Simulation - spring 2014
This page links to the materials of the spring 2014 instance of the Simulation course.
For your convenience the materials of the previous instances can be found here.
- Simulation and modelling
- Different paradigms for discrete event simulation
- Event oriented simulation
- Object oriented simulation
- Random numbers
- Monte Carlo and basic statistical analysis
- Transients and steady states
- Variance reduction
- Regression and metamodelling
The course will include exercises that require operating with some Java-based simulation packages/libraries
(like JavaSim or Desmo-J, see below). The exercises can be made in small groups (2-3 persons). More details by e-mail circulation.
Further material - materiaalilinkkejä
- Kreuzer, W., System simulation, programming styles and languages,
Addison Wesley, 1986.
- Lewis, P. Orav, E., Simulation methodology for statisticians, operation
analysts and engineers, Vol 1., Wadshford and Brooks/Cole, 1989.
- Mitrani, I., Simulation techniques for discrete event systems, Cambridge
University Press, 1982.
- Page, B., Kreuzer, W., The Java Simulation Handbook - Simulating Discrete
Event Systems with UML and Java, Shaker Verlag, 2005.
- JavaSim software,
(Instructions by Malte Ehrlen) , University of Newcastle
- SimPy simulation package on
- Ruohonen, T., Erikoissairaanhoidon päivystyspolikliniikan simulointi,
- Ruohonen, T., Improving the operation of an emergency department by using a simulation model,
PhD Thesis.
- Omnet++-software ,
- Desmo-J-software ,
- Simulation related java-applets from Eindhoven . (see Trafic jam in particular),
- Trafficsimulations (M. Treiber) .
timo.tiihonen/ -- Last
changed 23.10.2014