Links Connected to Optimization, Operations Research and
Other Interesting Areas
Scientific Societies,
Areas of Optimization,
Services in Operations
Links Connected to Operations Research,
Group Decision Support,
Links Connected to
Other Links,
Research Groups, and
Scientific Societies
(International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making)
(Mathematical Optimization Society)
- iSoGo (International
Society of Global Optimization)
- SIAM (Society for Industrial
and Applied Mathematics)
- IFORS (International Federation of
Operational Research Societies)
- INFORMS (Institute
for Operations Research and the Management Sciences)
- AMS (American Mathematical Society)
Suomen Operaatiotutkimusseura ry, Finnish Operations Research Society
Association of European Operational Research Societies
- SIGOPT2025,
International Conference on Optimization, Siegen, Germany, March 4-6, 2025
- EMO 2025, 13th International
Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, Canberra,
Australia, March 4-7, 2025
- IEEE SSCI, IEEE Symposium
Series on
Computational Intelligence, Trondheim, Norway, March 17-20, 2025
- 99th EWG-MCDA meeting,
Venice, Italy, April 10-12, 2025
- EvoStar 2025, Trieste,
Italy, April 23-25, 2025
- EuroGP, 28th
European Conference on Genetic Programming
- EvoApplications,
28th International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation
- 5th
IMA and OR Society Conference on Mathematics of Operational
Research, Birmingham, UK, April 30 - May 2, 2025
- EURO 2025, 34th European
Conference on Operational Research, Leeds, UK, June 22-25, 2025
- 22nd Conference on Advances in Continuous Optimization,
Southampton, UK, June 30 - July 2, 2025
- 5th EUROPT Summer School, Southampton, UK, June 27-28, 2025
Searching for Journal Articles
- IEEE Xplore, IEEE
(and IEE) publications electronically
- ScienceDirect
- backfile collection of journal articles (published prior to 1995)
- MathSciNet
Mathematical Reviews etc.
- Scirus,
search engine for scientific information only
Areas of Optimization
- MC-SC2
Multiple Criteria Sorting, Classification, and Clustering
- Nonlinear Programming - FAQ
- Linear
Programming - FAQ
- A Short Course in Linear Programming
- Global
(and Local) Optimization
Global Optimization Techniques
COCONUT project, comparison of solvers for global constrained optimization
and constraint satisfaction techniques (extensive tests of the
solvers BARON, GlobSol, ICOS, LGO, LINGO, OQNLP, Premium Solver,
- A Survey of Global
Optimization Methods
- Continuous
global optimization - methods and codes, problems using hybrid
- Interior-Point
- IFIP Working Group 7.4 on Discrete Optimization
- Scheduling problems
- Multidisciplinary
Optimization Branch
- Sumea
monitavoiteoptimointi (in Finnish)
- Stochastic Programming
Community Home Page
- Stochastic Programming
- Multiobjective
Optimum Design, Lecture Notes
Services in
Operations Research
- CUTEr,
Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment, a set of
tools and test problems for testing optimization software
- Test
problems for nonlinear, stochastic, mixed-integer optimization:
risk management, financial engineering, advanced statistics,
logistics, medical and other engineering applications
- MIPLIB, Mixed Integer
Programming Library - benchmark problems for testing
- Scirus, Search machine for
scientific information
- Optimization
Online, an e-print site for the optimization community
- e-Optimization Community, the
resource for smarter software
- Opt-Net
- Netlib, a collection of
mathematical software, papers, and databases
- WORMS World-Wide Web
for Operations Research and Management Science
- QAPLIB - A Quadratic
Assignment Problem Library
- Webpage with Optimization
On-Line Tutorial for teaching optimization modeling
- EvoNet, The
Network of Excellence in Evolutionary Computing
Links Connected to Operations Research
- DESDEO, open source
software framework for interactive multiobjective optimization methods
- WWW-NIMBUS, interactive
multiobjective optimization system for nonlinear and even
nondifferentiable problems (operating on the Internet)
- IND-NIMBUS, interactive
multiobjective optimization system for MS-Windows and Linux
- GALAHAD, a library
of thread-safe Fortran 90 packages for large-scale nonlinear
- SAL - Optimization,
Scientific Applications on Linux - a collection of optimization sofware
- CPLEX Optimization, Inc.
- AIMMS for mathematical programming
- LIPSOLLinear-programming
Interior Point SOLvers
- SoPlex
LP solver, sequential object-oriented simplex. SoPlex is an object-oriented
implementation of primal and dual simplex algorithms in C++.
- NEOS Wiki
- VBCTOOL a graphical interface for Visualization of Branch Cut
- Decision Tree for
Optimization Software
MProbe Software for analyzing the "shape" (convex? concave? linear?
almost linear? convex and concave?) of an arbitrary function of many
MINOS(IIS) A Software Tool for Analysing Infeasible Linear
- CVX,
MATLAB-based modeling package for disciplined convex
programming (Version 1.1)
SDPpack A package for semidefinite programming
- CSDpack
A Library for Semidefinite Programming
- SolvOpt
(Solver for local optimization problems) is concerned with
minimization or maximization of nonlinear, possibly non-smooth objective
functions and solution of nonlinear minimization problems taking into
account constraints by the method of exact penalization.
CWP Object-Oriented Optimization Library
- Computational
Global Optimization in Nonlinear Systems: An Interactive Tutorial by
J. D. Pinter
- The
SGOPT Optimization Library An object-oriented interface to a
variety of stochastic optimization methods used for global optimization.
OPT++ An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Optimization Library
- Multiple Criteria
Software Feasible Goals Method, Reasonable Goals Method, Nonlinear
Feasible Goals Method
- Java-based
Web-application of the Feasible Goals Method
Branch-And-CUt System
- New Optimization
Technology for Complex Technical Systems Efficiency Increasing
- Visual XPRESS An integrated
LP and MIP modelling and optimisation system
- DSDP, software
package for solving positive semidefinite programs
- MOSEK, software package for
solving small-scale and large-scale linear and convex optimization
- TRON, trust
region Newton method for the solution of large bound-constrained
optimization problems
- Concorde, A code
for solving Traveling Salesman Problems
- SYMPHONY, single- or
multi-process optimization over networks
- MOMHLib++,
Multiple Objective MetaHeuristics Library in C++
Nonlinear Semi-Infinite Programming Solver in C, three methods
- Hiview & Equity
Software for discerete multiple criteria decision analysis
Stable Noisy Optimization by Branch and FIT,
a MATLAB 6 package for the robust and fast solution
of noisy optimization problems with continuous variables
varying within bound, possibly subject to additional
soft constraints
- Artelys Kalis, numerical component
for constraint programming of combinatorial problems
- ALGLIB, multilingual scientific
software library containing software for solving eigenproblems, linear
equations, other linear algebra problems, optimization and
numerical integration.
- V.I.S.A., web based
multi-criteria decision making software
- Promethee-Gaia
official resource center for the Promethee and Gaia multicriteria
decision aid methods
- Visual Promethee
Software 1.1 Academic Edition
open Matlab implementation of Benson's method for MOLP
- Subroutines
for nonsdifferentiable and large-scale optimization by L. Luksan
- Smart Picker Pro, Decision Aid Software
- PPLEX, Pivoting Tool
GAMS model of an improved version of the epsilon-constraint method for multiobjective
- Interactive
MOLP package, Interactive software package to deal with linear
optimization problems with multiple objective functions
- LocalSolver, solves
large-scale mixed-variable non-convex optimization
problems. Applicable for combinatorial or numerical, linear or
nonlinear, convex or non-convex optimization problems.
- ValueDecisions,
for MCDA problems;
a web app to support decisions with conflicting
objectives, multiple stakeholders, and uncertainty
- Utility,
R-package to construct, evaluate and plot value and utility functions
Links Connected to
Other Links
Research Groups