Tyrväinen, P.,

Domain Modelling for Technical Documentation Retrieval,

Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Mathematics and Computer Science Series No. 64, Helsinki 1994, 1 pp. Published by the Finnish Academy of Technology. ISBN 951-666-406-7. ISSN 0355-2713. UDC 681.327:159.95:519.683.5:681.326.34, 171 p.

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Ontology, domain modelling, information retrieval, technical documentation, product information management, knowledge representation and transfer, thesaurus construction, hypertext.


This work addresses the problem of transferring knowledge of large technical systems from the designers to the end users. The proposed solution is to aid retrieval of technical documents by constructing conceptual models to describe the domains of the documentation. The technical focus is on reducing the human effort needed to construct these domain models. First, different text retrieval approaches and the use of domain modelling in them are analysed. For this purpose, a framework of representations used in text retrieval systems is devised. The analysis covers the information retrieval (IR), the natural language processing (NLP), and the hypertext and related document structure approaches. On the basis of this general analysis, the special features of the technical documentation process, text retrieval, and domain modelling in technical domains in particular are discussed. As a result, a list of requirements for ideal knowledge representations aimed at supporting text retrieval and a general principle guiding domain modelling processes in technical documentation domains are proposed. The realisation of the methods is based on the D&T domain models and the DTM modelling system developed in the Esprit II project SIMPR. The D&T models satisfy the requirements presented earlier and emphasise explicit representation of central domain structures to the users. The DTM modelling system supports the creation of conceptual domain models based on available design information databases, utilises structural homogeneity of the information, and enables integration of the models with various retrieval techniques to map the models with texts. This aproach leads to a solution with which it is possible to create complex hypertext-like structures with minimal human intervention by filtering relevant information from existing design data sources. The approach is validated in an industrial pilot.


This PhD thesis is valuable for the researchers of ontology. Especially, in chapter 7 it

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