Eval-O-Matic WHAT IS DOES: ------------------------- Eval-o-matic takes a string expression including any combination of numerical, string, and Boolean operations and returns a string representation of the numerical, Boolean, or string result. It sports the following features: * Allows variables * Accuracy to Extended var type (19-20 sig. digits) * Unlimited '()' parsing. * Mixed expression processing * Includes a "Like" operator for string expressions. * Comes in Object and Component forms - for non/visual applications. Properties: - Expression : String Expression to evaluate - EvalResults : String expression of results - Error : Integer val to indicate what kind of error took place - Quotes : Choose single, Basic style double, or both quotes for string marking. - UseExceptions : Choose to create exceptions upon calculation errors, or suppress exceptions and rely only on the Error code. Methods: - ClearVars : Clears the variable table and their values - AddVar : Adds a variable name and value to a variable table. Variables can be used in expressions. This is a handy alternative to rebuilding the equation in code every time values change. Supported Operators: * Multiplication / Division + Addition and String Joining - Subtraction >, <, <=, >=, <>, = comparisons of String and Numerical values. = also applies to Boolean. Not Boolean AND Boolean OR Boolean Like - String comparison using * and ? wildcards. ----------------------------------- And, it's cheap. If you're poor, live in 1930's reality and feel days worth of work is not worth 5 bucks, or otherwise are against paying for things - then it's free. If you do choose to register, here's how I'm handling registrations: Free ---- E-mail me your email address and tell me you're using the Eval-O-Matic, and I'll put you on a list and you will get emailed about updates and new gizmo's. If you do not want these emails, simply say "don't email me stuff" in your message. Either way, I'd love to hear from you. Mix and Match the following for 5 bucks each - good at least until 1996. -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Documentation and code use examples. Doc's are in Write and Word 6, code is in standard Delphi formats. Code will be emailed to you via CompuServe or the internet. It will be UUE'd if necessary. * Product Support via email and Fax. * Free lifetime updates via email. When a bug is caught, or a new feature added - you'll get the new version automatically. (This includes 32 bit versions). * Object version. This is the component version. A type with an identical interface, only descendant from TObject is also available if you would rather work with an object than a component. * Snail Mail in the US 1 time for any of the above. International postage may vary - email me and we'll discuss it. or, for $30.00, get all of the above plus source code! Cash/Check preferable. Charge is possible. Of course there's no runtime fees. And Sales tax, if applicable, is included in the sale price (ie- I'll pay it). HOW TO REACH ME: ---------------- Please email me at Durham@Best.Com or 72652,2543 at CompuServe. Snail mail to PO BOX 448, Burlingame CA 94011 Statement of Warrantee: ---------------------- This is straight beg-ware. I make no warrantees that it will work perfectly all the time, or that it's well suited to any particular need. If you find bugs, let me know and I'll try to fix them ASAP, but if the space shuttle crashes because of this thing...I just want to say test the application first. (How's that for legalese?) I've tested it on over 200 various combos of equations and it has worked just fine. All the same, someone out there is going to think this shareware is flawless (you know, like Windows) and will do more than the vegimatic. It's shareware, so you can use it yourself before you buy. No warranty. HOW TO INSTALL: --------------- Put the following files in the same directory someplace. If you ever use another piece of code by me - fredtool.dcu will be used again I'm sure, so you might put them in a common directory. Other than that, put them in any directory you like. EVALCOMP.DCR EVALCOMP.DCU EVALOMAT.DCU FABOUT.DCU FABOUT.DFM FREDTOOL.DCU Then go to Delphi and Choose "Options: Install Components" Click Add, and the file you're adding is EVALCOMP.DCU. A Big Blue ball should show up on your Samples page. Check the help files if you want it on a different page. To use it, just drop it on a form! DISTRIBUTION: ------------- Please feel free to send this around anywhere you like. The standard fare of "don't charge people for it" applies as it does to all shareware. If it ends up on a CD-ROM or something - cool. If it has other shareware on it, I'm sure they'll have price limits and all that, so I'll just tag along with their limits. If you're in doubt - email me and I'll tell you if I'm offended by your distribution. (Not likely, though). Also, feel free to post on the Web, or any other place you feel a Delphite might see it and find it useful. I only ask you distribute all 5 Delphi files and this Readme.txt Thanks!