Oct 1, 2009
Redi and I went to train some of the contact zone obstacles in our agilty hall on Thursday last week because we have a lot to learn there. We did the dogwalk and the A frame several times so that I had a plate with a treat on it on the ground after the contact zone. As it happens, Redi isn't too calm and collected, especially in agility, so he went for the treat like a lunatic. After we had done the A frame a couple of times, I noticed that Redi had a little blood on his lower jaw. This actually isn't the first time he goes for the treat and ends up having a little blood on his chin. Well, I checked it a little closer and tried to see where he was bleeding from and noticed that one of his front theeth was missing. It appears he used his chin as well as his legs to stop and the impact made one of his incisive teeth come off. *sigh* Naturally, he made no sound or anything to tell me that something happened or that he had pain anywhere...
The next day we had an appointment at the vet's to get his vaccinations and I asked the vet to check Redi's teeth. It appears he has originally had one incisive less than should be and now he has one less, a total of four incisives on the lower jaw. The vet said that all the other teeth were in very good condition and he's never had any tartar. In every other respect, Redi was as fit as a fiddle, no murmurs in his heart and the breathing sounds were good. Redi weighed two kilos less than last year and he wasn't fat then either, so I could possible give him a little more kibble.

Sept 10, 2009
Last weekend Redi and I competed in agility on both Saturday and Sunday. For once we had competitions near where we live, so I had to enter us for them both. On Saturday we competed here in Jyväskylä where especially the first start was really nice, only 5 faults. We were placed second with that result, hence the photo on the frontpage (Redi and his prizes). On Sunday we weren't that great: two disqualifications because of doing the wrong fence.

July 10, 2009
Summer has gone even though July heat waves haven't. I don't mind because my vacation ends this week. I reached my first (but hopefully not the last) goal this year when Redi and I competed in agility in Tampere and got our first results! We got lots of fault points that's not the point because I should get some competing experience so that I could calm myself down a little on the course. I'll keep on looking for new competitions... The weather was horrific (luckily we didn't get thunder even though they predicted it in the weather forecasts), but it was windy and a little rainy, so I didn't even try to get anybody to take our video camera. It's a pity because I really don't much remember what I did do and what I didn't do on the course...

Feb 25, 2009
I haven't updated our site for quite a while simply because I've been busy at work and because nothing much has happened. We have a pause in our agility training at the moment, so we're just waiting for spring. Today I had a day off and it was really sunny, so Redi and I went to Haukanniemi. The photo on the index page was taken there. I have other photos on my computer, too. I wonder who could transfer them to the net...

Wazzup in 2008

Layout ©Tiina Pakarinen
All photos ©Niina&Nikke Niemispelto, if not mentioned otherwise