6.4 Lessons learned
In this chapter we described two method engineering cases. The
cases were carried out as action research studies. The action research method
offers possibilities for learning in three areas (Checkland 1991): the area of
an application, the methodology applied, and the particular ideas promoted. In
our studies the application deals with developing local methods for specific ISD
environments. In Checkland’s (1991) terminology, the methodology denotes
the general principles applied in inspecting an application area. Hence, for us
this means method engineering along with related methods and tools such as
metamodeling and metaCASE tools. The ideas promoted are the metamodeling
language constructs and the a posteriori view of ME.
The following subsections discuss the evaluation part of
action research. First, we describe in Section 6.4.1 general findings about
local method development. Since our action research studies were not focused on
all aspects of local method development (like costs or management principles) we
shall only inspect the development of tool-supported methods. Second, we shall
inspect differences between the proposed ideal ME principles and the cases
(Section 6.4.2). Finally, we describe in Section 6.4.3 findings related to the
use of incremental ME principles. Because we also participated in the ISD
process, some findings could be presented about how to develop
inter-organizational ISs in wholesale and improve the delivery systems of a
cardboard mill. Our studies, however, were designed to operate at the ME level,
not at the ISD level (cf. Section 3.3.1). Some general solutions for ISD,
however, were already discussed as part of the
6.4.1 Local method development
The studies show that organizations develop their own methods.
In the wholesale case, the ME effort was targeted to support a specific BPR
project. The mill case included some features characteristic of developing a
more universally applicable method: the consultants wanted to develop a method
which would be independent of object systems, and appropriate for analyzing a
variety of workflows related to logistic ISs. Because the method developed was
intended to be used in all projects the consulting company engaged in, the
second case followed an organization based ME.
Local methods were developed because of the limitations
found in the existing methods used, inadequate tool support, and the lack of
knowledge about other methods. In the wholesale case, the need to distinguish
between organizations involved in the delivery chain and to characterize
inter-organizational processes led to the establishment of the ME project. In
the mill case, the need to automate analyses of workflows necessitated the
development of specific tool functionality and as a by-product allowed the
development of a propriety modeling method. Hence, modeling capabilities were
addressed primarily in the wholesale case, and automated analysis capabilities
(i.e. tool support) were emphasized in the mill case. It should be noted that in
both cases the existence of a specific ISD project clearly influenced how the
method development and evaluation effort was carried out. For example, if the
wholesale company had not been in the middle of a major business process
re-engineering effort, a local method would not have been developed.
The methods developed in the two cases had similarities:
they addressed the modeling of business processes, described material objects or
flows, defined organizational units, and characterized these modeling elements
with some similar properties (e.g. volume, capacity). The main differences
between the methods was the granularity of analysis. The wholesale company tried
to understand its order entry and purchasing processes better in relation to its
business environment, to support the move to a two level hierarchy. The mill
case focused on individual workers and aimed to analyze the structures of tasks.
More detailed differences between the methods can be identified by comparing the
Both organizations found the developed method useful:
interviews showed that the method developed was considered to work better than
those used earlier. For example, in the mill case the consultants estimated that
with the methods and tools used earlier, they could perform only half of the
modeling and analysis tasks supported by the engineered method and tool. In
general, models based on the developed method were considered to be easier to
read and understand, to support communication better, and to allowed the
combination and analysis of views of multiple stakeholders, or even of multiple
organizations. Moreover, in the mill the connection of the models to the quality
system was important.
Satisfaction with the developed method does not mean that
no problems existed. In fact, the method refinements clearly showed that the
methods had to be improved. The main difficulties included different
interpretations of conceptual structures and analysis. Most of the effort in
method development related to agreeing and confirming an understanding about the
method and tool functionality. In the mill case, the consultants also considered
the objectives for the engineered method to be too ambitious. Meeting these
objectives in turn required significant resources and time.
Satisfaction with the tool was surprisingly different
among user types. Method engineers considered the metaCASE functionality limited
(i.e. all metamodeling constraints could not be supported). As a result, a lot
of time was consumed while trying to find roundabout ways to build method-tool
companionship. People in the organizations using the tool, however, were highly
satisfied with the tool, although they requested several new features which did
not directly address the method-tool companionship. These included importing
available process maps into the tool (e.g. from the documentation of a quality
system), providing links to external documentation tools, and improving
method-independent reports.
6.4.2 Method engineering
The method engineering process was quite similar in both cases
and all ME tasks were carried out. One reason for the similarities was the tool
adaptation which required detailed method specifications. The similarities in
the ME process were also a consequence of planning the action research, since
the ME process needed to include the a posteriori ME tasks postulated.
During ME, a priori method selection (cf. Section
3.2.1) was made among relatively few methods, and included methods which were
known or had been used earlier. However, in the second case selection was
supported by a relatively large review of methods (cf. Tolvanen and Lyytinen
1994) and tools (cf. Lindström and Raitio 1992). During ME neither of the
cases applied contingency frameworks, because such frameworks were not
available. Those reviewed were considered to be too broad since they did not
help to distinguish between modeling techniques based on identified
characteristics. Similar observations were also made in Section 3.2.3 while
analyzing other ME cases.
The main differences in the ME processes were the
metamodeling languages used, the emphasis on different ME tasks, and the types
of stakeholders involved. First, in the wholesale case the only metamodeling
language applied was that used by the metaCASE tool, whereas in the mill case
the early phases of method development had been carried out with another
metamodeling language (i.e. the ER-based logistics data model). However, here a
metamodel of the activity model method already included in the metaCASE tool was
taken as a starting point during tool adaptation (i.e. reuse of an existing
Second, the use of resources and duration of tasks
differed greatly. In the mill case, the method engineering took more time and
resources. One obvious reason was the objective of the ME project to develop a
general purpose method. In other words, the method was expected to be applicable
for solving logistic problems in other areas too. Moreover, the mill case
stressed tool adaptation because it required implementation of the analysis
functionality. About 1/3 of the resources were spent on tool adaptation, whereas
in the wholesale case the tool adaptation was the least resource-consuming task.
Third, the participation of method users differed in the
cases: the IT personnel of the wholesaler participated actively in the method
construction and evaluation, whereas the personnel of the mill did not directly
participate in the ME project. One reason for the difference was the two-party
setting between the consulting company and the mill.
6.4.3 Principles of incremental method engineering
As the objectives of action research indicated, our interest
was to demonstrate the viability of incremental ME principles. First we analyze
whether the situational methods were possible to describe with meta-data models
and the proposed metamodeling constructs. Second, we analyze whether the a
posteriori view was appropriate as a mechanism of method evaluation and
refinement. Modeling situational methods
In both cases, methods were modeled with metamodeling
languages embedded in a metaCASE tool. This was needed to provide modeling tools
for the ISD projects. In the mill case the metamodeling also included ER-based
modeling, but only for outlining the concepts and relationships used in the
method. Moreover, the ER model was used for metamodeling before the selection of
the metaCASE tool.
Not all method knowledge, however, could be fully
supported, because of the limitations in the metamodeling language. These
limitations concerned modeling property types with unique, mandatory, and data
type constraints. Other limitations related to defining that an object must
participate in at least one connection, must have a specific number of
instances, and can not participate in connections which are cyclic. Most
limitations were related to integrating modeling techniques: constraints related
to complex objects (i.e. exclusive component objects and aggregated
relationships) and polymorphism structures (i.e. sharing of several property
types at a time, and dependency on other instances) could not be
The proposed metamodeling constructs allowed methods to be
specified more completely than was adapted into the tools. In this sense, they
can be considered sufficient for engineering the methods in the cases. Only one
limitation in capturing method knowledge was found. In both cases a derived
property value had to be specified. An example of the derived data type is
calculating the processing time of a task from its subprocesses. Because this
type of dynamic calculation is difficult to capture into a static data model,
this requirement suggested the use of metamodeling languages other than those
based on semantic data models (see also Section 4.5.3).
It must be emphasized that not all proposed metamodeling
constructs were fully applied since not all possible rules of methods were
needed in the cases. For example, an explosion structure was used (refined
method in Figure 6-4) but cardinality of explosions were not used. Similarly not
all scopes and checking modes related to the metamodeling constructs were
applied. One reason for the limited use of scopes may be because of the
relatively simple structure of the methods in the cases, i.e. the fact that they
included only a few modeling techniques. Thus, the viability of every
metamodeling construct was not demonstrated via the metamodels. During ME,
however, awareness of method knowledge which is not specified into metamodels is
valuable because it allows one to understand alternative method configurations
and metamodeling choices.
The limited use of metamodeling constructs also suggests
that specific metamodeling constructs are needed while modeling specific
methods. For example, the requirement for modeling derived data types was not
detected during the modeling of text-book methods (Chapter 4) which were mostly
IS analysis and design methods. In contrast, our case studies required business
modeling methods which often incorporated numerical values.
Although our aim was not to evaluate the metaCASE tool
used, their limitations and capabilities influenced the metamodels. First,
because the metaCASE tool did not support matrix-based representations tool
adaptations were not made for all parts of the method. Second, checking reports
allowed us to overcome limitations of the metamodeling languages through passive
checking. Passively checked metamodeling constructs related to mandatory
properties, unconnected object types, multiplicity of roles, and multiplicity of
types. Refining situational methods
The case studies followed the principles of incremental ME: in
addition to constructing methods we also evaluated their applicability. This
evaluation led to several refinements to the methods initially constructed. This
finding supports our re-evaluation of method use (cf. Section 2.5.4): it seems
to be difficult, if not impossible, to construct a situation-dependent method by
following solely a priori tasks of ME.
The requirements for method refinements were obtained by
following the a posteriori steps of ME: collecting experience, analyzing
method use, and improving methods. The reporting of the ME cases followed the
three evaluation mechanisms of incremental ME: 1) type-instance matching, 2)
modeling capabilities, and 3) problem solving capabilities.
Type-instance matching suggested a large number of method
refinements. These dealt with removing less frequently used property types,
dividing object types and classifying relationship types, and creating linkages
between types of the method which can refer to the same model data (instance
values). The analysis of constraints leads to modifying methods in more detail.
The changes introduced influenced all constraints except those dealing with
uniqueness, cardinality, and inclusion. In other words, these constraints were
defined adequately in the a priori constructed methods. It must, however,
be noted that not all constraints could be fully evaluated since they were not
allowed in metamodels. Although this part of the evaluation was carried out by
method engineers, all the refinements were validated with the method
The modeling capability evaluation seeks to abstract
relevant aspects of object systems and keep the resulting models consistent. The
cases contained several situations in which methods were considered inadequate
to model the object systems or parts of them. Individual differences were not
analyzed, because only a few users actually modeled with the method: other
method stakeholders were involved in reviewing the models and conducting
analyses. This part of the evaluation proposed new types and related
constraints, and even new modeling techniques. These extensions were partly the
same as those found during type-instance matching.
The checking analysis revealed possibilities to improve
the consistency of models via an integrated and more strictly defined metamodel.
Better support for consistency was achieved by defining complex objects and
polymorphism structures. These refinements decreased the need for manual
maintenance and improved the consistency of models. The evaluation also revealed
the need for derived property type values, and the use of a single tool. These
changes, however, could not be carried out because such method specifications
could not be captured in the metamodels.
The evaluation principles focused on analyzing the role of
methods in solving the business problems. This part of the evaluation was
divided into finding candidate solutions through form conversion, and supporting
model validation by producing documents. During form conversion, new features
relevant for the generation and analysis of design solutions were suggested,
together with new analysis algorithms. In the second case, larger extensions to
the analysis needs were also made, i.e. the addition of Activity Based Counting.
Support for exporting design data and analysis results into external tools were
considered adequate.
The integration and validation of models from different
parts of the object systems required a new modeling technique. Other refinements
suggested dealt with notations and reports: notations were modified by
graphically showing information about model data instead of using model related
textual reports. The contents and layout of reports were also changed.
The required method refinements were made into the
corresponding method specifications (i.e. metamodels), or were achieved using
the tool (i.e. checking reports). Not all the required changes, however, could
be made because either the metamodeling language or the tool did not support
them. In this sense, not all suggested method improvements could be taken into
use. It should be noted that none of the required changes could be predicted.
Moreover, because the refinements were found to improve the method, the a
posteriori approach to ME is clearly viable.
Finally, while evaluating the results of action research
it must be noted that the use of incremental ME was limited to one cycle (less
than a year). For example, contingencies in the ISD object system did not change
during that time. Therefore, new method refinements would be needed if the
evaluation were to be carried out again. At the same time, the contribution of
individual evaluation mechanisms would mostly likely be different.