/* vstring */ /****************************************************************************/ /* ** string-luokan osoittainen toteutus k„„nt„j„„n jossa ko. luokkaa ei ole. ** ** Tekij„t: Vesa Lappalainen ** Ohjelmointikurssi 1996 ** Tehty: 09.12.1995 ** Korjattu: 15.03.1996/vl ** Mit„ korjattu: lis„tty metodi varaa1 ja konstruktorit ja ** isonna_koko k„ytt„m„„n t„t„ ** varaa-metodi poistaa ensin vanhan tilan ** Korjattu: 24.10.1996/vl ** Mit„ korjattu: lis„tty <,>,<=,>= ja lis„ksi sekalainen m„„r„ ** operattoreita toiminaan, mm. s = "Alku " + s2; ** korjattu trimmaa ja insert toimimaan oikein ** read_line poistettu ** getlinessa tarvitaan loppumerkki ** Korjattu: 20.1.1998/vl ** Mit„ korjattu: string::npos, find ja alkeellinen rfind ** Korjattu: 24.1.1998/vl ** Mit„ korjattu: find(string) ja find(const char *) ** konstruktori vstring(st,pos,n) -lis„tty ** copy ** Korjattu: 25.1.1998/vl ** Mit„ korjattu: replace, rfind, find_first_of -sarja ** Muutettu kokonaan C++ Programming language 3th ed. ** luku 20 mukaiseksi, paitsi ** - ei iterator ** - substring -luokkaa ** - data on 0-loppuinen („l„ luota t„h„n) ** => datassa ei voi olla 0-merkki„ ** - ei allocator -k„sittely„ ** - ei heit„ poikkeuksia ** - getline ja >> kest„„ vain 400 merkin sy”t”n ** ** Yksinkertainen string-luokka joka korvataan paremmalla. ** Oikeastihan ANSI:n mukaan t„llainen pit„isi jo tulla k„„nt„j„n mukana. ** T„m„ on toteutus mm. Turbo-C:t„ varten, jotta voidaan ** tehd„ "standardin"-mukaisia ohjelmia. ** Kopioi Turbo-C++:n tai Borland C++ 3.1:n include hakemistoon ** nimelle string. (ei string .h eika string.cpp!) ** ** Jos k„ytt„„ metodeja: ** find_last_of,find_last_not_of,rfind (paitsi rfind(char c)) ** pit„„ linkitt„„ my”s mjonot.c ja vstring.cpp ** sek„ m„„ritell„ vakio USE_VSTRING ** Vakio pit„„ m„„ritell„ my”s jos t„m„ tiedosto otetaan mukaan useammassa ** kuin yhdess„ modulissa. ** *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VSTRING #define __VSTRING #define vstring string #include #include #define using #define namespace #define std #define bool int #define false 0 #define true (!false) const size_t NPOS = size_t(-1); //= size_t(9999); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class vstring { char *cstr; char tyhja[2]; // Tyhja paikka sit„ varten jos tilaa ei saada size_t maxkoko; // Varatun C-merkkijonon koko size_t pituus; int varaa1(int koko=81) { cstr = new char[koko]; maxkoko = 1; tyhja[0] = 0; if ( cstr ) { cstr[0] = 0; maxkoko = koko; } else cstr = tyhja; pituus = 0; return maxkoko; } int varaa(int koko=81) { poista(); return varaa1(koko); } void vapauta(char *p) { if ( p != NULL && p != tyhja ) delete [] p; } int poista() { if ( maxkoko ) vapauta(cstr); maxkoko = 0; cstr = tyhja; pituus = 0; return 0; } int tarkista_koko(size_t n) { if ( n == maxkoko ) return 0; return varaa(n); } int isonna_koko(size_t n) { if ( n <= maxkoko ) return 0; char *p = cstr; varaa1(n); vcopy(p); vapauta(p); return maxkoko; } void vcopy(const char *s2) { strncpy(cstr,s2,maxkoko); cstr[maxkoko-1] = 0; pituus = strlen(cstr); } void ccopy(const char *s2) { tarkista_koko(strlen(s2)+1); vcopy(s2); } const char &merkki(size_t pos) const { if ( pituus <= pos ) return tyhja[0]; return cstr[pos]; } char &merkki(size_t pos) { if ( pituus <= pos ) return tyhja[0]; return cstr[pos]; } vstring &trimmaa(int i) { char *p = new char[i+1]; if ( p == NULL ) return *this; strncpy(p,cstr,i+1); p[i] = 0; vapauta(cstr); cstr = p; pituus = strlen(cstr); maxkoko = i+1; return *this; } size_t alusta(const char *s, size_t pos=0, size_t n=npos) { int len = strlen(s); if ( pos > len ) { varaa(1); memset(cstr,1,0); } else { if ( n > len - pos ) n = len - pos; varaa(n+1); strncpy(cstr,s+pos,n); cstr[n] = 0; pituus = n; maxkoko = n+1; } return pituus; } int vlisaa_alkuun(char *s, const char *k) { int lk=strlen(k); int ls=strlen(s); memmove(s+lk,s,ls+1); memcpy(s,k,lk); return 0; } void vpoista_alusta(char *s,int n) { if ( s == NULL ) return; // Jos poistetaan enemm„n merkkej„ kuin jonon pituus if ( (int)strlen(s) <= n ) { s[0] = 0; } int len = strlen(s+n); memmove(s,s+n,len+1); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public: // Remove ei taida kuulua Bjarnen mukaan stringiin? vstring &remove(size_t pos, size_t n=NPOS) { if ( pos >= pituus ) return *this; if ( ( n == npos ) || ( pos + n >= pituus ) ) return trimmaa(pos); vpoista_alusta(cstr+pos,n); return trimmaa(pituus-n); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Element Access --------------------------------------------------------- char operator[](size_t pos) const { return merkki(pos); } char &operator[](size_t pos) { return merkki(pos); } char at(size_t n) const { return merkki(n); } char &at(size_t n) { return merkki(n); } // Constructors ----------------------------------------------------------- vstring(const vstring &st, size_t pos,size_t n=npos) { maxkoko = 0; alusta(st.cstr,pos,n); } vstring(const char *s, size_t n) { int len = strlen(s); if ( len > n ) n = len; varaa1(n+1); vcopy(s); } vstring(const char *s) { varaa1(strlen(s)+1); vcopy(s); } vstring(int n=31,char c=0) { varaa1(n); memset(cstr,c,n); cstr[n] = 0; } vstring(const vstring &alustus) { varaa1(alustus.maxkoko); vcopy(alustus.cstr); } vstring(vstring &alustus) { varaa1(alustus.maxkoko); vcopy(alustus.cstr); } // Destructor ----------------------------------------------------------- ~vstring() { poista(); } static const size_t npos; // Assignment ------------------------------------------------------------- vstring &operator=(const vstring &s2) { if ( this != &s2 ) ccopy(s2.cstr); return *this; } vstring &operator=(const char *s2) { ccopy(s2); return *this; } vstring &operator=(char c) { char s[2]; s[0]=c; s[1]=0; ccopy(s); return *this; } vstring &assign(const vstring &st) { return operator=(st); } vstring &assign(const vstring &st, size_t pos, size_t n) { return assign(vstring(st,pos,n)); } vstring &assign(const char *s, size_t n) { return assign(vstring(s,n)); } vstring &assign(const char *s) { return operator=(s); } vstring &assign(size_t n, char c) { return assign(vstring(n,c)); } // Conversion to C-Style Strings ------------------------------------------ size_t copy(char *s,size_t n, size_t pos=0) { *s = 0; if ( pos >= length() ) return 0; if ( n >= length()-pos ) n = length()-pos; strncpy(s,cstr+pos,n); s[n] = 0; return n; } const char *c_str() const { return cstr; } const char *data() const { return cstr; } // EI saa tehd„ typecastia vstring => char * !!! // operator const char *() const { return cstr; } // Comparisons ------------------------------------------------------------ int compare(const vstring &st) const { return compare(st.cstr); } int compare(const char *s) const { return strcmp(cstr,s); } int compare(size_t pos, size_t n, const vstring &st) const { return strncmp(cstr+pos,st.cstr,n); } int compare(size_t pos, size_t n, const vstring &st, size_t pos2, size_t n2) const { if ( n > n2 ) n = n2; return strncmp(cstr+pos,st.cstr+pos2,n); } int compare(size_t pos, size_t n, const char *s, size_t n2 = npos) const { if ( n > n2 ) n = n2; return strncmp(cstr+pos,s,n); } int operator==(const char *s2) const { return compare(s2) == 0; } int operator!=(const char *s2) const { return compare(s2) != 0; } int operator==(const vstring &s2) const { return compare(s2.cstr) == 0; } int operator!=(const vstring &s2) const { return compare(s2.cstr) != 0; } // read_line ei olekkaan mukana :-( // istream &read_line(istream &is) { vstring s(400,0); // is.getline(s.cstr,s.maxkoko); // ccopy(s.cstr); return is; // } // Insert ------------------------------------------------------------------ vstring &operator+=(const vstring &s2) { return operator+=(s2.cstr); } vstring &operator+=(const char *s2) { isonna_koko(strlen(cstr)+strlen(s2)+1); // liita_jono(cstr,maxkoko,s2); strncat(cstr,s2,maxkoko-pituus-1); pituus = strlen(cstr); return *this; } vstring &operator+=(char c) { char s2[2]; s2[0] = c; s2[1] = 0; return operator+=(s2); } void push_back(char c) { operator+=(c); } vstring &append(const vstring &st) { return operator+=(st); } vstring &append(const vstring &st, size_t pos, size_t n) { return operator+=(string(st,pos,n)); } vstring &append(const char *s, size_t n) { return operator+=(vstring(s,n)); } vstring &append(const char *s) { return operator+=(s); } vstring &append(size_t n, char c) { return operator+=(vstring(n,c)); } vstring &insert(size_t pos, const vstring &st) { return insert(pos, st.c_str()); } vstring &insert(size_t pos, const vstring &st, size_t pos2, size_t n) { return insert(pos, vstring(st,pos2,n)); } vstring &insert(size_t pos, const char *s, size_t n) { return insert(pos, vstring(s,n)); } vstring &insert(size_t pos, const char *s) { int len = strlen(s) + pituus; trimmaa(len); vlisaa_alkuun(cstr+pos,s); pituus = len; return *this; } vstring &insert(size_t pos, size_t n, char c) { return insert(pos,vstring(n,c)); } // Concatenation ---------------------------------------------------------- vstring operator+(const char *s2) const { vstring s(strlen(cstr)+strlen(s2)+1,0); s.vcopy(cstr); return s+=s2; } // Find ------------------------------------------------------------------- // find ----------------------------------------------------------------- size_t find(char c, size_t i=0) const { int len = length(); if ( i > len ) return npos; const char *p = strchr(cstr+i,c); if ( !p ) return npos; return size_t(p-(cstr)); } size_t find(const char *c, size_t i=0) const { int len = length(); if ( i > len ) return npos; const char *p = strstr(cstr+i,c); if ( !p ) return npos; return size_t(p-(cstr)); } size_t find(const char *s, size_t i, size_t n) const { return find(vstring(s,n),i); } size_t find(const vstring &st, size_t i=0) const { return find(st.cstr,i); } // rfind ---------------------------------------------------------------- size_t rfind(const char *s, size_t i=npos) const; size_t rfind(const vstring &st, size_t i=npos) const { return rfind(st.c_str(),i); } size_t rfind(const char *s, size_t i, size_t n) const { return rfind(vstring(s,n),i); } size_t rfind(char c, size_t i=npos) const { int len = length(); if ( i >= len ) i=len-1; vstring st(*this,0,i+1); const char *p = strrchr(st.cstr,c); if ( !p ) return npos; return size_t(p-(st.cstr)); } // find_first_of -------------------------------------------------------- size_t find_first_of(const char *s,size_t pos=0) const { if ( pos >= length() ) return npos; size_t i = strcspn(cstr+pos,s); if ( cstr[i+pos] == 0 ) return npos; return i+pos; } size_t find_first_of(const vstring &st,size_t pos=0) const { return find_first_of(st.c_str(),pos); } size_t find_first_of(const char *s,size_t pos, size_t n) const { return find_first_of(vstring(s,0,n),pos); } size_t find_first_of(char c,size_t pos=0) const { return find(c,pos); } // find_last_of --------------------------------------------------------- size_t find_last_of(const char *s,size_t pos=npos) const; size_t find_last_of(const vstring &st,size_t pos=npos) const { return find_last_of(st.c_str(),pos); } size_t find_last_of(const char *s,size_t pos, size_t n) const { return find_last_of(vstring(s,0,n),pos); } size_t find_last_of(char c,size_t pos=npos) const { return rfind(c,pos); } // find_first_not of ---------------------------------------------------- size_t find_first_not_of(const char *s,size_t pos=0) const { if ( pos >= length() ) return npos; size_t i = strspn(cstr+pos,s); if ( cstr[i+pos] == 0 ) return npos; return i+pos; } size_t find_first_not_of(const vstring &st,size_t pos=0) const { return find_first_not_of(st.c_str(),pos); } size_t find_first_not_of(const char *s,size_t pos, size_t n) const { return find_first_not_of(vstring(s,0,n),pos); } size_t find_first_not_of(char c,size_t pos=0) const { return find_first_not_of(vstring(1,c),pos); } // find_last_not_of ----------------------------------------------------- size_t find_last_not_of(const char *s,size_t pos=npos) const; size_t find_last_not_of(const vstring &st,size_t pos=npos) const { return find_last_not_of(st.c_str(),pos); } size_t find_last_not_of(const char *s,size_t pos, size_t n) const { return find_last_not_of(vstring(s,0,n),pos); } size_t find_last_not_of(char c,size_t pos=npos) const { return find_last_not_of(vstring(1,c),pos); } // Replace ---------------------------------------------------------------- vstring &replace(size_t i, size_t n, const vstring &st) { return replace(i,n,st.c_str()); } vstring &replace(size_t i, size_t n, const vstring &st, size_t i2, size_t n2) { return replace(i,n,vstring(st,i2,n2)); } vstring &replace(size_t i, size_t n, const char *s, size_t n2) { return replace(i,n,vstring(s,n2)); } vstring &replace(size_t i, size_t n, const char *s) { remove(i,n); return insert(i,s); } vstring &replace(size_t i, size_t n, size_t n2, char c) { return replace(i,n,vstring(n2,c)); } vstring &erase(size_t i=0, size_t n=npos) { return remove(i,n); } // Substrings ------------------------------------------------------------- vstring substr(size_t i=0, size_t n=npos) { int len = length(); vstring ts(len); // if ( i < 0 ) { n += i; i = 0; } // Ei ole negat i ! if ( n + i > len ) n = len - i; if ( n <= 0 ) return ts; strncpy(ts.cstr,cstr+i,n); ts.cstr[n] = 0; ts.trimmaa(n); return ts; } // Size and capacity ------------------------------------------------------ size_t size() const { return pituus; } size_t max_size() const { return size_t(-2); } size_t length() const { return pituus; } bool empty() const { return size() == 0; } void resize(size_t n, char c) { size_t old_s = length(); trimmaa(old_s+n); memset(cstr+old_s,c,n); cstr[old_s+n] = 0; } void resize(size_t n) { resize(n,0); } size_t capacity() const { return maxkoko-1; } void reserve(size_t res_arg = 0) { trimmaa(pituus+res_arg); } // I/O Operations --------------------------------------------------------- friend istream &getline(istream &is,vstring &s,char end); }; #ifndef USE_VSTRING const size_t vstring::npos = NPOS; #endif // Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------- inline int operator==(const char *s1,const vstring &s2) { return s2 == s1; } inline int operator!=(const char *s1,const vstring &s2) { return s2 != s1; } inline int operator<(const vstring &s1,const vstring &s2) { return s1.compare(s2) < 0; } inline int operator>(const vstring &s1,const vstring &s2) { return s1.compare(s2) > 0; } inline int operator<=(const vstring &s1,const vstring &s2) { return s1.compare(s2) <= 0; } inline int operator>=(const vstring &s1,const vstring &s2) { return s1.compare(s2) >= 0; } inline int operator<(const char *s1,const vstring &s2) { return s2.compare(s1) > 0; } inline int operator>(const char *s1,const vstring &s2) { return s2.compare(s1) < 0; } inline int operator<=(const char *s1,const vstring &s2) { return s2.compare(s1) >= 0; } inline int operator>=(const char *s1,const vstring &s2) { return s2.compare(s1) <= 0; } // Concatenation ----------------------------------------------------------- inline vstring operator+(const vstring &s1,const vstring &s2) { vstring s(s1); s += s2; return s; } inline vstring operator+(const char *s1,const vstring &s2) { vstring s(s1); s += s2; return s; } inline vstring operator+(char c, const vstring &s1) { vstring s(1,c); s += s1; return s; } inline vstring operator+(const vstring &s1,char c) { vstring s(s1); s += c; return s; } // I/O Operations ----------------------------------------------------------- inline ostream &operator<<(ostream &os,const vstring &st) { os << st.c_str(); return os; } inline istream &operator>>(istream &is,vstring &st) { char s[400]; is >> s; st.assign(s); return is; } inline istream &getline(istream &is,vstring &s,char end) { vstring as(400,0); is.getline(as.cstr,as.maxkoko,end); s = as; return is; } inline istream &getline(istream &is,vstring &s) { return getline(is,s,'\n'); } // Swap --------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void swap(string &st1, string &st2) { string t(st1); st1 = st2; st2 = st1; } #endif // __VSTRING