Articles in international journals with referee practice:
Amikhah M, Forsman JT, Koskela E, Mappes T, Sane J, Ollgren J, kivelä S & Kallio ER 2021 Rodent population dynamics drive zoonotic Lyme Borriliosis and Orthohantavirus infections in humans in Northern Europe. Scientific Reports pdf
Barros MI, Brito C-J, Campos JC, Mappes T, Qninba A, Sousa FV & Boratyński Z 2018 The effect of rainfall on population dynamics in Sahara-Sahel rodents. Mammal Research 63:485-492 pdf
Boratynski Z, Alves PC, Berto S, Koskela E, Mappes T & Melo-Ferreira J 2011 Introgression of mitochondrial DNA among Myodes voles: consequences for energetics? BMC Evolutionary Biology 11:355 pdf
Z, Arias JM, Mappes T Mousseau TA, Møller AP, Pajar AJM, Perez CG, Piwczyński
M, Tukalenko E 2016 Ionizing radiation from Chernobyl
affects development of wild carrot plants. Scientific Reports 6:39282
Boratynski Z, Brito JC, Campos JC, Cunha JL, Granjon L, Mappes T, Ndiaye A, Rzebik-Kowalska B & Serén N 2017 Repeated evolution of camouflage in speciose desert rodents. Scientific Reports 7:3522 pdf
Boratynski Z, Brito JC, Campos JC, Karala M, Mappes T 2014 Large Spatial Scale of the Phenotype-Environment Color Matching in Two Cryptic Species of African Desert Jerboas (Dipodidae: Jaculus). PloS ONE 9: e94342 pdf
Boratynski Z, Brito JC & Mappes T 2012 The origin of two cryptic species of African desert jerboas (Dipodidae: Jaculus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 105: 435–445 pdf
Boratynski Z, Ketola T, Koskela E & Mappes T 2016 The Sex Specific Genetic Variation of Energetics in Bank Voles, Consequences of Introgression? Evolutionary Biology 43:37–47 pdf
Boratynski Z, Koskela E, Mappes T, Mills S, Mokkonen M 2018 Maintenance costs of male dominance and sexually antagonistic selection in the wild. Functional Ecology 32: 2678–2688 pdf
Boratyński Z, Koskela E, Mappes T & Oksanen TA 2010 Sex-specific selection on energy metabolism – selection coefficients for winter survival. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 1969-1978 pdf
Boratyński Z, Koskela E, Mappes T & Schroderus E 2013 Quantitative genetics and fitness effects of basal metabolism. Evolutionary Ecology 27: 301-314 pdf
Z, Lehmann P, Mappes T, Mousseau TA & Møller AP 2014 Increased radiation
from Chernobyl decreases the expression of red colouration in natural
populations of bank voles (Myodes glareolus). Scientific Reports 4:7141
Boratynski Z, Melo-Ferreira J, Alves PC, Berto S, Koskela E, Pentikäinen OT, Tarroso P, Ylilauri M & Mappes T 2014 Molecular and ecological signs of mitochondrial adaptation: consequences for introgression. Heredity 113:277-286 pdf
Brechignac F et al 2016 Addressing ecological effects of radiation on populations and ecosystems to improve protection of the environment againstradiation: Agreed statements from a Consensus Symposium. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 158-159:21-29 pdf
Brila I, Lavrinienko A, Tukalenko E, Ecke F, Rodushkin I, Kallio ER, Mappes T, Phillip C. Watts PC 2021 Low-level environmental metal pollution is associated with altered gut microbiota of a wild rodent, the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). Science of the Total Environment 790: 148224 pdf
van Cann J, Koskela E, Mappes T, Mikkonen A-M, Mokkonen M, Watts PC 2019 Early life of fathers affects offspring fitness in a wild rodent. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32:1141–1151 pdf
van Cann J, Koskela E, Mappes T, Sims A & Watts PC 2019 Intergenerational fitness effects of the early life environment in a wild rodent. Journal of Animal Ecology 88:1355-1365 pdf
Cayol C, Jääskeläinen A, Koskela E, Kyröläinen S, Mappes T, Siukkola A & Kallio ER 2018 Sympatric Ixodes-tick species: pattern of distribution and pathogen transmission within wild rodent populations. Scientific Reports 8:16660 pdf
Cayol C, Koskela E, Mappes T Siukkola A & Kallio ER 2017 Temporal dynamics of the tick Ixodes ricinus in northern Europe: epidemiological implications. Parasites & Vectors 10:166 pdf
Cayol C, Giermek A, Gomez-Chamorro A, Hytönen J, Kallio ER, Mappes T, Salo J, Voordouw MJ & Koskela E 2018 Borrelia afzelii alters reproductive success in a rodent host. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 285:20181056 pdf
Forbes KM, Henttonen H, Hirvelä-Koski V, Kipar A, Mappes T, Stuart P & Huitu O 2015. Food provisioning alters infection dynamics in populations of a wild rodent Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 282:20151939 pdf
Forbes KM, Mappes T, Sironen T, Strandin T, Stuart P, Meri S, Vapalahti O, Henttonen H & Huitu O 2016 Food limitation constrains host immune responses to nematode infections. Biology Letters 12:20160471 pdf
KM, Stuart P, Mappes T, Hoset KS, Henttonen H & Huitu O 2014 Diet
quality limits summer growth of field vole populations. PLoS ONE 9: e91113 pdf
Forbes KM, Stuart P, Mappes T, Henttonen H & Huitu O 2014 Food resources and intestinal parasites as limiting factors for boreal vole populations during winter. Ecology 95:3139-3148 pdf
Gomez-Chamorro A, Battilotti F, Cayol C, Mappes T, Koskela E, Boulanger N, Genné D, Sarr A & Voordouw M 2019 Susceptibility to infection with Borrelia afzelii and TLR2 polymorphism in a wild reservoir host. Scientific Reports 9:6711 pdf
Guerreiro R, Boratynski Z, Cunha J, Maaloum H, Mappes T, El Agbami MA & Qnimba A 2016 Diversity of mammals in the Lower Drâa valley. A preliminary survey. Go‐South Bulletin 13:68‐71 pdf
Hakkarainen H, Huhta E, Lahti K, Mappes T, Palokangas P, Tolonen P & Wiehn J 1996 A test of male mating and hunting success in the Kestrel: the advantage of smallness? Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 39: 375-380 pdf
Hakkarainen H, Korpimäki E, Mappes T & Palokangas P 1992 Kestrel hunting behaviour towards solitary and grouped Microtus agrestis and M. epiroticus - a laboratory experiment. Annales Zoologici Fennici 29: 283-288 pdf
Hakkarainen H, Koskela E, Mappes T, Soveri T, Huhta E & Suorsa P 2007 Eimeria-parasites are associated with life history traits in island and mainland populations of the bank vole. Parasitology 134: 23-31 pdf
Halonen M, Mappes T, Meri T & Suhonen J 2007 Influence of snow cover on food hoarding in Pygmy Owls Glaucidium passerinum. Ornis Fennica 84: 105-111 pdf
Hanhimäki E, Watts PC, Koskela E, Koteja P, Mappes T & Hämäläinen AM 2022 Evolved high aerobic capacity has context-specific effects on gut microbiota. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolutio 10:934164 pdf
Helle H, Koskela E & Mappes T 2012 Life in varying environments: experimental evidence for delayed effects of juvenile environment on adult life history. Journal of Animal Ecology 81: 573-582 pdf
Huhta E, Mappes T & Jokimäki J 1996 Predation on artificial ground nests in relation to forest fragmentation, agricultural land and habitat structure. Ecography 19: 85-91 pdf
Huitu O, Jokinen I, Korpimäki E, Koskela E & Mappes T 2007 Phase dependence in winter physiological condition of cyclic voles. Oikos 116: 565-577 pdf
Huitu O, Kiljunen N, Korpimäki E, Koskela E, Mappes T, Pietiäinen H, Pöysä H & Henttonen H 2009 Density-dependent vole damage in silviculture and associated economic losses at a nationwide scale. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 1219-1224 pdf
Hämäläinen A, Kiljunen M, Koskela E, Koteja P, Mappes T, Rajala M, Tiainen K 2022 Artificial selection for predatory behaviour results in dietary niche differentiation in an omnivorous mammal. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 289: 20212510 pdf
Jernfors T, Danforth J, Kesäniemi J, Lavrinienko A, Tukalenko E, Fajkus J, Dvořáčková M, Mappes T, Watts PC 2021 Expansion of rDNA and pericentromere satellite repeats in the genomes of bank voles Myodes glareolus exposed to environmental radionuclides. Ecology and Evolution. 11:8754–67 pdf
Jernfors T, Kesäniemi J, Lavrinienko A, Mappes T, Milinevsky G, Møller AP, Mousseau TA, Tukalenko E & Watts PC 2018 Transcriptional upregulation of DNA damage response genes in bank voles (Myodes glareolus) inhabiting the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Frontiers in Environmental Science 5:95 pdf
Jonsson P, Agrell J, Koskela E & Mappes T 2002 The effects of litter size on pup defence and weaning success of neighbouring bank vole. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 1-5 pdf
Jonsson P, Hartikainen T, Koskela E & Mappes T 2002 Determinants of reproductive success in voles: space use in relation to food and litter size manipulation. Evolutionary Ecology 16: 455-467 pdf
Jonsson P, Koskela E & Mappes T 2000 Does risk of predation by mammalian predators affects spacing behaviour of rodents? Two large-scale experiments. Oecologia 122: 487-492 pdf
Kaitala V, Mappes T & Ylönen H 1997 Delayed and suppressed reproduction in equilibrium and chaotic populations. Evolutionary Ecology 11: 105-126 pdf
Kallio ER, Begon M, Birtles R, Bown KJ, Koskela E, Mappes T & Watts PC 2014 First report of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Babesia microti in rodents in Finland. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 14:389-393 pdf
Kallio ER, Begon M, Henttonen H, Koskela E, Mappes T, Vaheri A & Vapalahti O 2009 Cyclic hantavirus epidemics in humans – Predicted by rodent host dynamics. Epidemics 1: 101-107 pdf
See also Eva’s PhD Thesis: Experimental ecology on the interaction between the Puumala Hantavirus and its host, the bank vole
Kallio ER, Begon M, Henttonen H, Koskela E, Mappes T, Vaheri A & Vapalahti O 2010 Hantavirus infections in fluctuating host populations: the role of maternal antibodies. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 277: 3783-3791 pdf
Kallio E, Helle H, Koskela E, Mappes T & Vapalahti O 2015. Age-related effects of chronic hantavirus infection on female host fecundity Journal of Animal Ecology 84:1264-1272 pdf
Kallio ER, Henttonen H, Koskela E, Lundkvist Å, Mappes T & Vapalahti O 2013 Maternal antibodies contribute to sex based difference in hantavirus transmission dynamics. Biology Letters 9:20130887 pdf
Kallio ER, Poikonen A, Vaheri A, Vapalahti O, Henttonen H, Koskela E & Mappes T 2006 Maternal antibodies postpone hantavirus infection and enhance individual breeding success. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 273: 2771-2776 pdf
Kallio ER, Voutilainen L, Vapalahti O, Vaheri A, Henttonen H, Koskela E & Mappes T 2007 Endemic hantavirus infection impairs the winter survival of its rodent host. Ecology 88: 1911-1916 pdf
Kesäniemi J, Boratynski Z, Danforth J, Itam P, Jernfors T, Lavrinienko A, Mappes T, Møller AP, Mousseau TA, Watts PC 2018 Analysis of heteroplasmy in bank voles inhabiting the Chernobyl exclusion zone: a commentary on Baker et al. (2017) ’Elevated mitochondrial genome variation after 50 generations of radiation exposure in a wild rodent’. Evolutionary Applications 2018;11:820-826 pdf
Kesäniemi J, Jernfors T, Lavrinienko A, Kivisaari K, Kiljunen M, Mappes T, Watts PC 2019 Exposure to environmental radionuclides is associated with altered metabolic and immunity pathways in a wild rodent. Molecular Ecology 28:4620–4635 pdf
Kesäniemi J, Lavrinienko A, Tukalenko E, Mappes T, Watts PC & Jurvansuu J 2020 Infection load and prevalence of novel viruses identified from the bank vole do not associate with exposure to environmental radioactivity. Viruses 12:44 pdf
Kesäniemi J, Lavrinienko A, Tukalenko E, Boratyński Z, Kivisaari K, Mappes T, Milinevsky G, Møller AP, Mousseau TA &Watts PC 2019 Exposure to environmental radionuclides associates with tissue-specific impacts on telomerase expression and telomere length. Scientific reports 9:850 pdf
Kinnunen PM, Inkeroinen H, Ilander M, Kallio ER, Heikkilä HP, Koskela E, Mappes T, Palva A, Vaheri A, Kipar A & Vapalahti O 2011 Intracerebral Borna disease virus infection of bank voles leading to peripheral spread and reverse transcription of viral RNA. PLoS ONE 6: e23622 pdf
Kivisaari K, Boratynski Z, Kesaniemi J, Lavrinienko A, Lehmann P & Mappes T 2020 The effect of chronic low-dose environmental radiation on organ mass of bank voles in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. International Journal of Radiation Biology 96:1254-1262 pdf
Kivisaari K, Calhim S, Lehmann P, Boratynski Z, Mousseau TA, Møller AP & Mappes T 2022 Chronic background radiation correlates with sperm swimming endurance in bank voles from Chernobyl. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:736389 pdf
Koivula M, Koskela E, Mappes T & Oksanen TA 2003 Costs of reproduction in the wild: manipulation of reproductive effort in the bank vole. Ecology 84: 398-405 pdf
Koskela E, Horne T, Mappes T & Ylönen H 1996 Does risk of small mustelid predation affect the oestrous cycle in the bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus? Animal Behaviour 51: 1159-1163 pdf
Koskela E, Huitu O, Koivula M, Korpimäki E & Mappes T 2004 Sex-biased maternal investment in voles: importance of environmental conditions. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 271: 1385-1391 pdf
Koskela E, Jonsson P, Hartikainen T & Mappes T 1998 Limitation of reproductive success by food availability and litter size in the bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 265: 1129-1134 pdf
Koskela E, Juutistenaho P, Mappes T & Oksanen TA 2000 Offspring defence in relation to litter size and age: experiment in the bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus. Evolutionary Ecology 14: 99-109 pdf
Koskela E, Mappes T, Niskanen T & Rutkowska J 2009 Maternal investment in relation to sex ratio and offspring number in a small mammal - a case for Trivers and Willard theory? Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 1007–1014 pdf
Koskela E, Mappes T & Ylönen H 1997 Territorial behaviour and reproductive success of bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus females. Journal of Animal Ecology 66: 341-349 pdf
Koskela E, Mappes T & Ylönen H 1999 Experimental manipulation of breeding density and litter size: effects on reproductive success in the bank vole. Journal of Animal Ecology 68: 513-521 pdf
Kuukasjärvi S, Eriksson CJP, Koskela E, Mappes T, Nissinen K & Rantala M 2004 Attractivess of women’s body odors and over the menstrual cycle: the role of oral contraceptives and receiver sex. Behavioral Ecology 15: 579-584 pdf
Lavrinienko A, Hämäläinen A, Hindström R, Tukalenko E, Boratyński Z, Kivisaari K, Mousseau TA, Watts PC, Mappes T 2021 Comparable response of wild rodent gut microbiome to anthropogenic habitat contamination. Molecular Ecology 30:3485-3499 pdf
Lavrinienko A, Mappes T, Tukalenko E, Mousseau TA, Møller AP, Knight R, Morton JT, Thompson LR & Watts PC 2018 Environmental radiation alters the gut microbiome of the bank vole Myodes glareolus. ISME Journal 12:2801-2806 pdf
Lavrinienko A, Tukalenko E, Mappes T & Watts PC 2018 Skin and gut microbiomes of a wild mammal respond to different environmental cues. Microbiome 6:209 pdf
Lavrinienko A, Tukalenko E, Kesäniemi J, Kivisaari K, Masiuk S, Boratynski Z, Mousseau T, Milinevsky G, Mappes T & Watts PC 2020. Applying the Anna Karenina principle for wild animal gut microbiota: temporal stability of the bank vole gut microbiota in a disturbed environment. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:2617–2630 pdf
Lavrinienko A, Tukalenko E, Mousseau TA, Thompson L, Knight R, Mappes T, Watts PC 2020 Two hundred and fifty-four metagenome-assembled bacterial genomes from the bank vole gut microbiota. Scientific Data 7:312 pdf
Lehmann P, Boratyński Z, Mappes T, Mousseau TA, Møller AP 2016 Fitness costs of increased cataract frequency and cumulative radiation dose in natural mammalian populations from Chernobyl. Scientific Reports 6:19974 pdf
Lindstedt C, Schroderus E,
Lindström L, Mappes T & Mappes J 2016 Evolutionary constraints of warning
signals: a genetic trade-off between the efficacy of larval and adult warning coloration
can maintain variation in signal expression. Evolution 70:2562–2572
Lonn E, Koskela E, Mappes T, Mokkonen M, Simms AM & Watts PC 2017 Balancing selection maintains polymorphism at neurogenetic loci in field experiments. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America 114:3690-3695 pdf
Mappes J, Mappes T & Lappalainen T 1997 Unequal maternal investment in offspring quality in relation to predation risk. Evolutionary Ecology 11: 237-243 pdf
Mappes T 1998 High population density in bank voles stimulates food hoarding after breeding. Animal Behaviour 55: 1483-1487 pdf
Mappes T, Aspi J, Koskela E, Poikonen T & Tuomi J 2012 Advantage of rare infanticide strategies in an invasion experiment of behavioural polymorphism. Nature Communications 3: 611 pdf
Mappes T, Grapputo A, Hakkarainen H, Huhta E, Koskela E, Saunanen R & Suorsa P 2008 Island selection on mammalian life-histories: genetic differentiation in offspring size. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8: 296 pdf
Mappes T, Halonen M, Suhonen J & Ylönen H 1993 Selective avian predation on population of field vole Microtus agrestis: greater vulnerability of males and subordinates. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 5: 519-527 pdf
Mappes T, Kivisaari K, Lavrinienko A, Milinevski G, Mousseau TA, Møller AP, Tukalenko E & Watts PC. 2019 Ecological mechanisms can modify radiation effects in a key forest mammal of Chernobyl. Ecospehere 10: e02667 pdf
Mappes T, Koivula M, Koskela E, Oksanen TA, Savolainen T & Sinervo B 2008 Frequency and Density-dependent Selection on Life-history Strategies - A Field Experiment. PLoS ONE 3: e1687 pdf
Mappes T & Koskela E 2004 Genetic basis of the trade-off between offspring number and quality. Evolution 58: 645-650 pdf
Mappes T, Koskela E & Ylönen H 1995 Reproductive costs and litter size in the bank vole. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 261: 19-24 pdf
Mappes T, Koskela E & Ylönen H 1998 Breeding suppression in voles under predation risk of small mustelids: methodological or laboratory artefact? Oikos 82: 365-369 pdf
Mappes T, Mappes J & Kotiaho J 1994 Ectoparasites, nest site choice and breeding success in the pied flycatcher. Oecologia 98: 147-149 pdf
Mappes T & Ylönen H 1997 Reproductive effort of bank vole females in a risky environment. Evolutionary Ecology 11: 591-598 pdf
Mappes T, Ylönen H & Viitala J 1995 Higher reproductive success among kin groups of bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus. Ecology 76: 1276-1282 pdf
Meri T, Halonen M, Mappes T & Suhonen J 2008 Younger bank voles (Myodes glareolus) are more vulnerable to avian predation. Canadian Journal of Zoology 86: 1074-1078 pdf
Mills SC, Alatalo RV, Koskela E, Mappes J, Mappes T & Oksanen TA 2007 Signal reliability compromised by genotype by environment interaction and potential mechanisms for its preservation Evolution 61: 1748-1757 pdf
Mills SC, Grapputo A, Jokinen I, Koskela E, Mappes T, Oksanen TA & Poikonen T 2009 Testosterone-mediated effects on fitness-related phenotypic traits and fitness. American Naturalist 173: 475-487 pdf
Mills SC, Grapputo A, Jokinen I, Koskela E, Mappes T, Oksanen TA & Poikonen T 2010 Fitness trade-offs mediated by immunosuppression costs in a small mammal. Evolution 64: 166-179 pdf
Mills SC, Grapputo A, Koskela E & Mappes T 2007 Quantitative measure of sexual selection with respect to the operational sex ratio: comparison of selection indices. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 274: 143-150 pdf
Mills SC, Hazard L, Lancaster L, Mappes T, Miles D, Oksanen TA & Sinervo B 2008 Gonadotropin hormone modulation of testosterone, immune function, performance and behavioural tradeoffs among male morphs of the lizard, Uta stansburiana. American Naturalist 171: 339-357 pdf
Mills SC, Koskela E & Mappes T 2012 Intralocus sexual conflict for fitness: sexually antagonistic alleles for testosterone. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 279: 1889-1895 pdf
SC, Mokkonen M, Koskela E, Mappes T 2014 Genotype‐by‐Environment
Interactions and Reliable Signaling of Male Quality in Bank Voles, in
Genotype-by-Environment Interactions and Sexual Selection (eds J. Hunt &
D.J. Hosken), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd pdf
Mokkonen M, Kokko H, Koskela E, Lehtonen J, Mappes T, Martiskainen H & Mills SC 2011 Negative frequency-dependent selection of sexually antagonistic alleles in Myodes glareolus. Science 334: 972-974 pdf
See also Mika’s PhD Thesis: Evolutionary Conflicts in a Small Mammal: Behavioural, Physiological and Genetic Differences Between the Sexes
Mokkonen M, Koskela E, Mappes T & Mills SC 2012 Sexual antagonism for testosterone maintains multiple mating behaviour. Journal of Animal Ecology 81: 277-283 pdf
Mokkonen M, Koskela E, Mappes T & Mills SC 2016 Evolutionary Conflict Between Maternal and Paternal Interests: Integration with Evolutionary Endocrinology. Integrative & Comparative Biology 56:146-158 pdf
Morger J,…Mappes T… & Tshirren B 2015 Distinct
haplotype structure at the innate immune receptor Toll-like receptor 2 across
bank vole populations and lineages in Europe. Biological Journal of the Linnean
Society 116:124-133
Moutinho AF, Qninba A, Harrington A, Forbes K, Mediani M, Seren N, Mappes T & Boratynski Z 2015 Winter breeding of the Lesser Egyptian Jerboa Jaculus jaculus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Southern Morocco. Go-South Bulletin 12:24-27 pdf
Moutinho AF, Seren N, Pauperio J, Siva TL, Martinez-Freiria F, Sotelo G, Faria R, Mappes T, Alves PC, Brito JC & Boratynski Z 2020 Evolutionary history of two cryptic species of northern Africa jerboas. BMC Evolutionary Biology 20: 26 pdf
Mustonen V, Kesäniemi J, Lavrinienko A, Tukalenko E, Mappes T, Watts PC & Jurvansuu J 2018 Fibroblasts from bank voles inhabiting Chernobyl have increased resistance against. BMC Cell Biology 19:17 pdf
Oksanen TA, Alatalo RV, Horne TJ, Koskela E, Mappes J & Mappes T 1999 Maternal effort and male quality in the bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 266: 1495-1499 pdf
See also Tuula’s PhD Thesis: Cost of reproduction and offspring quality in the evolution reproductive effort
Oksanen TA, Jokinen I, Koskela E, Mappes T & Vilpas H 2003 Manipulation of offspring number and size. Benefits of large body size at birth depend upon the rearing environment. Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 321-330 pdf
Oksanen TA, Jonsson P, Koskela E & Mappes T 2001 Optimal allocation of reproductive effort: manipulation of offspring number and size in the bank vole. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 268: 661-666 pdf
Oksanen TA, Koivula M, Koskela E & Mappes T 2007 The costs of reproduction induced by body size at birth and breeding density. Evolution 61: 2822-2831 pdf
Oksanen TA, Koivula M, Koskela E, Mappes T & Soulsbury C 2012 Interactive effects of past and present environments on overwintering success – a reciprocal transplant experiment. Ecology and Evolution 2: 899-907 pdf
Oksanen TA, Koskela E & Mappes T 2002 Hormonal manipulation of offspring number: maternal effort and reproductive costs. Evolution 56: 1530-1537 pdf
Poikonen T, Koskela E, Mappes T & Mills SC 2008 Infanticide in the evolution of reproductive synchrony: effects on reproductive success. Evolution 62: 612–621 pdf
See also Tanja’s PhD Thesis: Frequency-dependent Selection and Environmental Heterogeneity as Selective Mechanisms in Wild Populations
Puurtinen M & Mappes T 2009 Between-group competition and human cooperation. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 276: 355-360 pdf game instructions
Puurtinen M, Heap S & Mappes T. 2015 The joint emergence of group competition and within-group cooperation Evolution & Human Behavior 36:211-217 pdf
Rikalainen K, Grapputo A, Knott E, Koskela E, Mappes T 2008 A large panel of novel microsatellite markers for the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 1164-1168 pdf
Rikalainen K, Aspi J, Galarza J, Koskela E & Mappes T 2012 Maintenance of genetic diversity in cyclic populations – a longitudinal analysis in Myodes glareolus. Ecology and Evolution 2: 1491-1502 pdf
Rutkowska J, Koskela E, Mappes T & Speakman JR 2011 Trade-off between current and future sex allocation revealed by maternal energy budget in a small mammal. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 278: 2962-2969 pdf
Schroderus E, Jokinen I, Koivula M, Koskela E, Mappes T, Mills SC, Oksanen TA & Poikonen T 2010 Intra- and intersexual trade-offs between testosterone and immune system: implications for sexual and sexually antagonistic selection. American Naturalist 176: E90-97 pdf
Schroderus E, Koivula M, Koskela E, Mappes T, Oksanen TA & Poikonen T 2012 Can number and size of offspring increase simultaneously?- a central life-history trade-off reconsidered. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12: 44 pdf
Shaffer JP et al. 2022 Multi-omics profiling of Earth's biomes reveals that microbial and metabolite composition are shaped by the environment. Nature Microbiology pdf
Sichova K, Koskela E, Mappes T, Lantova P, Boratynski Z. 2014 On personality, energy metabolism and mtDNA introgression in bank voles. Animal Behaviour 92:229-237 pdf
Sipari S, Hytönen J, Pietikäinen A, Mappes T & Kallio ER 2022 The effects of Borrelia infection on its wintering rodent host. Oecologia pdf
Suhonen J, Halonen M & Mappes T 1993 Predation risk and the organization of the Parus guild. Oikos 66: 94-100 pdf
Suhonen J, Halonen M, Mappes T & Korpimäki E 2007 Interspecific competition limits larders of pygmy owls Glaucidium passerinum Journal of Avian Biology 38: 630-634 pdf
Sääksvuori L, Mappes T & Puurtinen M 2011 Costly punishment prevails in intergroup conflict. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 278: 3428-3436 pdf
Tuomi J, Agrell J & Mappes T 1997 On the evolutionary stability of female infanticide. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 40: 227-233 pdf
Watts PC, Kallio ER, Koskela E, Lonn E, MappesT & Mokkonen M 2017 Stabilizing selection on microsatellite allele length at vasopressin 1A receptor and oxytocin receptor loci. Proceedings of Royal Society, Biological Sciences 284: 20171896 pdf
Watts PC, Mappes T, Tukalenko E, Mousseau TA, Boratyński Z, Møller AP & Lavrinienko A 2022 Interpretation of gut microbiota data in the ‘eye of the beholder’: A commentary and re-evaluation of data from ‘Impacts of radiation exposure on the bacterial and fungal microbiome of small mammals in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone’. Journal of Animal Ecology 91:1535-1545 pdf
Ylönen H, Koskela E & Mappes T 1997 Infanticide in the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus): Occurrence and the effect of territory neighbourhood on female infanticide. Annales Zoologici Fennici 34: 259-266 pdf
Ylönen H, Koskela E & Mappes T 1995 Small mustelids and breeding suppression of cyclic microtines: Adaption or general sensitivity? Annales Zoologici Fennici 32: 171-174 pdf
Ylönen H & Mappes T 1995 Spacing behaviour and resource distribution: an experiment on seasonal preference of male bank voles, Clethrionomys glareolus, for food and females. Annales Zoologici Fennici 32: 445-448 pdf
Ylönen H, Mappes T & Viitala J 1990 Different demography in friends and strangers: an experiment on the impact of kinship and familiarity in Clethrionomys glareolus. Oecologia 83: 333-337 pdf
Ylönen H, Mappes T & Viitala J 1993 Female relatedness and microtine population dynamics: experience from cyclic populations. Annales Zoologici Fennici 30: 77-80 pdf
Ylönen H, Viitala J & Mappes T 1991 How much do avian predators influence cyclic vole populations in a patchy environment: an experiment during a peak year. Annales Zoologici Fennici 28:1-6 pdf
Huitu O, Jokinen I, Korpimäki E, Koskela E & Mappes T. 2007 Density dependence during winter - role of food resources in vole cycles. Hystrix- The Italian Journal of Mammalogy (n.s.), vol. II, supp., p. 500
Koskela E, Helle H, Mappes T & Rikalainen K 2007 Density dependence in life history evolution of bank voles. Hystrix - The Italian Journal of Mammalogy (n.s.), vol. II, supp., p. 488
Koskela E, Koivula M, Mappes T & Oksanen TA 2001 Prenatal effects on fitness related characters in the bank vole. In Apfelbach et al (ed), Advances in Ethology 36, Supplements to Ethology
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