rice University, Houston, Texas, US (invited talk)
- 2020: MATH + X Symposium on Inverse Problems and Deep Learning, Mitigating Natural Hazards, Las Catalinas, Costa Rica (invited plenary talk)
- 2019: Inverse Days, Jyväskylä, Finland (organizer)
- 2019: Applied Inverse Problems, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France (two talks, one hosted minisymposium)
- 2019: Inverse Problems, Imaging and Partial Differential Equations, IAS, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (invited plenary talk)
- 2019: Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group project review meeting, Rice University, Houston, Texas, US (two invited talks)
- 2019: Probing the Earth and the Universe with Microlocal Analysis, Banff, Canada (invited plenary talk)
- 2019: Tomographic Inverse Problems: Theory and Applications, Oberwolfach, Germany (invited plenary talk)
- 2019: Math + X Symposium on Inverse Problems and Deep Learning in Space Exploration, Rice University, Houston, Texas, US (invited plenary talk)
- 2018: Inverse Days, Helsinki, Finland (talk)
- 2018: SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US (invited session talk)
- 2018: Inverse problems, PDE and geometry, Jyväskylä, Finland (talk, member of local organizing committee)
- 2018: Spectral Geometry: Theory, Numerical Analysis and Applications, Banff, Canada (small talk)
- 2018: SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Bologna, Italy (talk)
- 2018: Inverse Problems: Modeling & Simulation, Mellieha, Malta (invited talk)
- 2018: MATH + X Symposium on Data Science and Inverse Problems in Geophysics, Rice University, Houston, Texas, US (invited plenary talk)
- 2018: Finnish Mathematical Days, Joensuu, Finland (hosted a session)
- 2017: Inverse Days, Oulu, Finland (talk)
- 2017: Applied Inverse Problems, Hangzhou, China (two session talks, hosted two minisymposia)
- 2017: 100 Years of the Radon Transform, RICAM, Linz, Austria (invited session talk)
- 2017: MATH + X Symposium on Seismology and Inverse Problems, Rice University, Houston, Texas, US (invited plenary talk)
- 2016: Inverse Days, Kuopio, Finland (talk)
- 2016: Minicourse "An introduction to microlocal analysis with applications to inverse problems", Helsinki, Finland
- 2016: Bridges Finland 2016, Jyväskylä, Finland (session talk)
- 2016: Inverse Problems: Modeling & Simulation, Fethiye, Turkey (invited session talk)
- 2016: Finnish Mathematical Days, Turku, Finland (invited plenary and session talks)
- 2015: Inverse Days, Lappeenranta, Finland (talk)
- 2015: 6th Forum of The Polish Mathematical Society, Warsaw, Poland (invited plenary and session talks)
- 2015: Jyväskylä Summer School, Jyväskylä, Finland
- 2015: Program on Inverse Problems, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France (4 weeks)
- 2015: Geometric Inverse Problems, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France (invited talk)
- 2015: Applied Inverse Problems, Helsinki, Finland (talk)
- 2015: Applied Inverse Problems, summer school, Helsinki, Finland
- 2015: Spectral and Analytic Inverse Problems, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France
- 2015: PDE/Analysis Mini-school "Inverse Problems: Seeing the Unseen", The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US (invited lecture)
- 2014: Inverse Days, Tampere, Finland (talk)
- 2014: Jyväskylä Summer School, Jyväskylä, Finland
- 2014: Distinguished Lectures on Inverse Problems, Helsinki, Finland (invited talk)
- 2014: Mathematics Meets Physics, Helsinki, Finland
- 2014: Recent progress in mathematical and numerical analysis of inverse problems, CIRM, Marseille, France (poster)
- 2014: Fourth Finnish-Estonian Mathematics Colloquium and Finnish Mathematical Days 2014, Helsinki, Finland
- 2013: Inverse Days, Sodankylä & Inari, Finland (talk)
- 2013: Geometry and Inverse Problems, Banff, Canada
- 2013: Jyväskylä Summer School, Jyväskylä, Finland (tutoring)
- 2013: Inverse Problems and Applications, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Sweden (3 weeks)
- 2013: Inverse Problems and Applications, Linköping, Sweden
- 2012: Inverse Days, Jyväskylä, Finland (talk, member of local organizing committee)
- 2012: Jyväskylä Summer School, Jyväskylä, Finland
- 2012: A conference on inverse problems in honor of Gunther Uhlmann, University of California at Irvine, US
- 2012: Summer school of cosmology, Espoo, Finland
- 2010: Jyväskylä Summer School, Jyväskylä, Finland