Stefan Geiss - Research
- Convergence rate for random walk approximations of mean field BSDEs.
With B. Djehiche, H. Geiss, C. Labart, and J. Nykänen.
arXiv:2409.14212, 2024 .
- On the sharpness of embeddings of Hölder spaces into Gaussian Besov spaces.
arXiv:2009.14112, 2020.
- On Riemann-Liouville operators, BMO, gradient estimates in the Lévy-Itô space, and approximation.
With T. Nguyen.
arXiv:2009.00899, 2020.
- On Riemann-Liouville type operators, bounded mean oscillation, gradient estimates and approximation
on the Wiener space.
With T. Nguyen, 2024.
- S. Geiss and J. Ylinen: Decoupling on the Wiener Space, Related Besov Spaces, and Applications to BSDEs.
arXiv1409.532, Memoirs AMS 1335 (2021).
- H. Geiss and S. Geiss: Measure, Probability and Functional Analysis.
Springer (2025).
- On decoupling in Banach spaces.
With S. Cox.
Journal of Theoretical Probability,
- Donsker-Type Theorem for BSDEs: Rate of Convergence.
With P. Briand, C. Geiss and C. Labart.
Bernoulli, ArXiv:1908.01188.
- Weighted Bounded Mean Oscillation applied to Backward Stochastic Differential Equations.
With J. Ylinen.
Stochastic Process. Appl. 130(2020)37111–3752.
- Permutation invariant functionals of Lévy processes.
With F. Baumgartner.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 369, 8607-8641, 2017.
- First time to exit of a continuous Itô process: general moment estimates and
L1-convergence rate for discrete time approximations.
With B. Bouchard and E. Gobet.
Bernoulli 23 (2017), no. 3, 1631–1662.
- Fractional smoothness of functionals of diffusion processes under a change of measure.
With E. Gobet.
Communications in Probability Vol. 19, (35), 2014.
- On fractional smoothness and Lp-approximation on the Gaussian space.
With A. Toivola.
Annals of Probability Vol. 43, pp. 605-638, 2015.
- A note on Malliavin fractional smoothness for Lévy processes and approximation.
With C. Geiss and E. Laukkarinen.
Potential Analysis 39, pp.203-230, 2013.
- Generalized fractional smoothness and Lp-variation of BSDEs with non-Lipschitz terminal conditions.
With C. Geiss and E. Gobet.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 122, pp.2078-2116, 2012.
- Extrapolation of vector valued rearrangement operators.
With P. F. X. Müller.
J. Lond. Math. Soc.80(3), pp.798-814, 2009.
- Weak convergence of error processes in discretizations of stochastic integrals and Besov spaces.
With A. Toivola.
Bernoulli 15 (4), pp.925-954, 2009.
- On singular integrals and martingale transforms.
With S. Montgomery-Smith and E.Saksman.
Transactions AMS, Vol.362 (2), pp.553-575, 2010.
- Haar type and Carleson constants.
With P. F. X. Müller.
Bulletin of the London Mathematical
Society 40, pp.432-438, 2008.
- Interpolation and approximation in L2(γ).
With M. Hujo.
Journal of Approximation Theory 144, pp.213-232, 2007.
- A remark on extrapolation of rearrangement operators on dyadic
With With P. F. X. Müller and V. Pillwein.
Studia Math. 171, pp.196-205, 2005.
- On an approximation
problem for stochastic integrals where
random time nets do not help.
With C. Geiss.
Stoch. Proc. Appl. 116, pp.407-422, 2006.
- On approximation of a class of stochastic integrals and interpolation.
With C. Geiss.
Stochastics and Stochastics Reports 76, pp.339-362, 2004.
- Weighted BMO and discrete time hedging within the Black-Scholes model.
Prob. Theory Related Fields 132, pp.39-73, 2005.
- Quantitative approximation of certain stochastic integrals.
Stochastics and Stochastics Reports 73, pp.241-270, 2002.
- On the approximation of stochastic integrals and weighted BMO.
Stochastic Processes and Related Topics, Eds. R. Buckdahn, H. J. Engelbert, M. Yor. Stochastics Monographs. Taylor-Francis Books, 2002.
- A general contraction principle for vector valued martingales.
Prob. and Math. Statistics, Vol.20, pp.93-120, 2000.
- Contraction principles for vector valued martingales with respect to random variables having exponential tail with exponent 2<α<∞.
J. Theor. Prob. 14, pp.39-59, 2001.
Absolutely Lexpq-summing norms of diagonal operators in lr and limit orders of Lexp-summing operators.
Math. Nachr. Vol. 223, pp- 33-48, 2001.
- On BMO-spaces of adapted sequences .
Séminaire d'initiation à l'analyse, année 1997/99,
Publications mathématiques de l'Université Paris VI, 10 pp.
- Espaces BMOΦ0,s et Extrapolation.
Séminaire d'initiation à l'analyse, année 1996/97, Publications mathématiques de l'Université Paris VI, 7 pp.
- A counterexample concerning the relation between decoupling constants and UMD-constants.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 351, pp.1355-1375, 1999.
- Operators on martingales, Φ-summing operators, and the contraction principle
Prob. and Math. Statistics 18.1, pp.149-171, 1998.
- BMOψ-spaces and applications to extrapolation theory.
Studia Math. 122(3), pp.235-274, 1997.
- Absolutely LΦ-summing operators
and an application to the contraction principle.
Séminaire d'initiation à l'analyse, année 1995/96, Publications mathématiques de
l'Université Paris VI 11 pp.
- Type and Cotype with respect to arbitrary orthonormal systems.
With M. Junge
Journal of Approximation Theory 82, pp.399-433, 1995.
- Antisymmetric tensor products of nuclear operators on Banach spaces.
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 150, M. Dekker, New York 1993.
- Antisymmetric tensor products of absolutely p-summing operators
Journal of Approximation Theory 68, pp.223-246, 1992.
- Some relations between s-numbers of operators on Banach spaces.
Monatshefte für Mathematik 110, pp.217-230, 1990.
- Grothendieck numbers and volume ratios of operators on Banach spaces.
Forum Mathematicum 2, pp.323-340, 1990.
- Grothendieck numbers of linear and continuous operators on Banach spaces.
Mathematische Nachrichten 148, pp.65-79, 1990.
- Ein Faktorisierungssatz für mulitlineare Funktionale.
Mathematische Nachrichten 134, pp.
149-159, 1987.
- Fractional smoothness and applications in Finance.
With E. Gobet.
In 'Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance', G. Di Nunno and B. Oksendal, editors,
Springer Verlag. 2011.
- On decoupling in Banach spaces.
With S. Cox.
arXiv:1805.12377, 2018.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, P.O.Box 35 (MaD) FI-40014 University of Jyväskylä, Finland,
Phone: +358 408053422