FYSA2041 Statistinen Fysiikka osa A / FYSA2041 Statistical Physics part A

Kurssivaatimukset / requirements for passing the course

Attending lectures is voluntary, but attending demos earn you extra points .
Demo answers are evaluated from 0 to 8 per demo, and the final score is converted to demo points like this:
If you scored 16 or more, you get the full 12 demo points.
If you scored less, the conversion is 0.75*score.
The lectures and lecture notes are in Finnish, so regretfully you need to study the topics from books or internet sources by yourself. You will find the demo sessions quite useful!

If you fail to collect enough points to pass the course you are welcome to take the exam later, on a general exam day at the Department of Physics if "Statistical Physics part A" is listed as an exam topic.

Luennot / lectures

Lecturer: Vesa Apaja, vesa.apaja@jyu.fi, office YN223.
The lectures will be in Finnish
  • Luentomoniste (pdf)

  • Discussion channel in Microsoft Teams (under "Fysiikan Kiihdytin") (link)

    Some topics discussed in lectures:

    1. History of thermodynamics, temperature
    2. System, environment, and statistical ensembles; pressure thermodynamical equilibrium; System state, microstate, macrostate; equation of state, state variables; intensive and extensive variables; internal energy, heat, work; 4 laws of thermodynamics; 1. law energy conservation; adiabatic, isochoric, isobaric and isentropic process; reversible and irreversible process; reversible expansion of gas, heat and work; exact and inexact differentials
    3. Response functions; heat capacity; adiabatic equation of state of ideal gas; cyclic processes
    4. Entropy; entropy of ideal gas (also Sackur-Tetrode formula); derivation of 1st law in the form dU=TdS-PdV; conjugate variables and energy conservation; consequence of 2nd law: Carnot engine is most efficient, Carnot engine efficiency in terms of temperatures; two chained Carnot engines; why ideal gas temperature equals absolute temperature; entropy change in putting two bodies together
    5. The second law of thermodynamics and direction of prosesses; Gibbs paradox; Entropy of mixing in multicomponent systems; First law of thermodynamics and natural variables
    6. Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy, interpretation of chemical potential, Euler equation, Gibbs-Duhem equation
    7. Rules for partial derivatives, Maxwell relations, Speed of sound, Boltzmann entropy
    8. Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, partition function of canonical ensemble
    9. Gibbs entropy; thermodynamical equilibrium and fluctuations; classical phase space and counting states; Gibbs correction; ideal paramagnet, a two-state system; magnetic cooling; Joule-Thomson effect; stretching a wire; rubber band and entropy
    10. Phase transitions; Landau model

    Muutamia ratkaistuja tehtäviä

  • Adiabaattinen, reversiibeli, isentrooppinen (pdf)
  • Kaasun tilavuus laajenee (pdf)
  • vuotava jääkaappi (pdf)
  • Lämpökapasiteetit entropian avulla (pdf)
  • Entropiasta ideaalikaasun tilayhtälöön (pdf)
  • Vuoden 2020 viimeisen luennon harjoituksia: tehtäviä ratkaisuja

    Demot / demos

    Demo assistant: Matti Hellgren

    Demotehtävät / demo questions

    Both in Finnish and in English (pdf)

    Demopisteet / demo points

    Points from returned demo answers :

    Tentit / exams


    Vanhoja tenttejä / Collection of past exams

    Exam questions follow roughly this pattern:
    1. Explain terminology, or an easy, one-line calculation.
    2. Proove a thermodynamic potential identity.
    3. A Carnot / entropy calculation, or a partition function calculation.
    4. A question related to phase transitions.
    5. A bit tougher questions to challenge you. The question can be a bit longer routine calculation, or a very short one which may require out-of-the-box thinking.

    Very bad:

    Harjoitustyöt / lab exercises

    The course FYSA2041 has three laboratory exercises:
    1. Simulation of the Ising model
      You can do this any time, all you need is Python (or Matlab).
      Link to the simulation code, questionaire and instructions are below.
      Pick up the code files and the questionaire ising_2019_lapputyo (pdf or doc)
      Fill in the questionaire and drop the solution to Moodle.
      Review: accepted
    2. Laboratory measurement in the Physics Dep. measurement lab : FYSA2041/K2 Terminen elektroniemissio
      This work is done at the Physics student Lab (työosasto): Review: accepted
    3. Laboratory measurement in the Physics Dep. measurement lab + a report.
      This work is also done at the Physics student Lab (työosasto); see web links above.
      Review: graded, max 12 points.

    Lisämateriaalia / Extra material

    Recommended books: