
Source files

readme.html = Instructions how to get the source files (in Finnish)

source.zip = All vlthumbs-files in zip

vlthumbs.dpr = Project file for program

AboutVlThumbsForm.pas = About dialog for vlthumbs
AboutVlThumbsForm.dfm =
ExifForm.dfm = Dialog showing Exif-info and selecting items to show
ExifForm.pas =
Folder.pas = Information about current folder
mdFileStream.pas = Martin Djernæs faster file stream
mdJpegInfo.pas = Martin Djernæs component to extract Exif info from jpeg-file
Parameters.pas = component to parse command line parameters
ThumbsPanel.pas = component to show many thumbs in same panel
vlthumbsForm.dfm = Main form file
vlthumbsForm.pas = Code for the main form
VlThumbsOptionsForm.dfm = options form
VlThumbsOptionsForm.pas = code for options form
ZoomPicture.pas = component to show zoomable picture

Kave-components needed

KaveOptVCL.dpk.zip = All Kave Options in one zip -file
KaveOptVCL.dpk = package for self saving components
kEditPnl.pas = Panel that has Edit and Label same time
EditDouble.pas = Simple edit component for double values
OptionButton.pas = Button to be used in option forms
kinicomp.pas = Example of the use of TIniSave
EditDoubleIni.pas = A DoubleEdit component with save to Ini-file
kCheck.pas = An general check -component to help making checkable controls
kIniSave.pas = class TIniSave to help making components that saves them automatically to Registry/Ini-file.
kPropFunc.pas = Functions to handle properties
kdouble.pas = Subroutines for handling double-numbers.
IniName.pas = Solve ini-file name
kMacroString.pas = Keep track macro variables and make replacesments
IniReadOrder.pas = To give a read order for registry/ini-files
kstring.pas = string-handling subroutines
savepos.pas = A component for saving and restoring the last position of the form
savepos.dcr = Icon for savepos
StringGridIni.pas = A string grid that saves the settings
GetRegRoot.pas = To get the registry root key
ksplitter.pas = A splitter component that remembers the split position
SavePanel.pas = Panel that remembers the Caption