Week 1: Classical fields, Equations of motion, Noether's teorem, Quantization of scalar fields
Week 2: Propagators, Dirac equation/fields, Lorentz transformations of fields
Week 3: Quantization of Dirac field, Discrete symmetries
Week 4-5: Interaction picture, Dyson series, Wick's theorem, Feynman diagrams
Week 6: Cross section, scattering matrix
Week 7: Feynman rules with fermions, Yukawa theory, Maxwell field
Week 8: Coulomb potential, Gupta-Bleuler quantization, Analytic structure of 2-point function
Week 9: LSZ reduction, Optical theorem, Cutkosky rules, Unstable particles
Week 10: e+e- annihilation into muons & helicity structure, non-relativistic approximation
Week 11: Crossing symmetry, Compton scattering, braking radiation, vertex correction
Week 12: Electron & photon self energy, dimensional regularization, running coupling in QED
Exercise sheets: