Borland Developer Studio 2006, Update 1 Release Notes

This file contains important supplementary information about the features and fixes that are included in this updated release of Borland Developer Studio 2006. This file only includes information about what has changed in the product since Borland Developer Studio 2006 was released. This update completes the functionality of the Preview Technology for C++ and C in Borland Developer Studio 2006. For information about the original release of Borland Developer Studio 2006, see the Readme file. This information may not appear in the main product documentation. Borland recommends that you read this file in its entirety.

For information about installation, deployment, and licensing issues, see the Install, Deploy, and License files located, by default, at C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0.

Update Installation Instructions

Note: This update can only be applied to the English version of Borland Developer Studio 2006.

This update can be removed after it is installed if you have MSI 3.0 or above. However, there is a known issue that MSI will prompt for the source media disks during uninstallation of Update 1. You should insert the disk that is being prompted for to continue with uninstallation. You will not see this problem if you did not install BDE.

  1. Close Borland Developer Studio 2006 before installing this update.
  2. If you have MSI 3.0 or above, double-click on the .msp file to begin installation. Otherwise, navigate to the System32 folder in a command window and type the following to start the installation.
  3. Type in the command line syntax for your MSI version.

    Command line syntax for MSI 2.0:

    msiexec.exe /p <path to bds2006_arch_upd1.msp file> /L*v <path to log file> DEBUG_MODE=ON REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus


    /L*v and DEBUG_MODE=ON are optional.

    For example, if you have the .msp file in C:\temp directory, then msiexec.exe /p "C:\temp\bds2006_arch_upd1.msp" REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus will install the update.

    The following example will also generate a log file named bds2006upd1.log under C:\temp
    msiexec.exe /p "C:\temp\bds2006_arch_upd1.msp" /L*v "C:\temp\bds2006upd1.log" REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus DEBUG_MODE=ON

  4. Command line syntax for MSI 3.0 or above:

    msiexec.exe /update <path to .msp file> /L*v <path to log file> DEBUG_MODE=ON


    /L*v and DEBUG_MODE=ON are optional.

    For example, if you have the .msp file in C:\temp directory, then msiexec.exe /update “C:\temp\bds2006_arch_upd1.msp” /L*v “C:\temp\bds2006_arch_upd1.log” DEBUG_MODE=ON will install the update.

    For more information on MSI command-line options, please visit Microsoft MSI Command Line Options.

  5. The final dialog of the update installer indicates whether the update was successful. You can also verify using one of the following methods:

    Open the Windows Control Panel, click Add/Remove Programs, and then choose the Borland Developer Studio 2006 product. Use the Click here for support information link and verify that the version is 10.0.1.

    Open the registry using regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BORLAND\BDS\4.0 and verify that the ProductVersion and UpdatePackInstalled string values are 10.0.1 and 1, respectively.

    With the IDE open, choose Help | About to display the About dialog box. Verify that Update 1 appears after the product version number.

Resolved Defects

The following issues, listed in the Known Issues section of the Readme file for the original release of Borland Developer Studio 2006, have been resolved in this update. Information on additional resolved issues is available through Borland Quality Central.

A new dbexpasa30.dll driver is being delivered in this update which will fix a problem with stored procedures returning NULL for some parameter types.
If you are creating a C++ Package that contains a Delphi unit that uses the DesignIntf and DesignEditors tools, you had to choose Project|Options|Pascal Compiler|Other Options and then add -LUDesignIDE for the compiler to work correctly. Now the DesignIntf and DesignEditors tools are supported by the compiler.
The dialog for specifying C++ build events accepts the names of batch files as well as batch syntax. However, the batch syntax created a separate process for each line in the dialog. Commands relying on the value of one or more environment variables, set in previous commands, didn't always work correctly. For example, the following command failed because OUTPUT_DIR was no longer associated with the set command:
set OUTPUT_DIR=c:\project\bin
copy *.exe %OUTPUT_DIR%
Now the batch syntax creates a single process.
The project manager now supports moving a file outside of its parent directory in order to change the build order. Previously, you could change the build order only by moving files around within a directory, or by moving directories within the project.
For example, if you had 2 files in Dir1 and 2 files in Dir2, the project manager did not support the following build order:
The debugger/module view now shows symbol files for modules with .tds files.
The context menu of .rc files in the Project Manager did not contain the Compile Action option. This was because renamed .txt files were not placed in the proper container with the associated functions.
Now the .txt files are placed in the proper container.
Rename Refactoring had known problems when trying to rename components that were managed by the VCL designer. The refactoring could generate errors or fail to rename all references. You can now use Rename Refactoring to rename components that are managed by the VCL designer.
You can now perform Rename Refactoring on a single instance of a char variable.
Now the C++ personality supports dropping Microsoft Office components onto a Form. In the past, after dropping Microsoft Office components onto a Form, building the project caused the following C++ fatal error: "Word_XP_srvr.h(1989): F1008 Out of memory"
Exporting projects to a makefile is now supported.
In previous releases, the IDE did not allow the user to make changes to the Project_TLB.h file. As soon as the unit was saved, the IDE would refresh the Type Library immediately, thus overwriting the Project_TLB files with auto-generated code and losing all manual changes. This has been fixed with a new check box on the type library editor toolbar that is called "Auto Refresh". If unchecked, you must click the Refresh button to have the _TLB.pas and _TLB.cpp/h files regenerated with the type library updates. The box is checked by default, and the state of the checkbox will persist between IDE sessions and projects.
The Project | Build Configurations menu will bring up the Build Configuration Manager dialog. This dialog allows changing the active build configuration for multiple projects simultaneously. The "Configuration Name" combo box shows available build configurations for all projects in the current project group; when a configuration is selected all the projects with a same-named configuration are displayed in the list view along with the name of their currently active configuration(s). Select one or more projects in the list view then click "Apply" to apply the selected configuration to the selected projects. Note that the "Edit" button is not active unless one and only one project is selected - multiple build configurations cannot be edited simultaneously.
Previously, compiling an ActiveX library with an Active Form set to "Include About Box" could result in errors. This has been resolved.

Known Issues

The following are known issues in Borland Developer Studio 2006 Update 1.


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