
1   Case Endings

The genitive singular ending is -n and the genitive plural ending is -in, -en, -den, -ten, or -tten. The endings -den and -tten are always alternative to each other.

2   Formation of Genitive Singular

The genitive singular is formed by adding the ending -n to the genitive stem. Examples are shown in the tables in the following chapter.

3   Formation of Genitive Plural

The formation of the genitive plural is very complicated, because there are several endings and the case can be formed from three different stems: the nominative stem, partitive stem, and strong-grade plural stem.

3.1 Words that end in a vowel

a) Words that end in a, e, o, u, y, ä, or ö

If a word ends in a single a, e, o, u, y, ä, or ö, the genitive plural is formed by adding the ending -en to the strong-grade plural stem. The plural marker i becomes j between vowels. This group does not include words ending in a relic consonant (see chapter 3.2 a below).

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
koira koiran koirien dog
kana kanan kanojen hen
koulu koulun koulujen school
omena omenan omenojen apple
mansikka mansikan mansikkojen strawberry

b) Words that end in i

If a word ends in a single i, the genitive plural is formed by adding the ending -en to the nominative stem.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
kahvi kahvin kahvien coffee
enkeli enkelin enkelien angel
västäräkki västäräkin västäräkkien pied wagtail (Motacilla alba)

This group also includes comparative forms.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
isompi isomman isompien bigger
kumpi kumman kumpien which one

This group also includes the words that undergo the vowel change i ~ e.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
kieli kielen kielien language
vesi veden vesien water
kansi kannen kansien lid
jälsi jällen jälsien cambium
virsi virren virsien hymn
meri meren merien sea
yksi yhden yksien one
veitsi veitsen veitsien knife

If the partitive stem ends in a consonant, the genitive plural can also be formed by adding the ending -ten to it. These words always undergo the vowel change i ~ e. This rule cannot be applied to words yksi 'one' and kaksi 'two'.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
kieli kielen kielten language
vesi veden vetten water
kansi kannen kantten lid
jälsi jällen jältten cambium
virsi virren virtten hymn
meri meren merten sea
veitsi veitsen veisten knife

The genitive plural can also be formed by adding either the ending -den or -tten to the strong-grade plural stem, if the word has at least three syllables, the strong-grade plural stem ends in a diphthong, and the syllable preceding the case ending is stressed.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
enkeli enkelin enkeleiden

c) Words that end in two vowels

If a word ends in two or more vowels, the genitive stem is formed by adding either the ending -den or -tten to the strong-grade plural stem.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
maa maan maiden
n öiden
tie tien teiden
neliö neliön neliöiden

d) Special forms

The genitive plural of some words ending in a consonant can also be formed with the aid of the ending -ten. These forms belong to elevated style.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
enkeli enkelin enkelten angel
jumala jumalan jumalten god
sankari sankarin sankarten hero

3.2 Words that end in a consonant

a) Words that end in a relic consonant

If a word ends in a relic consonant, the genitive plural is formed by adding either the ending -den or -tten to the strong-grade plural stem.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
vene veneen veneiden
koe kokeen kokeiden
laite laitteen laitteiden

b) Words that end in l, n, or r

If a word ends in l, n, or r, the genitive plural is formed by adding either the ending -ten to the partitive stem or -en to the strong-grade plural stem.

The ending -ten is added to the partitive stem.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
avain avaimen avainten key
ien ikenen ienten gum
hevonen hevosen hevosten horse
mahdoton mahdottoman mahdotonten impossible
suurin suurimman suurinten the biggest
seitsemän seitsemän seitsenten seven
askel askelen askelten step
tatar tattaren tatarten knotweed (Polygonum)

The ending -en is added to the strong-grade plural stem.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
avain avaimen avaimien key
ien ikenen ikenien gum
hevonen hevosen hevosien horse
mahdoton mahdottoman mahdottomien impossible
suurin suurimman suurimpien the biggest
seitsemän seitsemän seitsemien seven
askel askelen askelien step
tatar tattaren tattarien knotweed (Polygonum)

c) Words that end in s

If a word ends in s, the genitive plural is formed with the aid of the ending -en, -den, -tten or -ten.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
osuus osuuden osuuksien share, part
seitsemäs seitsemännen seitsemänsien the seventh

If the partitive stem ends in -s and the strong-grade plural stem ends in a single vowel, the genitive plural is formed by adding the ending -en to the strong-grade plural stem.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
varis variksen variksien crow

If the partitive stem ends in -s and the strong-grade plural stem ends in two vowels, the genitive plural is formed by adding either the ending -den or -tten to the strong-grade plural stem.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
vieras vieraan vieraiden

If the partitive stem ends in -s, the genitive plural can also be formed by adding the ending -ten to the partitive stem.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
varis variksen varisten crow
vieras vieraan vierasten guest

d) Words that end in t

If a word ends in t and the strong-grade plural stem ends in a diphthong, the genitive plural is formed by adding either the ending -den or -tten to the strong-grade plural stem.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
kevät kevään keväiden
ohut ohuen ohuiden
juossut juosseen juosseiden
syönyt syöneen syöneiden

If a word ends in t and the strong-grade plural stem ends in a single vowel, the genitive plural is formed by adding the ending -en to the strong-grade plural stem. This group includes only one word.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
tuhat tuhannen tuhansien thousand

The genitive plural of this word can also be formed with the aid of the ending -ten, but this form belongs to elevated style.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
tuhat tuhannen tuhanten thousand

e) Loan words

The genitive plural of loan words that end in a consonant is formed by adding the ending -en to the partitive stem.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
radar radarin radarien radar
stadion stadionin stadionien stadium

The genitive plural can also be formed by adding either the ending -den or -tten to the strong-grade plural stem, if the word has at least three syllables, the strong-grade plural stem ends in a diphthong, and the syllable preceding the case ending is stressed.

Nominative Genitive sg Genitive pl Translation
radar radarin radareiden
stadion stadionin stadioneiden