//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Bug // // Copyright © 1996. All Rights Reserved. // // SUBSYSTEM: Bug Application // FILE: bugedtvw.cpp // AUTHOR: // // OVERVIEW // ~~~~~~~~ // Source file for implementation of TBugEditView (TEditView). // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include "bugapp.h" #include "bugedtvw.h" #include //{{TBugEditView Implementation}} // // Build a response table for all messages/commands handled // by TBugEditView derived from TEditView. // DEFINE_RESPONSE_TABLE1(TBugEditView, TEditView) //{{TBugEditViewRSP_TBL_BEGIN}} EV_WM_GETMINMAXINFO, //{{TBugEditViewRSP_TBL_END}} END_RESPONSE_TABLE; //-------------------------------------------------------- // TBugEditView // ~~~~~~~~~~ // Construction/Destruction handling. // TBugEditView::TBugEditView(TDocument& doc, TWindow* parent) : TEditView(doc, parent) { // INSERT>> Your constructor code here. } TBugEditView::~TBugEditView() { // INSERT>> Your destructor code here. } // // Paint routine for Window, Printer, and PrintPreview for a TEditView client. // void TBugEditView::Paint(TDC& dc, bool, TRect& rect) { TBugApp* theApp = TYPESAFE_DOWNCAST(GetApplication(), TBugApp); if (theApp) { // Only paint if we're printing and we have something to paint, otherwise do nothing. // if (theApp->Printing && theApp->Printer && !rect.IsEmpty()) { // Use pageSize to get the size of the window to render into. For a Window it's the client area, // for a printer it's the printer DC dimensions and for print preview it's the layout window. TSize pageSize(rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top); HFONT hFont = (HFONT)GetWindowFont(); TFont font("Arial", -12); if (!hFont) dc.SelectObject(font); else dc.SelectObject(TFont(hFont)); TEXTMETRIC tm; int fHeight = dc.GetTextMetrics(tm) ? tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading : 10; // How many lines of this font can we fit on a page. // int linesPerPage = MulDiv(pageSize.cy, 1, fHeight); if (linesPerPage) { TPrintDialog::TData& printerData = theApp->Printer->GetSetup(); int maxPg = ((GetNumLines() / linesPerPage) + 1.0); // Compute the number of pages to print. // printerData.MinPage = 1; printerData.MaxPage = maxPg; // Do the text stuff: // int fromPage = printerData.FromPage == -1 ? 1 : printerData.FromPage; int toPage = printerData.ToPage == -1 ? 1 : printerData.ToPage; int currentPage = fromPage; TAPointer buffer = new char[255]; while (currentPage <= toPage) { int startLine = (currentPage - 1) * linesPerPage; int lineIdx = 0; while (lineIdx < linesPerPage) { // If the string is no longer valid then there's nothing more to display. // if (!GetLine(buffer, 255, startLine + lineIdx)) break; dc.TabbedTextOut(TPoint(0, lineIdx * fHeight), buffer, strlen(buffer), 0, 0, 0); lineIdx++; } currentPage++; } } } } } void TBugEditView::EvGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO far& minmaxinfo) { TBugApp* theApp = TYPESAFE_DOWNCAST(GetApplication(), TBugApp); if (theApp) { if (theApp->Printing) { minmaxinfo.ptMaxSize = TPoint(32000, 32000); minmaxinfo.ptMaxTrackSize = TPoint(32000, 32000); return; } } TEditView::EvGetMinMaxInfo(minmaxinfo); }