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Second issue: 31st October 2000
World Report (2nd period of 2000)
"Our World Government" -
by Pekka Korhonen
"Lessons from integration of aliens in Finland
1917-1944" -
by Antero Leitzinger
"Jenseits von Mozartkugeln und Walzerseligkeit" -
von Stephan Baier
"Warum isolieren wir nicht Amerika?" -
von Stephan Baier
"Die Europafalle" -
von Karl von Habsburg
"Chechnya destroyed
" -
by Yuri N. Maltsev
"Georgia - the Eurasian corridor" -
by Maya Beridze
"On stability and separatism" -
by Anssi K. Kullberg
"Why Russia has to cut Chechnya
loose" -
by Paul Starobin
"Slave trade in Sudan?" -
by Antero Leitzinger
"Policy of terror and western virtue in European
insecurity" -
By Anssi K. Kullberg
"Up and down in 123 years
" -
by Antero Leitzinger
"The Human Terrain of Urban Operations" -
by Ralph Peters
"Independence and state of Chechnya" -
by Roman Khalilov
Intervista a Otto d'Asburgo -
by Luigi Giuliano de Anna
The Heritage of the Kazars in Europe - by
Antero Leitzinger
The Circassian Genocide - by Antero
Questionable effectiveness of Russian anti-terrorist
operations - by Sanobar Shermatova
The strategic importance of Iraq's Kurds -
by Anssi K. Kullberg
Previous issue (Issue 1, 21.5.2000)