Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AlgorithmThis is the main algorithm base class; actual algorithms should be derived
DatasetReads a full dataset; limited to those that fit in memory
IndividualBase class for the individuals in a Pareto optimization population
IndividualReaderAbstract base class for creating a completely new instance from a stream representation
MlpBackpropUnaryOperatorA tentative unary operator for improvement
MlpIndividualConcrete MLP individual for Pareto memetic optimization
MlpObjectivesObjective functions for our MLP individuals
ObjectivesAbstract base class of problem-specific objective function definitions; must be derived to yield concrete objectives
PopulationA population of individual solutions; this is the core of a Pareto-based memetic algorithm
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Generated on 1 Sep 2016 for Momulper - Multiobjective MLP for Classification by  doxygen 1.6.1