[View] ; Format: ; ; MapXX=Type, Filter, Active, "FilterTitle", "Query", "Command", "Argument"[, "Notation"] ; ; Type ::=Class | Member | Attribute | Link | Operation ; Filter ::=0 | 1 ; determines whether view statement is included in Filter dialog ; Active ::=0 | 1 ; determines whether view is active ; FilterTitle... ; is the title of corresponding Filter check ; Query ::=...see table of queries... ; Query is one of the queries that are available for the Type ; The result of the Query can be true or false. ; To negate the query result, precede it by "!". ; Command ::=...see table of commands... ; Command is a graphical-property command which is executed if the Query is true. ; This command accepts "Argument" as argument. ; Argument ::=...see table of arguments... ; Additional argument for the Command. ; Notation ::=Coad | OMT | Unified ; optional parameter determines the notation to which the view is applied. ; If ommited, the view is applied to any notation ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Queries supported by Types: ; ^^^^^^^ ; Query Applied to: What is? ; Class ; Member ; Attribute ; Link ; Operation ; ; Equal(Name) x x x x x true if the identifier matches Name ; HasTag(Name) x x x x x true if the identifier has the tag Name in the comment ; HasTagValue(Name,Value) ; x x x x x true if the identifier has the tag Name with the value Value ; IsClass() x true if class ; IsStruct() x true if structure ; IsTemplate() x true if the class or the member is a template class ; IsNested() x true if the class is nested into another class ; IsExport() x true if the class has the export keyword ; IsObject() x true if the class is an object ; IsAbstract() x true if the class is pure virtual ; IsPublic() x x x x true if the member is public ; IsPrivate() x x x x true if the member is private ; IsProtected() x x x x true if the member is protected ; IsStatic() x x x x true if the member is static ; IsConst() x x x x true if the member is const ; IsVolatile() x x x x true if the member is volatile ; IsAttribute() x x x x true if the member is an attribute ; IsOperation() x x x x true if the member is an operation ; IsLink() x x x x true if the member is a link ; IsLinkType(Type) x x x x true if the member is a link of the specified type ; IsLinkCategory(Type) ; x x x x true if the member is a link of the specified category ; IsRegister() x true if the attribute has the register keyword ; IsInline() x true if the operation is inline ; IsConstructorOrDestructor() ; x true if the operation is a constructor or a destructor ; IsConstructor() x true if the operation is a constructor ; IsDestructor() x true if the operation is a destructor ; IsOperator() x true if the operation is an operator ; IsVirtual() x true if the operation is virtual ; IsPureVirtual() x true if the operation is pure virtual ; IsOverloaded() x true if the operation is overloaded ; IsInitiator() x true if the operation is an initiator of a scenario ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Commands supported by OME ; ^^^^^^^^ ; (Optional command argument is written to the 8th parameter) ; Command Argument Comment ; ; Orthogonal - Makes link "orthogonal" (as in Coad notation) ; Vertical - Makes link "vertical" (as inheritance link) ; Icon IconArg Inserts icon to a link ; Role RoleArg Inserts role to a link ; Color ColorSpec Changes the foreground color ; Background ColorSpec Changes the background color ; LineStyle LineStyleArg Changes the line style ; Width Width Changes the width of line ; FontStyle FontStyleArg Changes the font style ; Font FontSpec Changes the font ; Hilite - Displays the element as highlighted ; Hide - Hides the diagram element ; NodeShape ShapeArg Defines the shape of node (usually class) ; RoleLabels CardArg Inserts Role labels to a link ; Qualifiers CardArg Inserts Qualifier labels within rectangles at link edges ; Prefix symbol Prefixes the member name with given symbol ; PropertyInBraces TagName Insert label "TagName" in { } below the class name ; PropertyIndented TagName Insert label "TagName" indented and in italic below the class name ; PropertyInBracesValue ; TagName Insert label "TagName=Value" in { } below the class name ; PropertyIndentedValue ; TagName Insert label "TagName=Value" indented and in italic below the class name ; CardinalityDashed CardArg Inserts Coad-style cardinality using CardArg ; CardinalityAsIcons CardArg Inserts OMT-style cardinality using CardArg ; CardinalityDotsReverse ; CardArg Inserts Unified-style cardinality using CardArg ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Many commands: RoleLabels, Cardinality*, Qualifiers, Prop* specially process its argument. ; If argument is identifier it extract the value of corresponding tag. ; Otherwise, it accepts the argument as directly passed value. ; For the commands effective on links: ; Given one of 2 ways value is separeted onto 2 parts by slash sign ('/'). ; Each part is the string label to place at one of 2 edges of the link. ; The place and the order is determined by the command: ; Cardinality* : above link line. ; RoleLabels: below link line ; Qualifiers: in the rectangle squeezed to a class. ; ; Argument formats accepted by Commands ; ^^^^^^^^ ; Argument Format Examples ; FontSpec % FontName - Size - Style "%times-12-i". May be "default" ; FontStyleArg [b][i][u] "i" (italic), ; "u" (underline), ; "b" (bold), ; "ub" (underline bold) ; ColorSpec [rXXX][gXXX][bXXX] ; where XXX is in the range 0-255 "r255", "r99g99" ; Width Number in the range 1-99 "3" ; LineStyleArg solid | dash | dashdot | dot "dot" ; IconArg {S|C|D}{O|A|U}# "CO#Triangle" (for Aggregation) ; RoleArg {S|D}[G]# "DBG#HalfCircle" (for Inheritance) ; CardArg the name of cardinality label tag "Cardinalities" ; or directly passed string "0..1/n" ; (in special format) ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ShapeArg is the parameter for NodeShape command. It can be: ; ^^^^^^^^ ; DefaultType ; Note ; RoundRectangle ; RoundRectangleDoubleBorder ; Rectangle ; ShadowedRectangle ; RectangleWithoutOperations ; RectangleImpacted ; StructuredCloud ; ShadowedRectangleImpacted ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; IconArg is the parameter for Icon command. It has the following format: ; ^^^^^^^ ; {Source|Center|Destination}{Online|Aboveline|Underline}# ; ; Only first (capitalized) characters can be specified for icon position. ; is a standard icon names from: ; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ; ; Empty ; Triangle ; HalfCircle ; Arrow ; HalfArrow ; Circle ; FilledCircle ; Box ; FilledBox ; BackArrow ; Timeout ; Sync ; Rhomb ; RoleArg is the parameter for Role command. It has the following format: ; ^^^^^^^ ; {Source|Destination}[Grouping]# ; ; Only first (capitalized) characters can be specified for icon position. ; CardArg is the parameter for CardLabels command. ; ^^^^^^^ ; It is the tag name from which cardinality labels will be constructed. ; The format of the value of this tag should be: ; "k..l/m..n", where k, l, m, n can be a digit, 'n', or 'm' ; The contents of the tag value before the slash will be used for label ; at the source node, and contents after the slash will be used for label ; at the destination node. ;======================================================================== ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Filters shown in the Filter dialog ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Attribute filters ; Show/Hide all attributes: Map00=Attribute, 1, 0, "All attributes", "IsAttribute ()", "Hide", "" ; Show/Hide public attributes: Map01=Attribute, 1, 0, "Private attributes", "IsPrivate()", "Hide", "" ; Show/Hide all operations: Map10=Operation, 1, 0, "All operations", "IsOperation ()", "Hide", "" ; Show/Hide public operations: Map11=Operation, 1, 0, "Public operations", "IsPublic()", "Hide", "" ; Show/Hide virtual, inline, static, constant operations: Map20=Operation, 1, 0, "Virtual operations", "IsVirtual()", "Hide", "" Map22=Operation, 1, 0, "Static operations", "IsStatic()", "Hide", "" Map23=Operation, 1, 0, "Constant operations", "IsConst()", "Hide", "" ; Show/Hide Inheritance links: Map30=Link, 1, 0, "Inheritance links", "IsLinkType (Inheritance)", "Hide", "" ; Show/Hide Aggregation links: Map31=Link, 1, 0, "Aggregation links", "IsLinkCategory (Aggregation)", "Hide", "" ; Show/Hide Association links: Map33=Link, 1, 0, "Association links", "IsLinkCategory (Association)", "Hide", "" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; highlighting... ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Class Map40C=Class, 0, 1, "", "IsClass()", "Background", "r255g255b255" Map40S=Class, 0, 1, "", "IsStruct()", "Background", "r255g255b255" ; Display user-defined properties MapProp0=Class, 0, 1, "", "HasTag (Property)", "PropertyInBracesValue", "Property", OMT MapProp1=Class, 0, 1, "", "HasTag (Property)", "PropertyIndentedValue", "Property", Unified ; Display classnames in bold Map42=Class, 0, 1, "", "IsStruct()", "Font", "%Arial-11-b" Map43=Class, 0, 1, "", "IsClass ()", "Font", "%Arial-11-b" ; Display member names in plain Map44=Attribute, 0, 1, "", "IsAttribute()", "Font", "%Arial-11-" Map45=Operation, 0, 1, "", "IsOperation ()", "Font", "%Arial-11-" ; Display structures with green border: Map41g=Class, 0, 1, "", "IsStruct()", "Color", "g99" ; ---------------------------------- ; Notation specific nodes MapCoad45=Class, 0, 1, "", "IsAbstract ()", "NodeShape", "RoundRectangle", Coad MapCoad46=Class, 0, 1, "", "!IsAbstract ()", "NodeShape", "RoundRectangleDoubleBorder", Coad MapCoad47=Class, 0, 1, "", "IsStruct ()", "NodeShape", "RoundRectangleDoubleBorder", Coad MapOMT47=Class, 0, 1, "", "IsClass()", "NodeShape", "Rectangle", OMT MapOMT48=Class, 0, 1, "", "HasTag (Object)", "NodeShape", "RectangleWithoutOperations", OMT MapUnified47=Class, 0, 1, "", "IsClass()", "NodeShape", "RectangleImpacted", Unified MapUnified48=Class, 0, 1, "", "HasTag (Object)", "NodeShape", "StructuredCloud", Unified MapUnified50=Class, 0, 1, "", "HasTag (Utility)", "NodeShape", "ShadowedRectangleImpacted", Unified ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Members ; Private attributes black, others dark cyan Map51A=Attribute, 0, 1, "", "!IsPrivate()", "Color", "r0g128b128" ; Private operations black, others dark green Map51O=Operation, 0, 1, "", "!IsPrivate()", "Color", "r0g128b0" ; Display const members bold Map52=Member, 0, 1, "", "IsConst()", "FontStyle", "b" ; Display labels of virtual operations with italic font: Map53=Operation, 0, 1, "", "IsVirtual()", "FontStyle", "i" ; Display operations with scenario underlined Map55=Operation, 0, 1, "", "IsInitiator()", "FontStyle", "u" ; Display visibility symbols of members in OMT and Unified ;X Map56=Member, 0, 1, "", "IsPublic ()", "Prefix", "+", OMT Map57=Member, 0, 1, "", "IsPublic ()", "Prefix", "+", Unified ;X Map58=Member, 0, 1, "", "IsProtected ()", "Prefix", "#", OMT Map59=Member, 0, 1, "", "IsProtected ()", "Prefix", "#", Unified ;X Map60=Member, 0, 1, "", "IsPrivate ()", "Prefix", "-", OMT Map61=Member, 0, 1, "", "IsPrivate ()", "Prefix", "-", Unified ; Display leading '$' for static members in OMT and Unified ;X Map62=Member, 0, 1, "", "IsStatic ()", "Prefix", "$", OMT Map63=Member, 0, 1, "", "IsStatic ()", "Prefix", "$", Unified ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Links ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Display association links in blue: MapLnkCol01=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkCategory (Association)", "Color", "r0g0b255" ; Display aggregation links in dark blue: MapLnkCol02=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkCategory (Aggregation)", "Color", "r0g0b130" ; Display inheritance links in dark magenta: MapLnkCol03=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (Inheritance)", "Color", "r128g0b128" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; General ; MapLnk00=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLink ()", "Font", "default" MapLnk01=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLink ()", "Width", "2" MapLnk02=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLink ()", "Orthogonal", "" MapLnk03=Link, 0, 1, "", "HasTag (Qualifiers)", "Qualifiers", "Qualifiers", OMT MapLnk04=Link, 0, 1, "", "HasTag (Qualifiers)", "Qualifiers", "Qualifiers", Unified MapLnk05=Link, 0, 1, "", "HasTag (Roles)", "RoleLabels", "Roles", Coad MapLnk06=Link, 0, 1, "", "HasTag (Roles)", "RoleLabels", "Roles", OMT MapLnk07=Link, 0, 1, "", "HasTag (Roles)", "RoleLabels", "Roles", Unified ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Blueprint specific ; Don't change the order of groups of commands ; default pointer association cardinality: 0..1 MapAsoPtr04=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (AssociationPtr)", "CardinalityDashed", "0..1/", Coad MapAsoPtr03=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (AssociationPtr)", "CardinalityAsIcons", "0..1/", OMT MapAsoPtr05=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (AssociationPtr)", "CardinalityDotsReverse", "0..1/", Unified ; default template association cardinality: 0..n MapAsoMem04=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (AssociationTmpl)", "CardinalityDashed", "0..n/", Coad MapAsoMem03=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (AssociationTmpl)", "CardinalityAsIcons", "0..n/", OMT MapAsoMem05=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (AssociationTmpl)", "CardinalityDotsReverse", "0..n/", Unified ; default template aggregation cardinality: 0..n MapAggMem04=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (AggregationTmpl)", "CardinalityDashed", "1..n/", Coad MapAggMem03=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (AggregationTmpl)", "CardinalityAsIcons", "1..n/", OMT MapAggMem05=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (AggregationTmpl)", "CardinalityDotsReverse", "1..n/", Unified ; Display cardinality labels on links, that has tag "Cardinalities". Take a label from the tag value. MapCardCoad=Link, 0, 1, "", "HasTag (Cardinalities)", "CardinalityDashed", "Cardinalities", Coad MapCardOMT=Link, 0, 1, "", "HasTag (Cardinalities)", "CardinalityAsIcons", "Cardinalities", OMT MapCardUnified=Link, 0, 1, "", "HasTag (Cardinalities)", "CardinalityDotsReverse", "Cardinalities", Unified ; Display Inheritance with Vertical lines, and ; HalfCircle icon below line near Destination class: MapInh01=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (Inheritance)", "Vertical", "" MapInh02=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (Inheritance)", "Role", "DBG#HalfCircle", Coad MapInh04=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (Inheritance)", "Role", "DBG#Triangle", OMT MapInh05=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (Inheritance)", "Role", "DBG#", Unified MapInh06=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkType (Inheritance)", "Icon", "DO#ThickArrow", Unified ; display aggregation links with notation specific icons... ; Triangle icon On line in the Center between classes MapAgg00=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkCategory (Aggregation)", "Vertical", "" MapAgg01=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkCategory (Aggregation)", "Icon", "CO#Triangle", Coad MapAgg02=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkCategory (Aggregation)", "Icon", "SO#Rhomb", OMT MapAgg03=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkCategory (Aggregation)", "Icon", "DO#FilledCircle", OMT MapAgg04=Link, 0, 1, "", "IsLinkCategory (Aggregation)", "Icon", "SO#Rhomb", Unified [ObjectModelVersion] FileVersion=CE.FileVersion("1.05"); Notation=CE.Notation(Unified); [ObjectModel] TApplication=CE.NodeRect("TApplication", "", 91, 0, 78, 40, 0); TDialog=CE.NodeRect("TDialog", "", 190, 4, 59, 40, 0); TId=CE.NodeRect("TId", "E:\KURSSIT\WINOHJ\OOP\APF\OWL5\TICTAC\TICTACW.CPP##2", 722, 0, 135, 203, 776); TLauta=CE.NodeRect("TLauta", "E:\KURSSIT\WINOHJ\OOP\APF\OWL5\TICTAC\TICTACW.CPP##4", 258, 7, 136, 248, 1799); TNapSize=CE.NodeRect("TNapSize", "E:\KURSSIT\WINOHJ\OOP\APF\OWL5\TICTAC\TICTACW.CPP##1", 584, 0, 132, 113, 515); TNappi=CE.NodeRect("TNappi", "E:\KURSSIT\WINOHJ\OOP\APF\OWL5\TICTAC\TICTACW.CPP##3", 409, 124, 156, 203, 1032); TTicTacApp=CE.NodeRect("TTicTacApp", "E:\KURSSIT\WINOHJ\OOP\APF\OWL5\TICTAC\TICTACW.CPP##6", 57, 71, 135, 70, 258); TTicTacDialog=CE.NodeRect("TTicTacDialog", "E:\KURSSIT\WINOHJ\OOP\APF\OWL5\TICTAC\TICTACW.CPP##5", 51, 185, 156, 173, 520); TWindow=CE.NodeRect("TWindow", "", 444, 10, 65, 40, 0); TNappi:TWindow=CE.LinkPoints("TNappi", "TWindow", 4, 485, 124, 485, 96, 466, 96, 466, 50); TLauta:Wnd=CE.LinkPoints("TLauta", "Wnd", 2, 394, 28, 444, 28); TTicTacDialog:TDialog=CE.LinkPoints("TTicTacDialog", "TDialog", 4, 127, 185, 127, 156, 211, 156, 211, 44); TTicTacDialog:lauta=CE.LinkPoints("TTicTacDialog", "lauta", 2, 207, 223, 258, 223); TTicTacApp:TApplication=CE.LinkPoints("TTicTacApp", "TApplication", 4, 123, 71, 123, 36, 129, 36, 129, 40);