FYSH300 Hiukkasfysiikka / Particle physics (2013)


Lecturers: First half: Tuomas Lappi (FL 249), second half: Kari J. Eskola (FL 207).
Assistant: Ilkka Helenius (FL 353, feel free to visit anytime!), email: ilkka.helenius@jyu.fi

Home page in Korppi: FYSH300

Course material


Sessions every Wednesday at 12:15 in FYS 5.

Return your solutions by Tuesday 14:00 to the box in the lobby or to FL353 (my office). You can also send the solutions in PDF format by email to ilkka.helenius@jyu.fi if you are not able to return the solutions on paper.

You can pick up the returned exercise from my table in FL353 if you haven't been in the exercise sessions.
