The essive ending is -a/-ä or -ta/-tä both in the singular and in the plural. Because of vowel harmony the endings have two variants.
The partitive singular is formed using the partitive stem and the partitive plural using the strong-grade plural stem. If the partitive stem ends in a consonant or two or more vowels, the partitive ending is -ta/-tä in the singular. Otherwise the ending is -a/-ä.
If a word ends in two or more vowels, a consonant, or a relic consonant, and the strong-grade plural stem ends in two vowels, the partitive ending is -ta/-tä in the plural. Otherwise the ending is -a/-ä. The plural marker i becomes j between vowels. In the following tables, words have been devided into six groups according to which partitive ending they take in the singular and the plural.
A word ends in two or more vowels.
Nominative | Partitive sg | Partitive pl | Translation |
maa | maata | maita | country |
yö | yötä | öitä | night |
tienoo | tienoota | tienoita | region |
neliö | neliötä | neliöitä | square |
A word ends in a single vowel, and the partitive stem ends in a consonant. All these words undergo the vowel change i ~ e.
Nominative | Partitive sg | Partitive pl | Translation |
kieli | kieltä | kieliä | language |
vesi | vettä | vesiä | water |
kansi | kantta | kansia | lid |
jälsi | jälttä | jälsiä | cambium |
virsi | virttä | virsiä | hymn |
yksi | yhtä | yksiä | one |
veitsi | veistä | veitsiä | knife |
A word ends in a single vowel, and the partitive stem also ends in a vowel.
Nominative | Partitive sg | Partitive pl | Translation |
koira | koiraa | koiria | dog |
kana | kanaa | kanoja | hen |
kahvi | kahvia | kahveja | coffee |
koulu | koulua | kouluja | school |
tammi | tammea | tammia | oak |
kurki | kurkea | kurkia | crane |
suurempi | suurempaa | suurempia | bigger |
A word ends in a consonant, and the partitive stem ends in a vowel. This group only includes some words ending in n and all loan words. The plural marker i becomes j between vowels.
Nominative | Partitive sg | Partitive pl | Translation |
suurin | suurimpaa | suurimpia | the biggest |
vasen | vasempaa | vasempia | left |
seitsemän | seitsemää | seitsemiä | seven |
stadion | stadionia | stadioneja | stadium |
A word ends in a consonant, the partitive stem ends in a consonant, and the strong-grade plural stem ends in a single vowel.
Nominative | Partitive sg | Partitive pl | Translation |
varis | varista | variksia | crow |
osuus | osuutta | osuuksia | share, part |
avain | avainta | avaimia | key |
ien | ientä | ikeniä | gum |
hevonen | hevosta | hevosia | horse |
mahdoton | mahdotonta | mahdottomia | impossible |
suurin | suurinta | suurimpia | the biggest |
askel | askelta | askelia | step |
tatar | tatarta | tattaria | knotweed (Polygonum) |
tuhat | tuhatta | tuhansia | thousand |
A word ends in a consonant or a relic consonant, the partitive stem ends in a consonant, and the strong-grade plural stem ends in a diphthong.
Nominative | Partitive sg | Partitive pl | Translation |
vene | venettä | veneitä | boat |
laite | laitetta | laitteita | device |
koe | koetta | kokeita | test |
karvas | karvasta | karvaita | bitter |
vieras | vierasta | vieraita | guest |
kevät | kevättä | keväitä | spring |
ohut | ohutta | ohuita | thin |
syönyt | syönyttä | syöneitä | eaten |
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