Academic Activities
- Chair of the first Program Committee of the International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB
- Organization Committee member of
- Editor, Communications of Cloud Software
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Business Information Systems, IJBIS.
- Editorial Board, ICST Transactions on
- Co-editor of Special Section on Enterprise Content Management in European Journal of Information Systems. ECM CfP, EJIS.
- Associate Editor for
Global Service Infrastructures Track in
ECIS 2011.
- Associate Editor / Track Co-chair of the
track “IT for Global Welfare & Sustainability”
for ECIS 2012.
- Program Committee,
Cloud Software track at 37th and 38th Euromicro
SEAA 2011,
- Program Committee,
2011, the Third and Fourth International
Workshop on Software Ecosystems.
- Program Committee,
and IWSPM'12
the 5th and 6th International Workshop on Software
Product Management.
- Treasurer of
- Chair of the
Enterprise Content Management minitrack at
HICSS-36, 37, 38, Hawaii International Conference
on Systems Sciences.
- Associate editor,
International Conference on Information Systems,
Paris, France.
- Program Committee,
EMMSAD, The tenth International Workshop on Exploring Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design.
- Program Committee,
EJC2007, The 17, 18, 19th European - Japanese
Conference on Information Modelling and
Knowledge Bases.
- Program Committee,
IEEE EDM 2006, the IEEE International
Workshop on the Electronic Document Management
in an Enterprise Computing Environment.
- Scientific Advisory Board,
NordPLM’06 - The Nordic Conference on Product Life Cycle Management.
- Program Committee,
CIKM 2003, the ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management.
- Scientific Committee,
DIWEB’05, International Conference on Distance Learning and Web Engineering.
- Review of journal articles (Decision Support
Systems, Enterprise Information Systems, European
Journal of International Entrepreneurship, IEEE
Software, Journal of Information
Systems, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Strategic Information
Systems, Management Research News, Scandinavian
Journal of Information Systems,...)
- Supervising and reviewing PhD thesis. Acting
as an opponent for public defense for PhD
dissertations for thesis
related to information systems, digital media,
digital rights management, and software business.
- Principal contact
(2008-), Econ@Tel COST-network (2008-2011)
- Member, IEEE,
Academic Positions
1996 - University of Jyväskylä
- 1/2014 - ongoing. Director,
- 1998 - ongoing. Professor, Digital Media
- 8/2011 - 12/2013 Vice Dean, Faculty of
- 1/2010 - 7/2011 Vice Head of Department (Research), CS&IS
- 8/2008 - 12/2009 Department Chairman, CS&IS
- 8/2007 - 7/2008 Head of Department, Computer Science and Information Systems
- 12/2001 - 7/2005 Vice Head of Department,
- 1-11/2001 Head of Department, CS&IS
- 2001 - 2005 Depute chair,
Agora Center Board.
- 1996 - 1998 Associate Professor, Digital Media
2010 -
University of Oulu /
Faculty of
Adjunct Professor, Digital Media BusinessProfessional Background
1995 - 2000 Honeywell / Center of Excellence Finland, Honeywell Inc./ Industrial Control.
- 1998-2000 Development Manager, responsible for Control system development organization developing TotalPlant Alcont, TotalPlant Printa, and Field Controller systems and application products, for world-wide pulp, paper and printing industries
- 1995 - 1997 Principal Software Specialist, co-ordination of SW process improvement activities, international co-operation in distributed control systems development and support for production
management systems business.
1987 - 1995 Nokia Research Center (NRC) / Software Technology Laboratory. Main activities:
- Project Manager responsible for a SW design environment for a thousand telecommunication software designers
- Analysis of commercial ODBMS products and their use at Nokia, responsible for DBMS area at NRC
- Researcher / group leader of NRC's research group in ESPRIT II project SIMPR (Structured Information Management: Processing and Retrieval, 1988-92).
Commercialization of the results os SIMPR as an electronic documentation delivery system for Nokia Telecommunication's DX 200 digital exchanges.
- Model-based diagnostics, hyper-text advisory systems, and consultancy for Nokia's products on diagnostic applications.
1986 Software engineer at Nokia Telecommunications.
1985 Sales of PC HW & SW at NeWeO Ay
Professional Expertise
Consulting and supporting Software-based firms
as advisor and a board member.
1/2006-3/2007 Steering group member,
Center of Expertise for Software Business in the Finnish Center of
Expertise Programs.
1/2002 - 3/2004 Member, ICT Committee of Finnish
Metal Industry Association (changed 2004 to
Technology Industries of Finland).
5/2001 - 5/2003 Program Manager in SPIN - the technology program on software products of Tekes,
the National Technology Agency of Finland.
Continued with the
Strategic Analysis of Software Business in Finland, and with
INTO preparatory work
(5/2004 - 5/2005) for a technology program for software products based on vertical industry innovation.
Completed with the launch of
Verso technology program
for VERtical SOftware solutions (2006-2110).
1988 - 1997 Esprit activities in Framework programs II - IV
- as a participant and a group leader of a project,
- as an evaluator of proposals,
- as a project reviewer and
- by participating IWG work.