Simulation - autumn 2012
The course addresses simulation of stochastic discrete event systems
(construction of simulation models and simulation experiments as well as
execution and analysis of simulation experiments).
The course can be taken both in English and in Finnish based on lectures that
have been recorded in the previous years. Excercise groups will be organized
in a schedule that is to be agreed with the students. First meeting on Sept 14th, 14:15 in Ag C233. (Join the course and follow Korppi calender.)
Materials for semester 2012-3
- Model exam (ignore the last problem if you did the week exercises).
Material in English
- Different paradigms for discrete event simulation
- Event oriented simulation
- Object oriented simulation
- Random numbers
- Monte Carlo and basic statistical analysis
- Transients and steady states
- Variance reduction
- Regression and metamodelling
Schedule and material of 2011 course,
Excercises (for 2011) can be found here . Some sample codes are
also available here .
Suomenkielinen materiaali
Kurssilla käsitellään stokastisten diskreettiaikaisten systeemien
simulointia (simulointimallien ja simulointikokeiden rakentamista
sekä kokeiden suorittamista ja tulosten analyysiä).
- Diskreettiaikaisen simuloinnin paradigmat
- Tapahtumapohjainen simulointi
- Oliopohjainen simulointi
- Satunnaisluvut ja Monte Carlo
- Transientit ja tasapainotilat
- Satunnaisuuden ja varianssin hallinta
- Metamallinnus
Vuoden 2010 luentoaikataulu,
Alkuosan moniste (pdf) ( dvi )
Mallitehtäviä lopputenttiin.
Further material - materiaalilinkkejä
- Kreuzer, W., System simulation, programming styles and languages,
Addison Wesley, 1986.
- Lewis, P. Orav, E., Simulation methodology for statisticians, operation
analysts and engineers, Vol 1., Wadshford and Brooks/Cole, 1989.
- Mitrani, I., Simulation techniques for discrete event systems, Cambridge
University Press, 1982.
- Page, B., Kreuzer, W., The Java Simulation Handbook - Simulating Discrete
Event Systems with UML and Java, Shaker Verlag, 2005.
- JavaSim software,
(Instructions by Malte Ehrlen) , University of Newcastle
- SimPy simulation package on
- Ruohonen, T., Erikoissairaanhoidon päivystyspolikliniikan simulointi,
- Ruohonen, T., Improving the operation of an emergency department by using a simulation model,
PhD Thesis.
- Omnet++-software ,
- Desmo-J-software ,
- Simulation related java-applets from Eindhoven . (see Trafic jam in particular),
- Trafficsimulations (M. Treiber) .
timo.tiihonen/ -- Last
changed 11.2.2014