/* Project laskuri jyu Copyright © 1994. All Rights Reserved. SUBSYSTEM: laskuri.exe Application FILE: laskrapp.cpp AUTHOR: vl OVERVIEW ======== Source file for implementation of laskuriApp (TApplication). */ #include #pragma hdrstop #include "laskrapp.h" #include "lsktdlgc.h" // Definition of client class. //{{laskuriApp Implementation}} // // Build a response table for all messages/commands handled // by the application. // DEFINE_RESPONSE_TABLE1(laskuriApp, TApplication) //{{laskuriAppRSP_TBL_BEGIN}} EV_COMMAND(CM_HELPABOUT, CmHelpAbout), //{{laskuriAppRSP_TBL_END}} END_RESPONSE_TABLE; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // laskuriApp // ===== // laskuriApp::laskuriApp () : TApplication("laskuri") { // INSERT>> Your constructor code here. } laskuriApp::~laskuriApp () { // INSERT>> Your destructor code here. } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // laskuriApp // ===== // Application intialization. // void laskuriApp::InitMainWindow () { if (nCmdShow != SW_HIDE) nCmdShow = (nCmdShow != SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE) ? SW_SHOWNORMAL : nCmdShow; SDIDecFrame *frame = new SDIDecFrame(0, GetName(), 0, false); frame->SetFlag(wfShrinkToClient); // // Assign ICON w/ this application. // frame->SetIcon(this, IDI_SDIAPPLICATION); SetMainWindow(frame); } //{{SDIDecFrame Implementation}} SDIDecFrame::SDIDecFrame (TWindow *parent, const char far *title, TWindow *clientWnd, bool trackMenuSelection, TModule *module) : TDecoratedFrame(parent, title, clientWnd == 0 ? new laskuriTDLGClient(0) : clientWnd, trackMenuSelection, module) { // INSERT>> Your constructor code here. } SDIDecFrame::~SDIDecFrame () { // INSERT>> Your destructor code here. } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // laskuriApp // =========== // Menu Help About laskuri.exe command void laskuriApp::CmHelpAbout () { } int OwlMain (int , char* []) { try { laskuriApp app; return app.Run(); } catch (xmsg& x) { ::MessageBox(0, x.why().c_str(), "Exception", MB_OK); } return -1; }