File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
src/Algorithm.hpp [code]
src/Dataset.hpp [code]
src/Individual.hpp [code]Interface of a population individual for population-based optimization algorithms
src/Mlp.cppImplementation of the bare-bones MLP computations
src/Mlp.hpp [code]Interface to the MLP computations
src/MlpFactory.hpp [code]Creation of initial MLPs based on a simple definition string format
src/MlpIndividual.hpp [code]
src/MlpLearnAlgorithm.hpp [code]
src/MlpObjectives.hpp [code]
src/Objectives.hpp [code]
src/Population.hpp [code]
src/Random.hpp [code]
src/SynapticRandomizer.hpp [code]Random initial values for synaptic weights
src/Utils.hpp [code]
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Generated on 1 Sep 2016 for Momulper - Multiobjective MLP for Classification by  doxygen 1.6.1