


Selected Journal Articles - Books - in Finish / suomeksiMore publications (ref.)  - Other - Scholar

Selected Journal Articles

  • Laatikainen, G., Mazhelis, O. and Tyrväinen, P., “Role of Acquisition Intervals in Private and Public Cloud Storage Costs,” to appear in Decision Support Systems. 2014.
  • Mazhelis, O., Tyrväinen, P. and Frank, L., “Vertical software industry evolution: The impact of software costs and limited customer base,” Information and Software Technology 55 (4), April 2013. 690-698.
  • Mazhelis, O. and Tyrväinen, P., "Economic Aspects of Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure: User Organization Perspective," Information Systems Frontiers 14 (4), 2012. 845-869 Hybrid Cloud in Spriger Link, Hybrid Cloud preprint
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen, P., ”Development of a cloud business model: A case study on cloud gaming,” IEEE Software, July/August 2011. 27-32. Cloud business models article at IEEE, Cloud business models preprint at JYX
  • Halttunen, V., Makkonen, M., Frank, L., and Tyrväinen, P., “Perspectives on Digital Content Markets: A Literature Review of Trends in Technologies, Business and Consumer Behaviour,” Communications of the IBIMA 2010, 14 p.
  • Martikainen, O., Tyrväinen, P. and Luoma, E., “Benefits of ICT Service Outsourcing,” Information Technologies and Control 7 (1), 2009. 2-6. ICT Outsourcing
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen, P., "Market Entry and Priority of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Software Industry: An Empirical Analysis of Cultural Distance, Geographic Distance, and Market Size," Journal of International Marketing 15 (3), September 2007. 123-149. Market Entry and Priority at AMA, Market Entry and Priority preprint at JYX
  • Tyrväinen, P., Päivärinta, T., Salminen, A., and Iivari, J., “Characterizing the Evolving Research on Enterprise Content Management,” European Journal of Information Systems 15 (6), December 2006. 627-634. ECM PDF.
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen, P., "Business Models and Market Entry Mode Choice of Small Software Firms," Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 4 (2-3) September 2006. 69-81. Business Models at Springer link, Business Models at JYX
  • Tyrväinen, P., Kilpeläinen, T., and Järvenpää, M., “Patterns and Measures of Digitalisation in Business Unit Communication,” International Journal of Business Information Systems, 1 (1/2), 2005. pp. 199-219. Reference record, Digitalization PDF.
  • Tyrväinen, P., “Concepts and a Design for Fair Use and Privacy in DRM,” in D-Lib Magazine 11 (2), February 2005. Fair use doi:10.1045/february2005-tyrvainen, Available at Fair use design at DLib
  • Honkaranta, A. and Tyrväinen P., “Designing Training in Manufacturing Organizations Using the Genre-based Method,” Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 6 (4), 2003. 73-85. IEEE PDF


  • Tyrväinen, P., Jansen, S. and Cusumano, M.A. (Eds.), Software Business, First International Conference, ICSOB 2010, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 21-23, 2010, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing Series (LNBIP), Vol. 51, 2010, XIII, 229 p., ISBN 978-3-642-13632-0, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 2010. Software Business, ICSOB proc.
  • Tyrväinen, P., Mazhelis, O. (Eds.), Vertical Software Industry Evolution - Analysis of Telecom Operator Software Springer, Contributions to Management Science. 2009, 153 p. Software Industry Evolution
  • Tyrväinen, P., Lamberg, I., Nukari, J., Saukkonen, J., Seppänen, V., ja Warsta, J., Innovatiivisilla toimialaratkaisuilla kansainvälisille ohjelmistomarkkinoille TEKES Teknologiakatsaus 178/2005, ISSN 1239-788X, ISBN 952-457-206-0, Helsinki 2004. 78 + 58 p. PDF
  • Tyrväinen, P., Warsta, J., and Seppänen, V., Toimialakehitys ohjelmistoteollisuuden vauhdittajana - Uutta liiketoimintaa lähialoilta TEKES Teknologiakatsaus 151/2004, ISSN 1239-788X, ISBN 952-457-143-9, Helsinki 2004. 71 p. Lisätietoja
  • Tyrväinen, P., Domain Modelling for Technical Documentation Retrieval Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica. ISBN 951-666-406-7. Helsinki 1994, 171 s. - Abstract, Ontology Modeling for Information Retrieval (1340 KBytes).

More Publications in English (journals, book chapters, proceedings, ref.)

  • Mazhelis, O., Waldburger, M., Machado, G.S., Stiller, B., and Tyrväinen, P., “Retrieving Monitoring and Accounting Information From Constrained Devices in Internet-of-Things Applications,“ Springer 2013.
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen P., “Revenue models in cloud computing,” in Prakash. E. (ed.), Proceedings of 5th Computer Games, Multimedia & Allied Technology Conference (CGAT 2012), Singapore: GSTF. pp. 114-119. Cloud Revenue Models in JyX.
  • Luoma,E., Rönkkö,M. and Tyrväinen,P., "Current Software-as-a-Service Business Models - Evidence from Finland", in M.A. Cusumano, B. Iyer, and N. Venkatraman (Eds.), Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Software Business, ICSOB 2012, Springer LNBIP 114, pp. 181–194, 2012.
  • Mazhelis,O., Fazekas,G. and Tyrväinen,P., "Impact of Storage Acquisition Intervals on the Cost-Efficiency of the Private vs. Public Storage", in Rong Chang (Ed.), Proc. of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud 2012), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 646-653, 2012.
  • Frank, L., Luoma, E., Mazhelis, O., Pulkkinen, M., and Tyrväinen, P., ” Software Business in the Telecommunications Sector,” in Hadjiantonis, A.M. and Stiller, B., Telecommunication Economics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012 Vol 7216/2012, 148-155. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-30382-1­_19, SW Busines in Telco at Springerlink. PDF.
  • Mazhelis,O., Tyrväinen,P., Tan,K.E., and Hiltunen,J., "Assessing Cloud Infrastructure Costs in Communications-Intensive Applications", in Ivan Ivanov, Marten van Sinderen and Boris Shishkov (Eds.), Cloud Computing and Services Science, Service Science: Research and Innovations in the Service Economy, Part 4, pp. 277-293, 2012.
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen, P., “Value networks in cloud computing,” Journal of Business Strategy 32 (6), 2011. pp. 40-49. DOI 10.1108/02756661111180122, Value networks in cloud computing at Emerald, Value Networks in Cloud Computing preprint at JYX
  • Mazhelis, O. and Tyrväinen, P., “Role of Data Communications in Hybrid Cloud Costs,” in Biffl, s., Koivuluoma, M., Abrahamsson, P., and Oivo, M. (Eds.) SEAA2011, Proc. of the 37th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, IEEE Computer Society, 2011. pp.138-145. Hybrid Cloud Costs preprint
  • Tyrväinen, P. and Selin, J., “How to Sell SaaS: A Model for Main Factors of Marketing and Selling Software-as-a-Service,” in Proc. of ICSOB2011, the 2nd International Conference on Software Business, Brussels, June 8-10, 2011. pp. 2-16. Selling SaaS pre-release. ICSOB2011 proceedings at Springer. Best Paper Of Conference.
  • Mazhelis,O., Tyrväinen,P., Tan, K.E., and Hiltunen, J., “Dedicated vs. On-demand Infrastructure Costs in Communications-intensive Applications”, in Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2011), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, May 7-9, 2011, pp. 362-370.
  • Heikkilä, J., Tyrväinen, P., and Heikkilä, M., “Designing for performance – a technique for business model estimation,” In: Seppä, M., Helander, N., Ilvonen, I., (eds.). Proceedings of EBRF 2010, Research Forum to Understand Business in Knowledge Society. ISBN 978-951-39-4191-8. 15 p. Design for performance
  • Halttunen, V., Makkonen, M., Frank, L., and Tyrväinen, P., “Three perspectives on Digital Content Markets: An Analysis of Trends in Technologies, Business and Consumer Behaviour,” Proceedings of International Business Information Management Conference (13th IBIMA), Morocco, November 9-10, 2009.
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen, P., “Impact of psychic distance to the internationalization behavior of knowledge-intensive SMEs” European Business Review, 21 (3), 2009. 263-277. Psychic distance at Emerald, Psychic distance at JYX
  • Frank, L:, Tyrväinen, P., and Luoma, E., ”Software as a Service for virtual network operators: A risk management perspective,” Proceedings of ITS European and MENA, Bahrain, October 26-28, 2009.
  • Honkaranta, A. & Tyrväinen, P. “Managing Converging Content in Organizations,” In M. Khosrowpour (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology Vol. V, Hershey, USA: Idea Group Publishing, Inc. 2009, 2490-2496. Content in Organizations at IGI.
  • Frank, L., Luoma, E. & Tyrväinen, P.. ”Future Issues in a Software Market: A Delphi Study on the Telecommunications Industry,” In Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Telecommunication Techno-Economics (CTTE), Jun. 15-16, Stockholm, Sweden. 2009.
  • Luoma, E., Tyrväinen, P. & Frank, L., “Analyzing the Mergers and Acquisitions in the Telecommunication Software Market,” The Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Telecommunication Techno-Economics (CTTE), Jun. 15-16, Stockholm, Sweden. 2009.
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen, P., “Impact of psychic distance to the internationalization behavior of knowledge-intensive SMEs” Proceedings of 34th European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, December 11-13.2008.
  • Mazhelis, O., Tyrväinen, P., Frank, L. and Suojapelto, K., ”Does Software Spending Affect Performance? An Analysis of the Telecommunications Sector,” in Proceedings of Public / Private interplay in next generation communications. Seville, Spain, December 10-12, 2008.
  • Tyrväinen, P., Warsta, J. and Seppänen, V., ”Evolution of Secondary Software Businesses: Understanding Industry Dynamics,” in IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Vol. 287, Open IT-Based Innovation: Moving Towards Cooperative IT Transfer and Knowledge Diffusion, eds. León, G., Bernardos, A., Casar, J., Kautz, K., and DeGross, J. Boston, Springer, 2008. 381-401.
  • Ojala, A and Tyrväinen, P., “Market entry decisions of U.S. small and medium-sized software firms,” Management Decision, 46 (2), 2008. pp. 187-200. Market entry decisions at Emerald, Market entry decisions at JYX
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen, P., “Marketing software in Japan: Success factors in different product strategies,” Romanian Marketing Review 3 (4) October-December 2008. 52-79.
  • Mazhelis, O., Tyrväinen, P. and Viitala, E., “Analysing software integration scenarios: the case of telecommunications operations software,” International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 3 (3), 2008. 200-210. SW integration scenarios.
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen, P., "Best practices in the Japanese software market,” Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 27 (2) January/February 2008. 52-64. Japanese SW Market.
  • Tyrväinen, P. and Frank, L., “Diffusion of Telecom Software Services and Products – From Legacy Services to Focused Products,” in Roth, J. and Gutiérrez, J., (eds.) Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Telecommunications, Networks and Systems 2008, IADIS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Part II, pp. 57-65.
  • Mazhelis, O., Tyrväinen, P., and Matilainen, J., ”Analyzing Impact of Interface Implementation Efforts on the Structure of a Software Market: OSS/BSS Market Polarization Scenario,” Proceedings of ICSOFT 2008, the 3rd Int. Conference on Software and Data Technologies, 5-8 July, Porto, Portugal. 2008.
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen, P., “Product Strategy Driven Software Marketing in Japan,” Proceeding of 37th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Brighton, England, UK, May 27-30. 2008.
  • Frank, L., Tyrväinen, P., and Luoma E., “Market Scope of Vendors in the OSS Software Market,“ Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), December 2-5, Singapore. 2007.
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen, P., "Entry Barriers of Small and Medium Sized Software Firms in the Japanese Markets," Thunderbird International Business Review. 49 (6), 2007. 689-705. Entry Barriers.
  • Mazhelis, O., Tyrväinen, P., and Viitala, E., ”Modelling Software Integration Scenarios for Telecommunications Operations Software Vendors,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), December 2-5, Singapore. 2007.
  • Tyrväinen, P., Luoma, E., and Frank, L., ”Business Strategies of Telecommunications Software Vendords,” E-Business Research Forum (eBRF). September 26-28, Jyväskylä, Finland. 2007.
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen, P., “From Regulatory Barriers to Business Model Requirements: Case of Finnish Software Firms in Japan,” In Onishi, T. and Guan B.T.C. (Eds.) The Shape of the East Asian Economy to Come: Lonely Rhetoric or Global Reality. 2007. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, 97-111.
  • Machelis, O. and Tyrväinen, P., “Modeling Telecommunications Software Horizontalization using Systems Interconnectivity Matrix,” E-business Research Forum (eBRF). September 26-28, Jyväskylä. Finland. 2007. 13 p.
  • Ojala, A and Tyrväinen, P., “International market selection of U.S. software SMEs,” In proceedings of 52nd International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference, Turku, Finland, June 13-15.2007.
  • Tyrväinen, P., “Fair Use,” in M. Quigley (ed), Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Security. ISBN 978-1-59140-987-8, Idea Group, Hershey, PA, USA, May 2007. 285-290.
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen, P., “Success Factors in the Japanese Software Market: A Multi-Case Study on Finnish Software Firms,” Proceedings of the 32nd European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference in Fribourg, Switzerland, December 7-9, 2006.
  • Tiitinen, P., Tyrväinen, P. and Palonen, O., “A Model for Digital Archival of Municipal Documents,” EDM 2006, the IEEE 2006 Electronic Document Management in an Enterprise Environment Worksop, Hong Kong, October 17, 2006. IEEE Computer Society, 6 p.
  • Ojala, A. and Tyrväinen, P., “Are barriers to entry changing? Finnish software companies in the Japanese market,” The 10th Annual Conference of Japan Academy for Asian Market Economies (JAFAME), Osaka, Japan. July, 15-16, 2006.
  • Kontio, J., Warsta, J., Mäkelä, M., Ahokas, M., Tyrväinen, P., and Pöyry, P., “Software Business Education for Software Engineers: Towards an Integrated Curriculum,” Proceedings of CSEE&T 2006, the19th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, Oahu, Hawaii, April 19-21, 2006. PDF
  • Honkaranta, A. and Tyrväinen P., “Reusable Text-based Learning Object: A Commodity or a Myth?” WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, Vol. 3, No. 2, Feb 2006. pp. 124-131.
  • Kilpeläinen, T., Tyrväinen P., and Kärkkäinen T., “Leveraging the concept of product model in process industries,” Proceedings of the 1st Nordic Conference on Product Lifecycle Management - NordPLM’06, Göteborg, January 25-26 2006. pp. 63-74.
  • Honkaranta, A. and Tyrväinen P., “May Reusable Text-based Learning Objects Exist? Using Genre Theory for Analyzing Reusability of Learning Objects,” Proceedings of EDUTE’05, the 1st WSEAS / IASME International Conference on Educational Technologies, pp. 39-45.
  • Warsta, J., Seppänen, V., and Tyrväinen, P., “Evolution of Secondary Software Product Businesses: Momentum of Concurrent Enterprising,” Proceedings of ICE 2005, the 11th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, Munich, Germany, 20-22 June 2005. 8 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., “Fair use licensing in library context. A privacy-preserving lending service with a revenue sharing business model,” INDICARE Monitor Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 15-19. April 2005. Available at
  • Honkaranta, A. and Tyrväinen, P., “Content Management in Organizations,” in Khosrow-Pour, M. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Idea Group, Hershey, PA, USA, 2005. pp. 550-555.
  • Tyrväinen, P., Järvi, J., and Luoma, E., Peer-to-Peer Marketing for Content Products - Combining Digital Rights Management and Multilevel Marketing, Proceedings of EC2004, The IADIS International Conference on e-Commerce, Lisbon, Portugal, December 14-16 2004. 8 p. Peer-to-peer marketing PDF preprint.
  • Eskelinen, J., Kokkinen, A., Koskinen. M., and Tyrväinen, P., “Comparing the Applicability of Two Learning Theories for Knowledge Transfer in Information System Implementation Training,” Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2004). Joensuu, Finland, August 30th - September 1st 2004. pp. 206-210.
  • Kilpeläinen, T. and Tyrväinen, P., “The Degree of Digitalization of the Information Over-flow,” in Proceedings of ICEIS-2004, Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Porto, Portugal, 14-17 April 2004, Vol 3, pp. 367-374.
  • Luoma, E. and Tyrväinen, P., “Integrated Domain Model for Digital Rights Management,” in Dean, P.C., (ed.) E-Commerce and M-Commerce Technologies, ISBN 1-59140-566-1, IRM Press, Hershey, PA, USA, 2004, pp. 142-165.
  • Tyrväinen, P. and Päivärinta, T., "How Digital is Communication in Your Organization? - A Metrics and an Analysis Method," in Camp, O., Filipe, J., Hammoudi, S., and Piattini, M. (eds.) Enterprise Information Systems V, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Holland, ISBN 1-4020-1726-X, 2004. pp. 258-268. Chapter information  (in ICEIS 2003 proceedings Digital Communication Metrics)
  • Tyrväinen, P. and Veijalainen, J., “Human Constraints for Mobile Communication,” Proceedings of 14th ITS Europe, August 23-24, 2003. PDF
  • Luoma, E., Tiainen, S., and Tyrväinen, P., "Integrated Domain Model for  Digital Rights Management" Proceedings of IRMA 2003, Philadelphia  Pennsylvania, USA, May 18-21, 2003.
  • Tyrväinen, P., Järvenpää, M., and Sievänen, A., "On Estimating the Amount of  Learning Materials - A Case Study," Proceedings of ICEIS 2003 - the Fifth Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, April 22-26 2003, Angers, France, Vol. 4. pp. 127-135. ICEIS Press 2003. - PDF
  • Legrand, S., Tyrväinen, P. and Saarikoski, H., “Bridging the Word Disambiguation Gap with the Help of OWL and Semantic Web Ontologies,” Proceedings of Workshop on Ontologies and Information Extraction, Eurolan 2003, Bucarest, July 28 - August 8, 2003. pp. 29-35. PDF
  • Tyrväinen, P. and Päivärinta, T., "How Digital is Communication in Your Organization? - A Metrics and an Analysis Method," Proceedings of  ICEIS 2003 - the Fifth Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, April 22-26 2003, Angers, France, Vol. 3. pp. 156-166. ICEIS Press 2003. - PDF - Reprinted in Camp, O., Filipe, J., Hammoudi, S., and Piattini, M. (eds.) Enterprise Information Systems V, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Holland, ISBN 1-4020-1726-X, 2004. pp. 258-268.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Estimating Applicability of New Mobile Content Formats to Organizational Use," Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, January 6-9 2003, Hawaii, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003. 10 p. – Mobile Genres PDF, IEEE-PDF
  • Päivärinta, T. Tyrväinen, P., and Ylimäki, T. "Defining Organizational  Document Metadata: A case beyond standards," Proceedings of the Xth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Gdansk, Poland, June 6.-8. 2002. 10 p. – Metadata paper, Appendix 2
  • Legrand, S. and Tyrväinen, P., "Connecting Lexical Entries to Distributed Real-World Knowledge," In Cameron, T., Shank, C, and Holley, K., Proceedings of the Fift Annual High Desert Linguistics Society Conference V, New Mexico, November 1.-2. 2002. vol. 5, pp. 109-120.
  • Päivärinta, T. Tyrväinen, P., "Structuring Information by Genres to Bridge the Social and Technological in information Resources Management - Leavitt's Framework Revis(IT)ed," Proceedings of IRIS 24, Ulvik, Hardanger, Norway, August  11.-14. 2001.
  • Honkaranta, A., Tyrväinen, P. Possibilities and Constraints for Managing and Reusing Information Content of Structured Documents: The Case of Operation and Maintenance Manuals. In Proceedings of IRIS 24, Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, 11-14.8.2001 Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway. University of Bergen, Department of Information Science, Norway. pp. 381-396. PDF
  • Karjalainen, A. Tyrväinen, P., "Defining Genres and their Features for Studying Information Reuse: Preliminary Findings of a Case Study of Training Materials," in Khosrowpour, M. (ed.), Proceedings of IRMA 2001, 21.-23.5.2001  Toronto, Canada. Idea Group Publishing, 2001. - PDF
  • Päivärinta, T. Halttunen, V. Tyrväinen, P., "A Genre-Based Method for  Information Systems Planning," Rossi, M. Siau, K. (eds), Information Modelling  in the New Millenium, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey PA, 2001, pp. 70-93
  • Karjalainen, A. Päivärinta, T. Tyrväinen, P. Rajala, J., "Genre-Based Metadata for Enterprise Document Management," Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences: Digital Documents, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2000. - PDF. IEEE-PDF
  • Tyrväinen, P. Päivärinta, T., "On Rethinking Organizational Document Genres for Electronic Document Management," Proceedings of the 32nd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences: Digital Documents, IEEE Computer  Society Press, 1999. - PDF
  • Tyrväinen, P. Päivärinta, T., "Analysing Document Genres for Smoothening IT Integration in Global Organisation Networks," in Roche, E.M. Kangas, K. and  Suomi, R. (eds.) "MIS - shaped or misshaped? Emerging issues in the new global arena," Proceedings of the IFIP WG 8.7 Working Conference, Helsinki, December 1998, pp. 101-113. - PDF
  • Päivärinta, T. Tyrväinen, P., "Documents in Information Management:  Diverging Connotations of 'a Document' in Digital Era," Proc. of IRMA '98, Boston, 1998, pp. 163-173. - Abstract.
  • Chen, S. Tyrväinen, P. Salminen, A., "Integration of Digital Structured  Documents in Virtual Manufacturing Organization," Proceedings of the 31st Hawaii  International Conference on Systems Sciences, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998,  pp. 195-204.
  • Tyrväinen, P. Saarinen, P. Hätönen, K., "Domain Modelling for Technical  Documentation Retrieval," in Kangassalo, H. Jaakkola, H. Hori, K. Kitahashi, T.  (eds.), Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases IV, IOS Press, The Netherlands, 1993, pp. 388-399.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Hypertext and Text retrieval," in Hyvönen, E. Seppänen, J. Syrjänen, M. (eds.), STeP-92 New Directions in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2 - Symposia, Publications of the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS),  1992, pp. 96-105.
  • Tyrväinen, P. Saarinen, P. Hätönen, K., "DTM -- Domain Modelling for Technical Documentation Retrieval," in Yesha Y. (ed.), Information and Knowledge  Management. CIKM-92, Publication of ISMM, ISBN: 1-880843-03-X, 1992, pp. 509-516.
  • Tyrväinen, P. T., "DMG - Object-Oriented Iterative Knowledge Acquisition for  the Generation of Diagnostic Hypertext Systems," ACM SIGPLAN Lisp Pointers, ACM  Press, Vol. IV, Issue 2, April/June 1991. ISSN:1045-3563, pp. 24-31 -  
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Feasibility of NLP, Index Term Extraction, and Domain  Modelling to Processing and Retrieval of Technical Documentation," Natural  Language Text Retrieval Workshop Notes from the Ninth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-91), Anaheim, California, July 15, 1991.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "DMG - Model Based Hypertext Generation for Practical Production of Diagnostic Advisory Systems," Proceedings of EUROPAL'90, the First  European Conference on the Practical Application of Lisp, Cambridge, UK, March  27-29, 1990, p. 329-339.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Reusable Object-Oriented Tools and Their Applications: AIGT - An Object-Oriented Interface Tool Library DMG - An Application for Model Based  Diagnostics," Proceedings of TOOLS'89, Technology of Object-Oriented Languages  and Systems, Paris, November 13-15, 1989, p.411-421.
  • More publications in English.

Publications in Finnish / Julkaisuja suomeksi

  • Tyrväinen, P., ”Tiedon universumi – miten hallita se?” Tiedolla johtaminen –seminaari, FYI, Royal at Crowne Plaza, Helsinki, 29.-30.3.2011.
  • Tyrväinen, P., ”Cloud Business – Pilvipalveluliiketoiminta,” Ohjelmistotuotannon johtamisen PD-ohjelma, Tampere, 10.3.2011.
  • Tyrväinen, P., ”Pilvipalvelut – Cloud Computing,” Osaavat yksilöt - vaikuttava yhteisö –seminaari, Jyväskylä, 30.11.2010.
  • Frank, L. ja Tyrväinen P., ”Mitä pilven takana?” SYTYKE ry:n laivaseminaari, 8.9.2010. Pilvi esitys PDF.
  • Tyrväinen, P., ”Cloud ja SaaS – Mikä muuttuu tekniikassa, toimintamalleissa ja liiketoiminnassa?” Systeemityö 3 2010, s. 8-10.
  • Tyrväinen, P., ”Toimintatapojen ja kulttuurin muutos – mitä on tehokas dokumenttien hallinta osana koko organisaation toimintaa?” Dokumenttien ja asianhallinta julkisella sektorilla, Taitotalon kongressikeskus, Helsinki, 19.-21.8.2009.
  • Tyrväinen, P.,”Tuotteistaminen,” Ohjelmistotuotannon johtamisen PD-ohjelma, Tampere, 12.2.2008.
  • Tyrväinen, P., ”Tietojärjestelmien hyödyn mittaaminen,” Dokumenttien hallinta & tietojohtaminen –konferenssi, Management Events, Espoo, 13.11.2007. 28 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., “Yritysarkkitehtuuri ja asiakirjahallinnon arkkitehtuuri,” FAILI 1, 2006, ISSN 1237-2196, s. 4-7.
  • Tyrväinen, P., ”Ohjelmistoalan kysynnän ja tarjonnan muutos,” Sovelluskehitys ja arkkitehtuuri –konferenssi, Management Events, Meripuisto, Espoo, 14.-15.2.2006, s. 203-212.
  • Tyrväinen, P., ”Tuotteistamisella lisää liiketoimintaa,” ICT West, Tampereen Teknillinen Yliopisto, Pori, 22.11.2005. 115 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., “Tietoverkkojen ja uuden teknologian hyödyntäminen,” Avance, Tulevaisuuden liiketoimintaympäristö -ohjelma, Digitaalinen verkostotalous, Agora, 17.1.2005. 86 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., “Teknologia-adaptaatio ja teknologiset megatrendit,” Tulevaisuuden liiketoimintaympäristö, Digitaalinen verkostotalous, Avance, Agora, 17.1.2005. 94 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., “Ohjelmistoliiketoimintaympäristö,” Ohjelmistotuotannon johtamisen PD-ohjelma, Tampereen Teknillinen Yliopisto, 16.9.2004. 94 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., “Sisällönhallinta ja sitä tukevat järjestelmät,” Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan koulutus, TieVie, Agora, Jyväskylä, 12.8.2004, 39 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., Warsta, J., and Seppänen, V., “Toimialakehitys ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan vauhdittajana,” Software Industry Summit 2004, Dipoli, Espoo, 29.-30.1.2004. 33 p. PDF
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Tiedon ja sisältöjen hallinta - prosessi ja teknologiat", Informaatiosuunnittelu, Dipoli, Espoo 21.1.2004, 51 p.
  • Seppänen, V., Tyrväinen, P., and Warsta, J., “Ohjelmistoyritysten muuttuva rooli tietoteknisillä aloilla,” Blanko-päivät’03, Oulu.
  • Tyrväinen, P., “Ohjelmistojen tuotteistaminen,” kirjassa Hyvönen, E. (toim.), Ohjelmistoliiketoiminta, ISBN 951-0-26996-4, WSOY, Vantaa 2003. s. 22-40.
  • Tyrväinen, P., “Näkökulmia digitaalisten dokumenttien hallintaan,” FAILI 2, 2003, ISSN 1237-2196, Liikearkistoyhdistys, s. 4-8. PDF
  • Tyrväinen, P., “Digitaalisten dokumenttien hallinta - Lisääkö (digitaalinen) tieto tuskaa?” Terveydenhuollon 29. atk-päivät, Jyväskylän kongressikeskus, Suomen Kuntaliitto, 26.-27.5.2003, 27 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., “Dokumenttien hallinnan lainalaisuuksia – sosiaalisen ja teknisen maailman rajoituksia,” Dokumenttien hallinta -konferenssi, Dipoli, Espoo, 25.-26.3.2003.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Dokumenttien, sisältöjen ja tietämyksen hallinta organisaatioissa", Intranetin sisällönhallinta liiketoiminnan ja johtamisen näkökulmasta, Dipoli, Espoo 4.12. 2002, 33 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Mikä on dokumenttien hallinnan konkreettinen merkitys liiketoiminnassa?", Hotelli Kämp, Helsinki 6.11.2002, 30 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Dokumenttien hallinnan viitekehys", Xerox DocuWorld 2002,  Espoo, 19.9. 2002, 29 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Dokumenttien hallinnan viitekehys", Dokumentinhallinnan kuntayhteistyö -seminaari, Kuopio, 6.9. 2002, 29 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Digitaaliset dokumentit ja sisällönhallinta", Internet Expo  2002, Helsinki 28.8. 2002, 17 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Mikä on dokumenttien hallinnan konkreettinen merkitys liiketoiminnassa?", Finlandia talo, Helsinki 4.-5.6. 2002, 27 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Mikä on dokumenttien hallinnan konkreettinen merkitys liiketoiminnassa?", TecIT FORUM, Wanha Satama, Helsinki, 23.-24.1. 2002, 22 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Mikä on dokumenttien hallinnan konkreettinen merkitys liiketoiminnassa?", Dokumenttien hallinta -seminaari, Ravintola Pörssi, Helsinki 13.-14.11. 2001, 25 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Organisaation dokumenttien hallinta", Automaatioinformaation hallinta -seminaari, AEL/Insko, Hotelli Ilves, Tampere 25.-26.4. 2001, 23 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Organizational Information", MetaMan metadata seminar, Spektri, Espoo, 15.12. 2000, 18 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Mitä on eBusiness?", eBusiness-seminaari, Keski-Savon Kehittämisyhtiö, PSAMK, 16.3. 2001, Varkaus. 79 p.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Dokumenttien hallinnan merkitys yritykselle", Dokumenttien hallinnan seminaari, Fortum, Vantaa, 20.1. 2000, 15 p.
  • Iivanainen, A, Kuvaja, P, Tyrväinen, P., "Kenttäväylät", Warkaus-sali, Varkaus, 17.11.1998.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "METODI - Millä menetelmillä dokumenttien hallintaa kehitetään teollisuudessa", Kilpailukyky ja kansainvälisyys, Digitaalisen median vuosiseminaari, Tekes, Marina Congress Center, 21.4. 1998.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Ohjelmistokehitysprosessit ja automaatiojärjestelmän luotettavuus", Automaatiopäivät 97, Helsinki, 23.-25.9. 1997.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Automaatiojärjestelmän näkökulmia tietojärjestelmien yhteenliittämiseen", Tehtaan tietojärjestelmien yhteenliittäminen -seminaari,  AEL/Insko, Helsinki, 16.4. 1997.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Hypermedia - maailma käsitteiden takana",  Hypermedia-seminaari, Jyväskylä, 18.-19.9.1996.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Nykyaikainen automaatiojärjestelmä - osa tehtaan tietojärjestelmää", Tehtaan tietojärjestelmien yhteenliittäminen -seminaari, AEL/Insko, Vantaa, 1.-2.10. 1996.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Olioista - tietotekniikan vaiheita olionäkökulmasta",  teoksessa Saikkonen, H. ja Turunen, S. (eds) Neljännesvuosisata teollisuuden tietotekniikkaa Teknillisessä korkeakoulussa, TKK Offset, Otaniemi, ISBN 951-22-2839-4, 1995, p. 113-118.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "CD-manuaali", Digitaalinen Maailma -seminaari, R. Linturi  Oy, Vol II. Messukeskus 27.-28.10. 1994.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Oliopohjaiset tietokannat", VTKK Oliokeskeiset välineet  -seminaari. 22.4. 1993.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "SIMPR Rakenteinen tekstitiedon hallinta: prosessointi ja haku", STES Suomen Tekoälytutkimuksen Seuran Tietokonelingvistiikan ja konekääntämisen työryhmä, Espoo 7.2.1991.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Objektimalleilla tuotettava automaatiologiikka", Automaatiopäivät 90 -julkaisu, 18.-20. 9.1990.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Mallipohjainen Off-Line diagnostiikka", Voimalaitos- ja  teollisuusprosessien sekä voimansiirtojärjestelmän käytön ja diagnostiikan asiantuntijajärjestelmät -seminaari, IVO, 26.4.1988.

Other Publications in English

  • Tyrväinen, P., “A Reference Model for Software Business Activities,” Working paper, available as PDF. February 1, 2013.
  • Luoma, E., Tyrväinen, P. and Rönkkö, M., “Software as a Service,” in Rönkkö, M., Peltonen, J. and Pärnänen, D. (Eds.) Software Industry Survey 2011. Aalto University, School of Science, ISBN: 978-952-60-3577-2. 2011. p. 56-66.
  • Tyrväinen, P., “DRM-Based Business Models for Public Science,” 4th INDICARE Workshop on Digital Rights Management in Public Science, Brussels, December 8, 2005. 14 p.
  • Salminen, A., Tyrväinen, P., and Päivärinta, T., “Introduction to the Enterprise Content Management and XML Minitrack,” Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on  Systems Sciences: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005.
  • Päivärinta, T., Salminen, A., and Tyrväinen, P., “Introduction to the Enterprise Content Management and XML Minitrack,” Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on  Systems Sciences: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004.
  • Tyrväinen, P., Salminen, A., and Päivärinta, T., “Introduction to the Enterprise Content Management Minitrack,” Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003. PDF
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Visions for Printing House Control Systems", Printa UG, IFRA 98, Lyons, October 1998.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Changing Requirements for Open Automation Systems", Linking  process to Profit - Liiketoiminnan tukeminen avoimilla integroiduilla järjestelmillä, Helsinki, 22.9. 1997.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Configuration Management - Requirements", ClearCase-seminaari. HP Espoo 24.1. 1996.
  • Tyrväinen, P., "Domain and Task Modelling -- Background, Methodology, and Application," SIMPR Document no: SIMPR-NRC-1992-31.3E, 1992.
  • Hätönen, K. Parpola, P. Rämö, K. Tyrväinen, P., "On the Structures of Technical Documentation," SIMPR document No. SIMPR-NRC-1991-26-22e, September 1991.
  • Hätönen, K. Parpola, P. Tyrväinen, P., "Text References: Methods to Link Models with Texts," SIMPR document No. SIMPR-NRC-1991-24-18e, September 1991.
  • Hätönen, K. Parpola, P. Tyrväinen, P., "Semi-Automatic Creation of Domain Models Based on Design Information Input," SIMPR document No.  SIMPR-NRC-1991-24-17e, September 1991.
  • Tyrväinen P. "Measures for Problem-Oriented Information Retrieval Process," SIMPR-NRC-1991-26.16E September 1991.






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