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5.3 Principles for incremental method engineering

In this section we shall describe principles for a posteriori and continuous method engineering. These principles are described through the steps of incremental method engineering, and the mechanisms applied in each step. The steps deal with collecting experiences, analyzing experiences, and refining a method for a current situation. These steps are lacking from other ME approaches and together with a priori ME they form an “iterative loop” of incremental ME. Hence, we claim that both a priori and a posteriori steps are required. The a priori steps were already described in Section 3.2 and the a posteriori steps are described in the next section (5.3.1).

Throughout these steps we apply three mechanisms that seek to improve methods. These mechanisms are based on analyzing the differences between an intended and actual use of modeling techniques (Section 5.3.3), on studying the role of techniques in modeling object systems (Section 5.3.4), and on understanding how they support problem solving (Section 5.3.5). As the review of method evaluation approaches showed, these mechanisms are not the only possible ones. They are relevant for improving tool-supported methods and managing methodical changes through metamodels. Together with these method refinement mechanisms, we apply metamodels and method rationale to collect and analyze experiences as well as refine methods (Section 5.3.2). In comparison with other evaluation approaches these make the method improvements more systematic and render refinements visible.

5.3.1 Process of incremental method engineering

To extend the a priori view of ME approaches we propose some complementary principles. These extensions are illustrated in Figure 5-2. The data flow diagram shows the steps of ME, with the three steps of incremental ME illustrated by grayed processes. These steps deal with gathering experiences, analyzing method use, and refining a method. Together with the a priori steps, they form an iterative cycle in which method improvements can take place gradually using method stakeholders’ experience (cf. Checkland 1981). In the following we shall outline each step and their linkages to the steps of a priori ME.

FIGURE 5-2 A data flow diagram specifying the incremental method engineering process.

In carrying out experience-based method evaluation the accuracy and availability of feedback must be enhanced. This improves experience-based learning (Huber 1991). The accuracy of collected experiences is enhanced by relating experiences to metamodels and to the method construction decisions. Their use is discussed in more detail in Section 5.3.2. The availability of method use experiences is enhanced by collecting models and metamodels, by collecting outcomes of an ISD project, and by interviewing stakeholders. The collection of models as deliverables is similar to the ideas proposed by Fitzgerald (1991) and Schipper and Joosten (1996). Models provide data on how modeling techniques were actually used. Because we focus only on meta-data models, the models only describe the end-result of method use rather than the modeling process. In the context of metamodel-driven modeling tools, the collection of models and metamodels can be automated since they are both stored in a repository of a metaCASE tool.

In addition to the model-based deliverables, the outcomes of the project are inspected. These deal with the results of the ISD process changing or improving the problem situation of the object systems. Interviewing method stakeholders obtains situational experiences of method use. Both unstructured and structured interviews can be used for data collection. An unstructured interview closely resembles a normal conversation and allows a method user to apply his or her own concepts and aspirations to specify method refinements. Typically a refinement demand becomes apparent from the modelers’ observations of the limitations of a method in use situations (e.g. Tollow 1996, Jaaksi 1997). Structured interviews are based on predefined questions which are known to reveal refinement possibilities. The mechanism of incremental ME described in the remaining sections of this chapter forms the basis for questions for the structured interviews.

The second step deals with analyzing experiences in order to improve a method. This step is carried out by the mechanisms of experience analysis described in the following sections (cf. Sections 5.3.3-5.3.5). In short, the mechanisms deal with:

1) Type-instance matching: inspecting differences between an intended (i.e. metamodel) and actual use of a method (i.e. models).

2) Modeling capabilities: analyzing the capability of the method to abstract required aspects of the object systems into models and to keep them consistent.

3) Problem solving: analyzing the capability of the method to generate alternative solutions and support decision making.

The mechanisms are designed so that they reveal those aspects of a method which can be a target for refinements. In other words, if the analysis phase suggests a method modification it reveals that the a priori constructed method was not sufficiently applicable.

Evaluations of method use can lead to modifications of method knowledge and tool support. Modifications related to the conceptual structure or notation take place by adding, subtyping, joining and removing components of the metamodel and by specifying a related notation. Each of the metamodel-based refinements can be operationalized through the same metamodeling constraints as in the method construction (cf. Section 4.4). The re-constructed method is stored into a CAME tool, from which new components can also be selected. Tool re-adaptation is a necessity if a metamodel has changed (cf. method refinement scenarios, Section 5.1.2). Not all refinements, however, necessarily require changes in the method. There are changes that deal with the way the method is supported by the tool. For example, the consistency of model data can be improved by adding checking reports without modifying the metamodel. The modification of a CASE tool must be emphasized, because the advantage of method improvements comes when the refined method is used in a modeling tool. This enables the sharing of refinements and makes possible a new evaluation cycle.

An improved method is not the only outcome of the incremental approach, because the evaluation allows the creation of new knowledge for future ME efforts. Based on current ME approaches this knowledge should be related to the ME criteria in two ways: to confirm or to reject the criteria used in the method construction, or to add totally new criteria. In fact, the only way to use frameworks of ME criteria is to “fill” them with criteria that have worked in past situations. This necessitates that the realization of ME criteria is assessed in terms of new criteria, changed criteria, and whether the a priori set of criteria is still relevant. This means that method engineers should analyze the ISD environment continuously, not just for the initial method construction. Paradoxically, ME approaches which aim to apply available frameworks of ME criteria have neither validated them nor considered how information about situational applicability is found.

5.3.2 Use of metamodels and method rationale in incremental method engineering

As with most attempts at organizational improvement, improvements to the current state are difficult to make if the practices currently followed are not known. Changes can be made but no information is available on the effects of the change nor whether they can be considered as improvements. Similarly, incremental ME can not be carried out effectively if information about a method and reasons for its promotion are not known. The former, method knowledge, is described in metamodels, and the latter, method rationale, is described in ME criteria and decisions made during method construction. Both of these are used to collect, structure and analyze experiences. Use of them increases the accuracy of the cause-effect relationships between an engineered and a required method. Their use in ME is described in the following. Metamodels in incremental method engineering

As in method construction, a metamodel makes method knowledge explicit. Incremental ME applies metamodels beyond the method construction step. In the first step of incremental ME, metamodels provide a mechanism to collect and structure experience: method stakeholders’ comments, observations, and change requests can be related to the types and constraints of the method. This helps make experiences explicit, and helps focus on those experiences which are related to the method.

For the analysis step, metamodels allow the detection of those parts of the method which are subject to further analysis. The analysis possibilities are available through the same metamodeling constructs that were applied in describing the method. As in method construction, alternative method refinements can be made and compared by using the metamodeling constructs. During an iteration of the incremental approach, metamodels provide a history of method refinements, since all changes to the method can be found by comparing metamodels made at different points of time. Figure 5-3 illustrates the method evolution through “constellations” of metamodels.

FIGURE 5-3 Method evolution in metamodels. Method rationale in incremental method engineering

Metamodels alone are inadequate to manage method refinements, because they can not explain the evolution of a method. Therefore we need method rationale. Method rationale occurs at two different levels depending on the users (Jarke et al. 1994, Oinas-Kukkonen 1996). For method engineers, method rationale is an explanation why certain types or constraints of the method are included in the constructed method. We call this a method construction rationale. Ideally, each type and constraint in a metamodel should be justified. A sample of method construction rationale from our action research study (cf. Chapter 6) is given in Figure 5-4, in which an explanation for a ‘group’ property type is given.

The topmost window describes part of the metamodel in which a ‘group’ property type is defined. The middle window shows specifications relating to the property type. These include the name of the property type, that an instance of the ‘group’ refers to values of existing groups, and an explanation of the type for method users. The lowest window describes the reason why the ‘group’ property is needed. In the example, the rationale for using the grouping is the need to collect similar kinds of information or material objects. For example, an analysis can include information about business processes which only use information related to orders, such as sales orders, quick orders, repairing orders, orders sent by someone other than the original customer, etc.

Instead of applying a predefined schema for method rationale we have left it unstructured. Use of predefined schemata could limit the possibilities of information gathering, since there are not many studies on method rationale (Jarke et al. 1994, Oinas-Kukkonen 1996).

FIGURE 5-4 An example of method rationale for a ‘group’ property type.

This detailed example also reveals the gap between currently proposed ME criteria and their linkages to detailed metamodels: none of them support relating situational requirements to individual types or constraints of a method. Some of the ME approaches (e.g. Heym 1993, Harmsen 1997), however, support relating information about method use situations and contingencies to metamodels based on predefined schemata. For example, Heym and Österle (1992) collect experiences in terms of the focus of the method (e.g. project management, risk management, IS development), application type (e.g. expert, office or real-time system), and phase of the ISD life-cycle (e.g. analysis, maintenance). A similar approach is followed in MEL (Harmsen 1997). These approaches, however, do not explain how these more detailed descriptions are obtained, nor are they related to detailed metamodels.

The use of method rationale in incremental method evaluation necessitates that more detailed construction explanations are related to metamodels, instead of referring solely to ME criteria. It helps in understanding the effects of method modifications: what capabilities are lost from the original method if a method element is removed or changed. It also makes possible argumentation about possible new method types.

Method users can understand method rationale differently. For them method rationale explains why certain types or constraints of the method are or are not used in models. We calls this method use rationale. The collection of method use rationale is important because it reduces the subjective flavor of experiences, makes a decision on method use more explicit, and allows users to relate their method experiences directly to method knowledge. This is important, since all experiences are individual, and therefore can be either supporting or contradictory.

The rationale of method use, however, is not normally documented and to our knowledge none of the modeling tools allows the capture of decisions about method use; only decisions about design choices (i.e. design rationale (Ramesh and Edwards 1993)). Therefore, it is the task of method engineers to collect the rationale of method use. A similar data collection approach is followed by Wijers (1991) while eliciting individual developers’ modeling knowledge. It must be emphasized that Wijer’s studies are not related to a priori and restrictive method knowledge. A priori means that methods are not improved. Instead, existing practices are documented with metamodels. The restrictive method knowledge means that modeling was not following an “engineered” method in the same sense as in tool-supported modeling. This means that in Wijer’s study, the modeler’s own method knowledge was allowed, and in fact intentionally sought. In our case, the tool ensures that models are always related to modeling techniques defined and known a priori. Because of a greater variety in method use, Wijers applied interviews, analysis of developed models, and think-aloud protocols, and recorded method use with video cameras. This active participation during method use allowed the discovery of detailed modeling knowledge and revealed knowledge about the modeling process. Because active participation is costly and time-consuming it can usually be applied for only one or a few developers’ modeling experiences at a time. Thus, in a large scale method development effort where experiences are gathered from several users the approach is not necessarily cost effective. There, active participation can be used for inspecting method use among selected users from different roles (developers, user, managers etc.).

In incremental ME, therefore, the method use rationale is collected through structured interviews based on the evaluation mechanisms. This means that method use rationale is not collected completely; only those aspects which deal with the evaluation mechanisms are covered. In other words, method use rationale is collected only when it seems to differ from method engineers’ intentions (i.e. from method construction rationale).

5.3.3 Type-instance matching

The first technique in incremental method engineering, type-instance matching, is an analysis of method use through the models developed. Analysis of models typically takes place at the instance level. For example, metrics are used to analyze system models (e.g. Low and Jeffrey 1990, IFPUG 1994, Rask et al. 1993) and method metrics are used to analyze metamodels (e.g. Rossi and Brinkkemper 1996, McLeod 1997). In ME and especially in an incremental approach, it is important to analyze both levels together: to compare IS models with metamodels to inspect whether the constructed modeling technique has been used. According to the metamodeling approach, the types of the constructed method are described in a metamodel (i.e. IRD definition level, ISO 1990) and instances of these types are described in models (i.e. IRD level). Hence the name for this method evaluation and refinement mechanism.

Analysis of intended and actual use of modeling techniques is similar to seeking differences between prescribed process models and recorded process models, proposed by Jarke et al. (1994). Some key differences must be noted between these approaches. For process modes, the traceability model collecting what has happened is broader than the guidance model defining the process to be followed. While evaluating the differences between these process models, it is also important to ensure that the predefined process is actually followed by developers. In tool-supported modeling, it is not possible to develop IS models which are not based on the metamodel. As a consequence, while analyzing type usage through models we can more reliably expect that the developers have actually used the constructed method (i.e. each instance has a type definition, cf. Section 3.3.1): the tool ensures that active constraints are satisfied and informs users about violations of passively checked constraints.

The close relation between models and metamodels offers also possibilities to automate data collection, since all the necessary information about types and instances is available in the repository. Hence, a metaCASE tool should support queries for both levels simultaneously. This functionality is not available in external CAME tools which are separated from method use (i.e. operate only at the IRD definition level). This automation is especially important while analyzing complex methods, projects which have developed multiple models, and projects which have multiple developers. The last of these is important because it helps highlight differences between people and reveal their modeling preferences.

Type-instance matching can be performed in two phases: first by focusing on the usage of basic types, and second by analyzing related constraints. Both of these are discussed in the following subsections. Usage of types

To investigate the usage of types, we must collect data about whether each type of a method (e.g. object types, relationship types, or property types) is or is not used. The data collection can be fully automated by inspecting instances according to the types. This approach does not automatically lead to a method modification, because the number of instances that a type has does not by itself explain the relevance of a type. Moreover, because the analysis can suggest alternative modifications the results of type use must be clarified by interviewing method users after the preliminary analysis has been made.

Because models are always based on metamodels, three alternative modifications to methods are possible while inspecting the usage of types. These are 1) remove types which are not used, 2) divide, or specialize types which refer to different kind of instances, and 3) combine, or define linkages between types which refer to similar or related instances. These alternative refinement options are illustrated in Figure 5-5 with corresponding numbers.

FIGURE 5-5 Alternative method refinements while analyzing usage of types.

The upper ellipse refers to a set of types of a method (i.e. instances in a metamodel), such as α, β, γ, δ. The lower ellipse describes instances of a model, such as β111. The mapping between these levels follows the IRDS framework discussed in Section 3.3.1. Reading from the top, models are always created based on type level information. Reading from the bottom, models are always read and interpreted based on the types and their representations.

1) Remove unused types. Inspection of unused types is relatively straightforward. Types which are not used at all or have few instances may be irrelevant in the modeled domain and can be removed or combined with other types. This means that a method has a redundancy of modeling constructs, or that not all constructs were relevant in this modeling situation, or that the method users are insufficiently trained to make adequate distinctions. A method can also have unused types if all proposed types or constraints can not be found from the object system, or they are not considered cost-effective to model (e.g. because they are labor-intensive to identify).

Checking for unused types is important in simplifying methods. Similarly, organizations which have adapted external methods often simplify them radically (e.g. Jaaksi 1997). Especially in cases where local versions are made for the first time there is a risk of ambitiously modeling “everything” for incorporation into a metamodel.

2) Division or subtyping of types is required if the same type refers to different kinds of instances. This means that modeling constructs are overloaded and new types, constraints, and related representations are needed. For example, specification of classes which are persistent (e.g. MOSES, Henderson-Sellers and Edwards 1994) and at the same time deal with application interfaces (e.g. UML, Booch and Rumbaugh 1995) is not possible according to any of the object-oriented methods analyzed in Chapter 4. To capture both of these characteristics, additional instance-based information must be specified. Although the analysis is based on semantics, and therefore can not be evaluated solely by analyzing models separately from the real-world, some pointers to this kind of need can be found from models:
-Method users may extend modeling techniques by using different naming policies for instances. This kind of modification is a common form of tacit, on-the-fly modifications (Wijers 1991). An example of such an extension is to name similar instances with a specific suffix indicating the similarity. Naming extensions used can be also found from a data dictionary, or from a documentation property type.
-Instances of the same type which are based on different wording (e.g. nouns versus verbs, or singular versus plural), or use of other distinctions (e.g. capital and lower case letters) may indicate that a single type is inadequate to differentiate instances.
-Instances based on different wording can be further analyzed based on the property types used. An overload of modeling constructs can occur if instances of the same non-property type have instances with different property types. For example, in the case of relationships, a flow which is named with a verb and described with parameters can indicate that the flow represents a function, a procedure, or an operation. In contrast, a flow which is named with a noun may indicate only data passing. These different kinds of flows could also be distinguished at the type level (e.g. relationship types for an operation and a data flow). In the case of object types, we can analyze differences between the relationship types the object type instances participate in. If objects of different wording participate in different relationship types they may denote different object types.

The resulting refinements can be carried out either by introducing a new non-property type, or by using a characterizing property type. A new non-property type is required if instances of a non-property type have different properties or constraints, e.g. a different type multiplicity. If the only type level difference is the need to classify instances then a characterizing property type is sufficient. Depending on the tool support, different representations may require new types. If the representation of a type can be changed based on instance information (e.g. depending on the value of a property) the creation of new types for notational reasons is not required.

3) Combinations of types, or definitions of linkages between types are required when there is redundancy among modeling constructs, i.e. a method has several instances of different types which refer to the same real-world or semantic entity. The use of several types that refer to the same thing is not always undesirable because it allows one to inspect an object system from different perspectives, and thereby to integrate techniques. Similarly, the metamodels developed in Chapter 4 show that the use of different types to specify the same instance information is relatively common. For example, in some situations an external entity in a context diagram (like in Yourdon 1989a) can correspond to an entity in an ER diagram (Wijers 1991, p 171). In other situations only data stores of a data flow diagram can be specified as entities. Redundancy of types in a single modeling technique, however, is not considered desirable, because it makes modeling time-consuming by introducing additional complexity (Weber and Zheng 1996).

Some linkages are already defined in a constructed method, but we are interested in finding linkages which are not defined and could be included into a method. These can be found by analyzing:
-Instances which include the same values as their properties can indicate interrelations. Especially if values are shared among identifying property types, type level linkages could be defined. This refinement supports the maintainability of models and enables consistency checking (cf. Section
-Instances which are nouns, verbs, or adverbs formed from the same root word, and which belong to different types can indicate some kind of relation at the type level. Also, synonyms can indicate that different users apply different modeling constructs to describe the same instances. The wording and possible synonyms can be inspected from the data dictionary related to models and by interviewing different developers about their naming policy.
-Instances of object types can furthermore be analyzed based on the relationships they participate in. If instances of different object types which are named similarly (i.e. same wording, synonyms) participate in similar relationship type instances they probably denote the same instance. A similar approach is often the only way to find out the class which a specific state in a state model describes: if a transition to a state includes actions which the same class includes as its operations, the state describes a part of the life-cycle of that class’s objects[26].

The resulting refinements can be carried out either by combining types or by defining constraints which allow instances to be linked. A combination of types is not applicable if the non-property types have different property types, participate in different relationships types, or have different constraints. It is also possible to have different types which share exactly the same property types, constraints, and participate in the same relationship types. For example, in Coad and Yourdon (1991a) the only differences between classes and class-&-objects are their semantics (i.e. class is an abstract class as it does not instances) and representations (i.e. single lined rectangle for a class, double-lined rectangle for classes with instances).

A more detailed analysis of these refinements would require that method use is inspected in relation to other types and to more detailed constraints of the method. Accordingly, most of the modifications deal with refinement of method knowledge at the level of constraints. Usage of constraints

Evaluating the usage of constraints is concerned with inspecting how the rules of the modeling techniques were applied. It extends the analysis from types to constraints. As with the type usage, the inspection of constraints can lead to the removal or addition of constraints: Some of the constraints defined may have been too strict, or conversely some might not have been used at all.

Data collection on the use of constraints is performed on the basis of the constraints described in the metamodel. In the following we describe what constraints need to be checked based on the essential constructs of metamodeling (see Chapter 4.4). Basically, most of the constraints used in a single technique are straightforward to analyze, whereas constraints related to integrating techniques are more complex. Below we discuss each constraint and the method refinements that can be suggested on the basis of its usage.

1) Identifying property. Properties which have inconsequential or dummy values are not applicable for identifiers. Accordingly, the identity constraint can be removed, and perhaps another identifying property type or types defined in its place. It must be noted that the identity does not deal with identity in a repository, but rather identity among design information. This is only meaningful for humans, since computer-aided modeling tools normally use internal identifiers (see also Section New candidate identifiers can be found from other property type values. For example, instances in a dictionary property type can reveal candidate identifiers.

2) Unique property. Values of property types which are slightly changed or are based on different wording (because the tool does not allow the same instance values) may denote that the uniqueness constraint is limiting modeling in the defined scope of the constraint. The scope of the constraint can be refined to include a smaller set of values, for example from all instances of a given property type to instances in a single model, or the whole uniqueness constraint can be removed. In contrast, if different instances of the same type can not be distinguished, compared, or checked adequately a uniqueness constraint needs to be added.

3) Mandatory property. As with identifiers, a large number of dummy values added to satisfy the mandatory constraint should lead to its removal. Alternatively, property types which always have values may indicate that the property type should be defined to be mandatory.

4) Data type of properties. Although tools normally ensure that data types are followed, the use of complicated data types, default values, and predefined values can be analyzed. Property types which allow free form text can include definitions which should follow a certain structure or syntax (like CATWOE discussed in Section 5.2.3). These can be added as new property types, or alternatively a syntax could be defined for a property type.

A default value and predefined values can be modified to speed up modeling. A default value can be changed if another value is more commonly used. For property types with a mandatory constraint the most used value is declared as the default. Also predefined values which guide selection, such as stereotypes or multiplicity values (e.g. Booch et al. 1996), and which are not used may be removed: they slow down modeling and make use of the method more complicated.

5) Cardinality defines whether instances of a relationship type are binary or a specific n-ary. Because all possible alternatives of participating roles and objects do not necessarily appear, nor are all cardinality values used, the refinement possibilities of the cardinality constraint can not be studied fully by analyzing models.

Some aspects, however, can be analyzed from model data. If only binary relationships are allowed the need for an n-ary relationship can be recognized when multiple relationships with the same property values are created for the same object. For example, an inheritance relationship defined as binary will need to be defined as n-ary if a class participates in several relationships in the superclass role and with the same discriminator value. This requires a change to the maximum cardinality constraint. The minimum constraint can be changed to one if all instances of a given relationship type use the specified role type, i.e. changing an optional role to be mandatory.

If n-ary relationships are not used the cardinality constraint can be removed. Another option would be to create a specific relationship type for n-ary cases, as in OMT (Rumbaugh et al. 1991). More detailed refinements, like n-ary relationships only being used for specific instances of an object type or specific cardinality values, must be carried out together with method stakeholders.

6) Multiplicity constraints deal with the number of role type instances an object type instance may have in a model. The constraint can be bound either to instances of a single role type, or to instances of different role types. As with the evaluation of cardinality constraint, not all multiplicity alternatives are necessarily applied during modeling and therefore their suitability can not be analyzed solely from model data. The following principles, however, help identify refinement possibilities:
-Existence of role type instances for all object type instances may indicate that the role type should be defined to be mandatory, i.e. minimum multiplicity should be one.
-Existence of only one instance of a role type for each object type instance indicates a one-to-one constraint value (1,1). Alternatively, a passive checking for a maximum value could be used to define that an object should only have one role type instance: in some cases, which the users should be informed about, multiple roles would still be possible. An example of such a case is a recommendation to use single inheritance (i.e. each class only participates once in a subclass role). This option is also relevant for instances of several role types.
-Role types which are defined as mandatory and have “unnecessary” instances may be made optional (i.e. minimum multiplicity of zero). Examples of unnecessary instances are roles and related relationships which are not specified with property values. Changes to the checking mode are not relevant here because both modes are possible only for the maximum multiplicity. Similarly, it must be noted that role types which are not used at all have already been inspected through the type usage analysis.

7) Cyclic relationships. Analysis of cyclic relationships based on model data can only lead to removing cyclic relationships. If cyclic relationships are not allowed, but required, this implies that not all aspects of the object system can be represented. Additional objects to overcome the prohibited cyclic relationships could be analyzed, but this would require semantic analysis.

8) Multiplicity of types. If system models are scattered into multiple small models, a minimum constraint can be applied to remind users, but not to ensure (because of the passive checking mode, cf., that instances should be combined into smaller number of models. Alternatively, the creation of large and overly complex models can be prevented (with active checking), or discouraged (with passive checking) by setting the maximum multiplicity constraint for selected object types. The multiplicity of types is related to complexity management which can also be supported with other metamodel-based constraints, e.g. complex objects, explosions, and polymorphism.

9) Inclusion. In contrast to analyzing all instances of a type, an analysis of inclusion means that instances are analyzed inside a single modeling technique. For example, a ‘library class’ (Henderson-Sellers and Edwards 1994) can be useful in a specific modeling technique but not in all techniques, or vice versa. In addition to the use of non-property types, the occurrence of their property type instances needs to be analyzed since it is typical, at least in the methods analyzed (Chapter 4), that not all information on the same non-property type is required in different modeling techniques. For example, in the metamodel of UML (Section 4.4.3) an ‘object’ can be used both in a class diagram and in an object diagram with a property type ‘values’. This property type is used to describe instances of attributes of a class, but it is not necessarily relevant in class diagrams but only in object diagrams. This reveals polymorphism and is analyzed through the polymorphism constraint below.

10) Complex objects deal with an abstraction mechanism which allows the modeler to build aggregate-component structures. Based on the usage of complex objects, the most straightforward method is to determine which are not applied and remove them as inapplicable. A more detailed analysis necessitates that different characteristics of the complex object type are examined.
-A component type can be declared dependent if all instances of a component type occur in complex objects.
-A component can be declared mandatory if all aggregate objects have instances of the component type.
-A component type can be declared exclusive if none of its instances belong to other complex objects.
-A component type is shared if the same instances of the component type belong to several complex objects.
-A constraint for aggregated relationships can be defined when all relationships of the components outside the complex object are also defined for the aggregate. Whilst the constraint is undefined there exist redundant modeling tasks in order to maintain consistency (cf. Section

It must be noted that not all dimensions of complex objects (cf. Table 4-4) are analyzed because they are not relevant, or can not be analyzed from model data. For example, connected components and relationships of an aggregate can be analyzed with a multiplicity constraint. The limited use of complex objects can also be a consequence of the “dictatorship” of a tool. For example, aggregate object types may remain unused because they have mandatory components which are not applicable in the modeled domain. Hence, the constraints of the complex object could be checked passively, although our analysis of complex objects suggested that they can always be checked actively. Passive checking would allow violation of the constraints of complex objects but would still inform the method user about the inconsistencies.

11) The explosion constraint deals with organizing and structuring multiple models. The original metamodel can either ensure (with active checking) or encourage (with passive checking) the use of explosions. While analyzing the current usage of the explosion constraint, the following situations indicate a need for modifications:
-Explosion structures which are not used may be irrelevant and removed. Alternatively, the active checking which specified explosion structures as mandatory may be the reason why they are not used: passive checking could be applied instead.
-Explosions should be defined as mandatory if all instances of a specific type (i.e. a source) or a technique (i.e. a target) participate in explosion structures. A mandatory explosion structure is defined with a minimum cardinality value of one, or alternatively if only one explosion exists with a minimum-maximum pair of (1,1).
-Passive checking can be applied if an explosion structure is not used for all instances of a source type or a target technique. The use of active checking can not be analyzed from the resulting models because it deals with the modeling processes, i.e. whether all explosion structures were created in a top-down or in a bottom-up manner. This would be possible in modeling environments which allow queries on instance creation times.
-A constraint of a shared explosion target could be removed if only one instance of a source type refers to a model.
-A constraint of an exclusive target model can be considered too restrictive if it leads to the creation of multiple models which have fewer instances, or which have multiple shared instances. The former can be partly analyzed by inspecting the multiplicity of types in models, and the latter by inspecting the occurrence of the same instance values.
-A model scope constraint is inaccurate if the same instance has the same explosion links in multiple models. For example, a class has the same life-cycle, i.e. an explosion to the same state model, although it is represented in different models. Hence, the method scope should be used.

12) Polymorphism means two or more types sharing the same property values. The evaluation deals with analyzing polymorphism structures which are not used and by seeking instances which can indicate polymorphism. Based on the former option, polymorphism structures which are not used may not be suitable for the modeled domain. It must be noted that not all structures of polymorphism are necessarily described by sharing property values. Instead other constraints of a modeling technique can be used for this purpose. For example, an object can have both an ‘instantiation’ relationship type to a class and an object can be identified by a property type ‘class name’ (e.g. in Booch and Rumbaugh 1995).

Based on the latter option, new polymorphism structures can be defined to support reuse. These linkages are typical between different techniques where no clear representation for linking is available. First, the analysis is carried out by seeking values among different property types which are based on the same wording, suffix, etc. This results in a set of types which describe the same model data. This approach is similar to analyzing overloading of modeling constructs with type usage (Section For example, as in the metamodeling example in Section 3.3.3, values for actions in a state diagram and values for operations in a class diagram are the same.

Second, a number of types participating in a polymorphism structure must be inspected. For example, a value “add customer” can be used as an instance of an ‘operation name’, an ‘action name’ and a ‘message name’. This means that the three types share the same value. Third, the size of a polymorphism unit must be analyzed, i.e. how many instances of different property types are shared together. For example, actions and operations typically share only instances of the naming property types since actions do not include operation-related characteristics, like parameters or access levels. Also, parameters of a message in an event diagram (Rumbaugh et al. 1991, Booch et al. 1996) are the same as operations. Hence, the values shared include both the name and parameters. This is illustrated in Figure 5-6. An action, an operation and a message denote the same instance values. In a state model, actions are defined with a name, but operations of a class also include parameters and access levels, e.g. public. A sequence property type is only meaningful for messages in a message diagram.

FIGURE 5-6 An example of polymorphism structure.

Fourth, dependency among polymorphism structures requires that the modeling process be analyzed. This would allow us to find the types for which the shared instance values were first defined. For example, candidate operations should be added first into a message diagram and therefore operations of the class should refer primarily to already defined messages. Although analysis of dependencies deals with the modeling process, some of them can be recognized from model data. If a property type always has a value used in another property type, the former type may be dependent. Alternatively the checking mode for the dependency can be changed: active checking of dependency is required if models need to fulfill the rule at all times, and passive checking is used for an optional dependency.

Finally, the scope of a polymorphism can be changed if shared instances belong to a smaller scope than originally intended. Alternatively, if polymorphism is not used, because the instances the user wanted to refer to were outside the permitted scope, a larger scope could be specified.

5.3.4 Modeling the object system

The second approach to incremental ME is analyzing modeling capabilities. Tool-supported modeling capabilities are divided into abstraction and consistency checking (Olle et al. 1991, see also Section 2.3.2). The former means the capability to describe relevant aspects of object systems, and the latter means the capability to maintain consistent models.

The evaluation of modeling capabilities requires information about the object systems modeled and thus extends evaluation from the IRD level into the application level of IRDS (cf. Section 3.3.1). As a result, the evaluation must be conducted in close cooperation with method stakeholders. This means interviewing stakeholders in addition to analyzing model data. Interviewing is used to collect opinions on the method use and requests to change the method. The evaluation questions described below focus on structured interviewing. Abstraction support

A conceptual structure behind modeling techniques suggests an abstraction to describe an object system (cf. shell model, Figure 2-2). An abstraction means perceiving some aspects of the object system while ignoring other aspects. Two issues must be noticed while evaluating tool-supported abstraction capabilities. First, a tool provides a set of concepts which are limited from a syntactic and a semantic point of view. Therefore, non-diagramming concepts[27] (Wijers 1991) or other additional concepts can not be applied. Although a tool can include free-form modeling techniques, they are not adapted a priori to the situations and therefore their evaluation is excluded here (for this type of analysis see Wijers 1991). Second, not all aspects of the object system are necessarily represented in a similar notation to that used in paper documents because a CASE tool uses dialogs, linkages between models (e.g. an explosion structure), and a data dictionary to capture specifications.

The evaluation of abstraction support can be analyzed by examining how object systems could be represented, by analyzing difficulties in making representations, and by inspecting differences among method users. These are described below:

1) Are all relevant aspects of the object system perceived with the method? The limitation of abstraction support can be recognized when some aspects of the object system can not be perceived and represented with the modeling techniques. This requirement sets out the goal that the method must capture essential “objects” of the design problem and convey relevant information about them. As the review of method evaluation studies showed, this is the most common approach (e.g. Schipper and Joosten 1996, Wijers 1991, Fitzgerald 1991). Based on the evaluation, refinements can be made by:
-Adding new types which illustrate aspects to be modeled. These can include a new non-property type (e.g. an object type which has property types and other constraints) (e.g. Jaaksi 1997), several types, or a whole modeling technique (e.g. Tollow 1996).
-Adding a new property type (or types) that characterizes currently used non-property types (e.g. for subtyping entities, as in Wijers (1991)).
-Adding new relationship (or role) types for describing specialized connections between objects.
-Removing constraints which restrict abstraction. Examples of possibly restrictive constraints are multiplicity constraints (limiting the number of relationships which an object type instance can participate in) and cardinality (limiting the number of roles a relationship can have).

2) What types have been difficult to use? Difficulties in making abstractions can indicate that the method does not “fit” the object system, or has not been introduced and taught well. If the difficulties are related to an inappropriate method, its conceptual structure can be redefined.

3) What types have been used differently among individual developers? Differences in method use can be due to individual differences and modeling preferences. For example, some developers can use state models to describe an object’s life-cycle as the method engineer intended, whereas others can use them for interface design (e.g. Jaaksi 1997). Similarly, method developers can have different requirements from end-users (Tolvanen and Lyytinen 1993). Although individual differences of method use exist (e.g. Wijers 1991, Hofstede and Verhoef 1996) and can be supported through ME, ISD is a group activity. The modeling results should be based on a common understanding of modeling concepts. This is important for communication, minimizing misunderstanding etc. Hence, method refinement should strive to find linkages between related views of method users (Nuseibah et al. 1996). Checking support

Problems of insufficient computing power are most noticeable in ensuring the consistency of models. Use of checking related constraints in the metamodel will result in well-defined and complete model instances. Consistency checking supports the maintainability of models, decreases the redundancy of modeling tasks, and supports traceability by informing of side-effects of changes. These emphasize both vertical and dynamic integration of conceptual method connections. The checking support is emphasized in ISD efforts where multiple models are developed with different techniques (integration among techniques or methods) and by different people (coordination among method users).

With respect to metamodel data, checking can be carried out either actively or passively. Active checking ensures that models continuously satisfy the constraints of the metamodel, whereas passive checking requires a modeler’s attention. In modeling tools passive checking is typically implemented with checking reports which inform method users about violations.

Although consistency is checked with various algorithms it is always dependent on the underlying metamodel data. Checking support can be evaluated with the following questions:

1) Are the developed models consistent? This question can be partly analyzed by checking if the models satisfy both the active and passive checking rules defined in the metamodel. Active checking is already ensured by the tool and passive checking can be analyzed by running the consistency reports made during the tool adaptation. If models are not consistent, either consistency rules are not applicable or they are not used. In the former case the checking related constraints can be removed, and in the latter case active checking can be required.

2) Is manual work required to keep models consistent? This question deals with finding new constraints to maintain consistent models. Redundancy of modeling occurs when the same instance information must be changed several times in order to maintain consistent models. This error-prone and time-consuming task can be reduced by adding constraints to the metamodel and by providing new checking reports based on the constraints added. Also, difficulties in tracing how changes in one model affect specifications elsewhere can indicate a need for new constraints. Redundant work exists in the following situations:
-The addition of an instance requires the addition of the same information elsewhere in the models. For example, creation of a new action in a state diagram necessitates that the action is specified among operations of a class (cf. metamodeling example in Section 3.3.3). This situation would require that the action names are dependent on the operation names.
-A change to an instance requires that other instances must be updated. For example, a change of an entity name must be reflected in a data dictionary and in data flow diagrams (Yourdon 1989a).
-The deletion of design data requires searching and removing the same instance information. For example, the deletion of a class might require the manual deletion of related state models or removal of individual states. The former could be automated by defining a minimum cardinality of one for the explosion target (i.e. the state model), and the latter by using dependent polymorphism among states and classes (i.e. each state must refer to and be dependent on a class through its name, as in UML (Booch et al. 1996)).

Some refinements can be carried out by changing the checking mode, or the scope of the constraints. Active checking can be used for constraints which are defined but not applied or when the use of passive checking is considered tedious. The scope of the consistency related metamodel constructs can be changed if consistency is not ensured among instances outside the defined scope: the scope is refined from a smaller set of instances (e.g. dependent type) to include a larger number of instances (e.g. model or method).

5.3.5 Supporting problem solving

Methods are not only used to describe a current situation but also to carry out a change process with respect to object systems. This necessitates that a method supports the seeking of candidate solutions and deciding amongst them (Tolvanen and Lyytinen 1994). Both of these can be supported by a CASE tool with form conversion and production of documents (Olle at al. 1991, cf. Section 2.3.2). Form conversion provides mechanisms to seek alternative solutions by manipulating design data according to method knowledge (i.e. according to the conceptual structure or the notation). Deciding among solutions can not be directly automated but can be supported through the provision of documents for review and comparing candidate designs with the current configuration.

The evaluation of problem-solving capabilities is not much addressed as most approaches (cf. Section 5.2) focus mainly on modeling support. One reason for this focus is the evaluation of methods separate from their use situation. The analysis of problem solving capabilities reveals which parts of the method knowledge are required to seek alternative solutions and which are needed only for abstraction and checking. For example, while generating code from object-oriented methods, not all concepts of the method are needed: although message diagrams are important in understanding object interaction, they are not required since the design data related to program code is already represented in class diagrams.

As with the evaluation of modeling support, the evaluation of a method’s role in problem solving requires the participation of stakeholders. It involves an inspection of the application level to refine the IRD definition level (i.e. metamodels); in other words, a comparison of development outcomes and the method’s role in producing them. Support for form conversion

Form conversion in a CASE tool means an analysis and a comparison of design data, simulation, generation of program code, and building of prototypes. Like consistency checking, form conversions are carried out by algorithms (e.g. checking reports or transformations) but they are only possible if the metamodel specifies and maintains the necessary design data. This means that aspects other than those found directly from or derivable from models can not be converted. In other words, conversions are largely dictated by the abstraction capabilities. Naturally, method knowledge is also included in the conversion algorithm (e.g. the syntax of the generated language), or can be added by developers during the conversion (e.g. a choice among approaches to convert an inheritance into a relational model, see Rumbaugh et al. (1991)).

The evaluation of method support deals with analyzing how well it provides concepts and notations for form conversions. A conversion of conceptual design data takes place, for example, when a schema for a database is generated. Conversion of representational data occurs when the conceptual design data remains the same but the notation changes. For example, BSP (IBM 1984) determines boundaries between ISs by organizing the data classes and business processes into a matrix so that a minimal number of connections occur among ISs. During this conversion only representations of data classes and business processes are clustered according to the use of data. Form conversion capabilities can be evaluated with the following questions:

1) Can the required analysis be made using the models? Although analysis of models is dictated by the rationale that suggests modeling concepts, model analysis can reveal the need for new concepts. For example, during workflow modeling, a demand to analyze bottlenecks may arise. This, however, is impossible if the models do not capture information about capacity and throughput times. This suggests additions of property types to the workflow modeling technique. Similarly, inspection of encapsulation requires that attributes and operations of a class can both be specified directly with the specification of a class (e.g. Rumbaugh et al. 1991), or in a class related models (e.g. Coleman et al. 1994).

2) Can alternative design solutions be generated from models? A method should include rules which allow the conversion of models into various design alternatives by using the metamodel data. For example, to generate alternative solutions based on the level of (de-)centralization of the organization, the method should describe organizational structures. Similarly, interaction scenarios between classes can be examined by describing a significance for events (e.g. Awad et al. 1996).

3) Does the design satisfy requirements of later phases or external tools? An outcome of modeling is a design solution which can be implemented or further analyzed with other methods or external tools (e.g. with a simulator, a programming environment, a code generator, or a reporting tool). Therefore, vertical integration with other tools and methods (cf. Table 2-2) must be provided. In other words, the requirements of later phases must be satisfied to provide an integrated method. For example, although UML (Booch et al. 1996) supports the generation of CORBA IDL interfaces (Iona 1997) better than other methods analyzed in Chapter 4, its support is not complete. As an example, UML does not consider context clauses for IDL operations. Hence, the UML metamodel can be extended with property types for context expression. Metamodel extensions towards programming languages are further discussed in Hillegersberg (1997).

The analysis of form conversion capabilities typically leads to extending the conceptual structure with new types and constraints. If a conversion suffers from unavailable design data, for example because modeling tasks can not be completed unless instance values are added to the models made earlier, constraints can be added. These include a mandatory constraint for property types, multiplicity of types, and multiplicity of roles. In addition to changes to a metamodel, changes are also required in form conversion algorithms. Support for review

Information system specifications which can be understood and reviewed by stakeholders are of great importance for validation. Tool support for review consists of the provision of information for stakeholders, such as summary reports for managers, less formal descriptions of the selected domain for end-users, and formal specifications for programmers. The documents produced can vary based on the conceptual data and their representations. Since a review is always dictated by what is abstracted, the evaluation of review support deals mostly with representational issues. Tool support for the review step can be analyzed with the following questions:

1) Can validation of IS models be supported? The metamodel must help to validate the system descriptions in relation to stakeholders’ desires and needs. This requirement is partly overlapping with the consistency criterion. There is, however, a marked difference: validity deals mostly with the semantic adequacy, whereas consistency focuses mainly on the syntactic properties of the models. Therefore, validity can not be assessed by exploring the metamodel alone, but method users can provide information about which concepts and representations they find useful in validation.

2) Does the method correspond to users’ natural concepts? Development methods are developed to satisfy developers’ cognitive needs related to design tasks. Therefore, it would be an advantage if methods were similar to users’ existing concepts and patterns of thought. For example, Olle et al. (1991) suggests different graphic representations for different types of users: experts from different areas of the object system may require different concepts from those employed in the underlying techniques. Similarly, less formal notations and icons can be applied.

The analysis of review support typically leads to extending the method in terms of providing different notational constructs, and simplifying the method for different use situations.

5.3.6 Remarks on the a posteriori mechanisms

In this section we have put forward mechanisms for evaluating methods in a given situation. These mechanisms refine a method by adding, changing, and removing parts of the method knowledge. In other words, they evaluate which parts of the modeling techniques need to be simplified or extended. If the mechanism reveals requirements to change the method, it means that the constructed method may not be applicable in a use situation. The mechanisms are summarized in Table 5-4. The steps of incremental ME, i.e. collection of experiences, analysis, and outcome of refinements, form the vertical axis, and the a posteriori mechanisms the horizontal axis.

TABLE 5-4 Mechanism for method evaluation and refinement.

As the proposed mechanisms show, we emphasize modeling and problem-solving capabilities. They are mostly used in cases of local method development (cf. Section 2.4.2) and in the method evaluation literature (cf. Section 5.2), and they can be related to detailed method knowledge. Neither contingencies nor stakeholders’ values imply modifications of detailed metamodels, although some changes in contingencies or value-based ME criteria could be accommodated in a metamodel.

It must be noted that the preceding mechanisms are not the only ones possible for evaluating methods. They are relevant for our research question of supporting method improvement through metamodels. The collection and analysis of experiences, as well as method refinements, are carried out through the metamodeling constructs. These organize the experience gathering and make method modifications more explicit and formal. The matching of types and their instances mostly leads to purging of method knowledge, because extensions which enlarge the metamodel are not possible. In other words, analysis of the use of a method in a tool can only show things which the tool has not prohibited. In contrast, the evaluation of modeling support and problem solving capabilities mostly lead to extensions of method knowledge. Extensions are largely a result of method users’ requests which arise from the application level. This also means that a posteriori ME requires the participation of the method engineer in ISD to obtain application level knowledge. This supports the claims that a method engineer must be one of the stakeholders of ISD, such as a project manager (Odell 1996).

Because the mechanisms are overlapping, they can suggest conflicting modifications. For example, an analysis of explosion structures can show that each instance must be exploded, but the analysis of type multiplicity reveals that resulting models have only a few instances. As a result, the choice of an appropriate refinement must be made together with method users. Moreover, neither the mechanism nor the refinements should be prioritized. Therefore, the preferences of stakeholders can emphasize different mechanisms and resulting refinements. For example, Hofstede and Verhoef (1996) propose to be less ambitious with regard to the level of consistency and promote simple representations (i.e. a small number of graphical symbols).

[26] The state could also belong to superclasses. The analysis can be further improved by analyzing neighboring instances. For example, if the transition occurs from a state of another class the operation should be defined as public (e.g. Booch et al. 1996).

[27] Non-diagramming concepts refer in Wijer’s (1991, p. 170) study to additions to the modeling technique which are made when all aspects of object systems could not be explicitly specified with the modeling technique. Examples of such concepts in his study include a ‘problem’ and an ‘external party’.

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