- Korhonen, P., Hui, F.K.C, Niku, J., Taskinen, S. and
van der Veen, B. (2024),
"gllvm 2.0: Fast fitting of advanced ordination methods and Joint Species Distribution Models",
- Tang, W., Korhonen, P., Niku, J., Nordhausen, K. and Taskinen, S. (2024),
"Comparing model-based unconstrained ordination methods in the analysis of high-dimensional compositional count data",
Lee, A., Taskinen, S., Vehmas, A. and Suomi, K. (2024),
"Formation of legitimacy in sport in local decision-making: explaining local politicians’ and administrators’
perceived justification of sport in Finnish municipalities", Submitted.
- Kauppinen, H., Hähkiöniemi, M. and Taskinen, S. (2025),
"Exploring students' misinterpretations of linear regression models", FMSERA Journal, To appear.
Nordhausen, K. and Taskinen, S. (2025), "Independent component analysis", In: Lovric, M. (editor) International Encyclopedia of
Statistical Science. Springer, To appear.
- Sipilä, M., Cappello, C., De Iaco, S., Nordhausen, K. and Taskinen, S. (2025),
"Modelling multivariate spatio-temporal data with identifiable variational autoencoders", Neural Networks,
181, 106774.
- Korhonen, P., Nordhausen, K. and Taskinen, S. (2024),
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WIREs Computational Statistics, 16, 6, e70005.
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"A comparison of joint species distribution models for percent cover data",
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 15, 2359-2372.
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"Restoration of forestry-drained boreal peatland ecosystems can effectively stop and reverse ecosystem degradation",
Communications Earth & Environment, 5, 680.
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"Nonlinear blind source separation exploiting spatial nonstationarity",
Information Sciences, 120365.
Mishica, C., Kyröläinen, H., Taskinen, S., Hynynen, E.,
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"Robust second-order stationary spatial blind source separation using generalized sign matrices",
Spatial Statistics, 59:100803.
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"Association between gut health and gut microbiota in a polluted environment",
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"Stationary subspace analysis based on second-order statistics",
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"A review of Tyler’s shape matrix and its extensions",
Robust and Multivariate Statistical Methods: Festschrift in Honor of David E. Tyler, 23-41.
Eskola, A. and Taskinen, S. (2023),
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Nordhausen, K., Taskinen, S. and Virta, J. (2022)
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Statistics and Computing, 33:26.
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"The effects of grazing history, soil properties and stand structure on the communities of saprotrophic fungi in wood-pastures",
Fungal Ecology, 101163.
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(2022), "Singular Spectrum Analysis", In: Daya Sagar, B., Cheng, Q., McKinley, J., Agterberg, F. (eds)
Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series.
Springer, Cham.
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In: Daya Sagar, B., Cheng, Q., McKinley, J., Agterberg, F. (eds)
Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series.
Springer, Cham.
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Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Springer, Cham.
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Hyvärinen, M., Juppi, H-K., Taskinen, S., Karppinen, J.E.,
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"Metabolic health, menopause, and physical activity—a 4-year follow-up study",
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"A review of second order source separation methods",
WIREs Computational Statistics,
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"Analysing environmental-trait interactions in ecological communities with fourth-corner latent variable models",
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"Extracting conditionally heteroskedastic components using independent component analysis",
Journal of Time Series Analysis, 41, 293-311.
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"Efficient estimation of generalized linear latent variable models", PLoS ONE, 14, 1-20.
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"Fungal communities associated with arcto-alpine plants are strongly shaped by regional effects",
Miettinen, J., Nordhausen, K. and Taskinen, S. (2018),
"fICA: FastICA algorithms and their improved variants", R Journal, 10, 148-158.
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"Testate amoebae community analysis as a tool to assess biologial impacts of peatland use", Wetlands Ecology and Management, 26, 597-611
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Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 22, 498-522
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generalized linear latent variable models", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26 , 35-43,
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Trends in Ecology and evolution, 31, 737-738.
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