Name: Juha-Matti Johannes Latvala
Work-address: Niilo Mäki Institute, P.O. Box 29, 40101 Jyväskylä, Finland
Telephone: +358 50 441 4043 (work)
E-mail: juha-matti.latvala(AT)
Birthday: 17th April 1976 in Seinäjoki, Finland
Family relations: engaged, 2 children
Military training: 1996-1997 Military Police, Jääkäriprikaati in Sodankylä.
2006 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Jyväskylä, Department of Psychology.
Opponent: professor Pertti Saariluoma. Supervisors: professor Lea Pulkkinen, professor Päivi Häkkinen and Dr. Riitta-Leena Metsäpelto.
2003 Master of Education (MEd), University of Jyväskylä, Department of Teacher Education.
1995 Export marketing course (Benelux countries), Jalasjärvi adult education centre with 2,5 months training in Brussels.
1995 Secondary school graduate, Seinäjoki upper secondary school.
Finnish - mother tongue English - fluent Swedish - ok French - basics