The same in Finnish

Kaisa Miettinen
- I am Vice-rector in charge of research and doctoral
education at the University of
- I am the head of the thematic research area at the
University of Jyväskyä called DEMO - Decision Analytics
utilizing Causal Models and Multiobjective Optimization
- My primary field of research is multiobjective
optimization and decision support
Recognitions and News Research
Interests Acknowledgements Activities Positions of Trust Scientific Tasks as an Expert
Invited Honorary Presentations
Supervision Societies Software Miscellaneous
Recognitions and News
- Methods,
theory and applications of multiobjective
- Interactive methods for multiobjective
optimization; recording of my
tutorial given in the DEMO Seminar at the University of
Jyväskylä in 2021
- Software
for multiobjective optimization and its usability. My own contributions
are WWW-NIMBUS (the first interactive
software for multiobjective optimization operating on the Internet) and IND-NIMBUS (for industrial
problems) and open source software framework DESDEO
- Multiple
criteria decision making
- Data-driven decision support and decision (prescriptive) analytics
- Mathematical
programming (including nonlinear and global optimization, e.g., genetic
algorithms and hybrid methods)
Special Scientific
Awards and Acknowledgements
- The Finnish Operations Research Society appointed me as the OR
Person of the Year in the autumn 2023 as a recognition of my long-term
efforts in advancing the use and the recognizability of operations
research in Finland
- The Faculty of Information Technology at the University of
Jyväskylä awarded me with its medal of honor in its 25 years
anniversary celebration in the autumn 2023 as a recognition for my
groundbreaking achievements in developing methods for multiple
criteria decision support
- The Board of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
has appointed me as a member of the Steering Group of the Publication
Forum for the period 2024-2027
- I have been elected as the chair of the University Collegium for
the term 2022-2025
- I have been appointed as the chair of Panel 1, Mathematics and
Statistics of the
Finnish Publication Forum
for the term 2022-2025
- I have been elected as the chair of the University Collegium for 2021
- I have been selected as the vice-chairman of the Mathematics and
Computer Science Group of
the Finnish Academy of Science and
Letters for the term 2019-2023
- I was appointed to be Jyväskylä's first Congress
Ambassador for the term 2018-2019
- Information
about the appointment
- University's
internal bulletin about the appointment
- I have been appointed as the chair of Panel 1, Mathematics and
Statistics of the
Finnish Publication Forum
for the term 2018-2021
- On July 13, 2017, I received
the Georg Cantor Award of the International
Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
- On August 6, 2015, I received
the MCDM Presidential Service Award of the International
Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
- I was invited to be a member of
the Finnish Academy of Science
and Letters, Section of Science, on April
11, 2014
- Jyväskylä Convention
Bureau awarded MCDM2011 for the Marketing Act of the
Conference Year 2011 on November 9, 2011
- On June 16, 2011, I received the
MCDM Conference Chairmanship Award of the International
Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
- On April 14, 2010, I received a
recognition from the MASI - Modeling and
Simulation programme
of Tekes (the
Finnish funding agency for innovation) for successful
leadership of the project "Multiobjective Optimization and
Multidisciplinary Decision Support", for creating an inspiring
atmosphere among the research groups and for active participation in the
MASI programme
- On December 14, 2009, I was
awarded the Väisälä
Award of the Finnish Academy of
Science and Letters in the field of mathematics for my research
- I was chosen as the Researcher
of the Year at Helsinki School of Economics in 2007
Activities and Projects
- I am director of the thematic research area Decision Analytics
utilizing Causal Models and Multiobjective Optimization
- I am principal investigator of the project Decision Support with
Interactive Advanced Data-Enabled Multiobjective Optimization
Systems, DESIDES, funded by the Academy of Finland, 2023-2027
- I am principal investigator in the part of the University of
Jyvaskyla in the consortium UTOPIA funded by the Academy of Finland, 2023-2025
- I am principal investigator of the project Data-Driven Decision
Support with Multiobjective Optimization, DAEMON, funded by the
Academy of Finland, 2019-2023