
1   Case Endings

The illative singular ending is -Vn, -hVn, or -seen in which the V indicates the final vowel in the essive stem. The illative plural ending is -in, -hin, or -siin.

2   Formation

The illative always requires a stem in the strong grade. Therefore, the illative singular is formed using the essive stem and the illative plural using the strong-grade plural stem. For the illative singular, there are three different case endings. The ending -Vn is used, when the stem ends in a single vowel or a vowel cluster that does not form a diphthong. The ending -hVn is used, when the essive stem ends in a diphthong or a long vowel and the nominative stem ends in a vowel. The ending -seen is used, when the essive stem ends in a long vowel and the nominative stem ends in a consonant or a relic consonant. For the illative plural, there are three different case endings, too.

2.1   Words that end in a vowel

If a word ends in a single vowel or two vowels that do not form a diphthong and the stem ends in a single vowel, the illative singular is formed with the ending -Vn. Analogously, if the stem ends in a single vowel, the plural is formed with the ending -in.

Nominative Illative sg Illative pl Translation
kova kovaan koviin hard
reikä reikään reikiin hole
vesi veteen vesiin water
kansi kanteen kansiin lid
jälsi jälteen jälsiin cambium
virsi virteen virsiin hymn

The illative plural ending -hin is used, when the strong-grade plural stem ends in a diphthong or a long vowel. The singular is formed with the ending -Vn as above.

Nominative Illative sg Illative pl Translation
kana kanaan kanoihin hen
nalle nalleen nalleihin teddy bear
kiivi kiiviin kiiveihin kiwi fruit
aatto aattoon aattoihin eve
koulu kouluun kouluihin school
pyry pyryyn pyryihin snowstorm
säilö säilöön säilöihin storage
neliö neliöön neliöihin square

If a one-syllable word ends in a long vowel or a diphthong, the illative singular is formed by adding the ending -hVn to the essive stem. The plural is formed by adding the ending -hin to the strong-grade plural stem.

Nominative Illative sg Illative pl Translation
maa maahan maihin country
tee teehen teihin tea
puu puuhun puihin tree
pää päähän päihin head
hai haihin haihin shark
suo suohon soihin marsh
tie tiehen teihin road
työ työhön töihin work

If a polysyllabic word ends in a long vowel or a diphthong, the illative singular is formed with the ending -seen. The plural is formed with the ending -siin.

Nominative Illative sg Illative pl Translation
vapaa vapaaseen vapaisiin free
tienoo tienooseen tienoisiin region
hakkuu hakkuuseen hakkuisiin logging

2.2   Words that end in a relic consonant

If a word ends in a relic consonant, the illative singular is formed with the ending -seen and the plural with the ending -siin or -hin.

Nominative Illative sg Illative pl Translation
vene veneeseen veneisiin boat
koe kokeeseen kokeisiin test
laite laitteeseen laitteisiin device

2.3   Words that end in l, n, or r

If a word ends in l, n, or r, the illative singular is formed with the ending -Vn and the plural with the ending -in.

Nominative Illative sg Illative pl Translation
askel askeleen askeliin step
kyynel kyyneleen kyyneliin tear
sävel säveleen säveliin note, melody
sammal sammaleen sammaliin moss
nivel niveleen niveliin joint
kannel kanteleeseen kanteleisiin kantele
ommel ompeleeseen ompeleisiin stitch
taival taipaleeseen taipaleisiin trip
vemmel vempeleeseen vempeleisiin
avain avaimeen avaimiin key
sydän sydämeen sydämiin heart
hapan happamaan happamiin bitter
lämmin lämpimään lämpimiin warm
sisar sisareen sisariin sister
tytär tyttäreen tyttäriin daughter

In this group, there are words whose nominative stem can also have an additional -e. These words decline like the words ending in a relic consonant (see above).

Nominative Illative sg Illative pl Translation
kantele (kannel) kanteleeseen kanteleisiin
(an instrument)
kypene (kyven) kypeneeseen kypeneisiin
pientare (piennar) pientareeseen pientareisiin
edge, shoulder
(of a road)

2.5   Words that end in t

If a word ends in t, the illative singular is formed by lengthening the last vowel of the essive stem and adding -n after it. The illative plural is formed by adding the ending -siin to the strong-grade plural stem.

Nominative Illative sg Illative pl Translation
ohut ohueen ohuisiin thin
neitsyt neitsyeen neitsyihin tear
lyhyt lyhyeen lyhyisiin shot
olut olueen oluisiin beer
tiehyt tiehyeen tiehyihin duct