unit KModbus; interface { Component to do modbus protocol. Author: Vesa Lappalainen Date: 28.12.1996 Changes: 14.01.1997 + Changes: 22.03.1997 + handling for multiple slaves + Critical section Problems: - sometimes dosen't get the whole send string back? - no automatic sending to keep line alive - no handling for error's Can only following functions for Yaskawa inverter: 3 = Read Holding registers 16 = Preset Multiple Registers, can set only one or two at the time TModBus - } uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, com485,StdCtrls, kErrors, kParam; {$define PADBEFORE} type TResetWatchDogEvent = procedure of object; type TModbus = class(TComponent) private FWatchDog : TObject; LastAnswer : ShortString; LastReg : integer; LastMode : integer; LastSlave : integer; Cri:TRTLCriticalSection; //t:integer; InnSending : integer; procedure SetPort(nPortToSet: Integer); function GetPort:integer; protected procedure SetErrors(err:TErrors); virtual; public com:TCom485; // ResetWatchDog : TResetWatchDogEvent; FErrors : TErrors; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure ErrorShowMessage(const s:String); procedure ShowDebug(const s:String); function CheckLen(const s:ShortString; n:integer) : boolean; function CheckCrc(const s:ShortString) : boolean; function CheckModbusError(const s:ShortString; var err:string) : boolean; function CheckError(len:integer;var err:string) : boolean; function Open: Boolean; function Close: Boolean; function IsOpen : Boolean; function SetReg(slave,r,v:integer;var err:string):integer; function SetReg2(slave,r,v1,v2:integer;var err:string):integer; function ReadReg(slave,r:integer;var err:string):integer; function ReadReg2(slave,r:integer; var v1,v2:integer;var err:string):integer; function Write(const s:ShortString;al:integer):string; function Read:String; //Temp function WDogReset:boolean; procedure WDogStartFrom(inv:TObject); property WatchDog : TObject read FWatchDog write FWatchDog; published property Port: Integer read GetPort write SetPort; property Errors : TErrors read FErrors write SetErrors; {$ifdef PADBEFORE} private dt,t1,t2 : double; val1,val2 : integer; public ParamMinDt : TkParam; {$endif} ParamNrOfResends : TkParam; end; type TModBusSlave = class(TObject) private fmodbus : TModbus; fslave : integer; protected public LastError : string; function SetReg(r,v:integer):integer; function SetReg2(r,v1,v2:integer):integer; function ReadReg(r:integer):integer; function ReadReg2(r:integer; var v1,v2:integer):integer; function Ok : boolean; published property modbus : TModbus read fmodbus write fmodbus; property slave : integer read fslave write fslave; end; implementation {$ifdef PADBEFORE} uses k9cio,wdog; {$endif} type TModbusMsg = record nr : integer; msg : String; end; const KnownErrors = 4; const ModbusErrors : Array[0..KnownErrors-1] of TModbusMsg = ( ( nr:01 ; msg:'Illegal function' ), ( nr:02 ; msg:'Illegal data address' ), ( nr:33 ; msg:'Illegal value' ), ( nr:34 ; msg:'Can not change during run' ) ); const KnownFunctions = 2; const ModbusFunctions : Array[0..KnownFunctions-1] of TModbusMsg = ( ( nr:03 ; msg:'Read register' ), ( nr:16 ; msg:'Write register' ) ); type TStr10 = String[10]; function ModBusMsg(n:integer; const Msgs : array of TModbusMsg):ShortString; var i:integer; begin for i:=0 to High(Msgs) do with Msgs[i] do if ( nr = n ) then begin Result := msg; Exit; end; Result := 'Unknown'; end; function crc16_2(puchMsg:PChar;usDataLen:integer):word; stdcall; far; external; {$l crc.obj} function CountCRCInt(const s:Array of char; n:integer):integer; var crc : integer; begin crc := crc16_2(s,n); Result := crc; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function CharToHex(c:char):string; begin Result := Format('%02x',[Ord(c)]); if ( Result[1] = ' ' ) then Result[1] := '0'; end; function StrToHexStr(const s:ShortString):string; var i:integer; begin Result := ''; for i:=1 to Length(s) do Result := Result + CharToHex(s[i]) + ' '; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TModbus.SetErrors(err:TErrors); begin FErrors := err; com.Errors := err; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TModbus.ErrorShowMessage(const s:String); begin if ( Errors <> NIL ) and ( FErrors.ShowModbusError ) then Errors.Add(ceModbusError,'Modbus: ' + IntToStr(LastSlave) + ' ' + ModbusMsg(LastMode,ModbusFunctions) + '[' + IntToStr(LastReg) + '] ' + s + ' : ' + StrToHexStr(LastAnswer) ); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TModbus.ShowDebug(const s:String); begin if ( Errors <> NIL ) and ( Errors.ShowModbusDebug ) then Errors.Add(ceModbusDebug,'Modbus: ' + IntToStr(LastSlave) + ' ' + ModbusMsg(LastMode,ModbusFunctions) + '[' + IntToStr(LastReg) + '] ' + s + ' : ' + StrToHexStr(LastAnswer) ); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbus.CheckLen(const s:ShortString; n:integer) : boolean; begin Result := True; if ( Length(s) = n ) then exit; if ( Errors <> NIL ) and Errors.ShowModbusError then ErrorShowMessage('Did not get ' + IntToStr(n) + ' bytes got only: ' + IntToStr(Length(s))); Result := false; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function CrcStr(const s:ShortString):TStr10; var crc : Integer; begin crc := CountCRCInt(s[1],Length(s)); Result[0] := char(2); // SetLength(Result,2); Result[1] := char(crc); Result[2] := char(hi(crc)); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbus.CheckCrc(const s:ShortString) : boolean; var crc : integer; crcs : string[4]; begin Result := True; If ( CountCRCInt(s[1],Length(s)) = 0 ) then exit; if ( Errors <> NIL ) and Errors.ShowModbusError then begin crc := CountCRCInt(s[1],Length(s)-2); crcs[0] := char(2); // SetLength(Result,2); crcs[1] := char(crc); crcs[2] := char(hi(crc)); ErrorShowMessage('CRC error!'+ ' : ' + StrToHexStr(crcs)); end; Result := false; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbus.CheckModbusError(const s:ShortString; var err:string) : boolean; var func : integer; begin Result := True; if ( ord(s[2]) and $80 ) = 0 then exit; Result := false; if ( Not CheckCrc(s) ) then begin err := 'Modbus answ crc error'; exit; end; func := ord(s[2]) and $7f; err := ModbusMsg(ord(s[3]),ModbusErrors); if ( Errors <> NIL ) and Errors.ShowModbusError then ErrorShowMessage('Slave ' + IntToStr(ord(s[1])) + ' function ' + IntToStr(func) + ' (' + ModbusMsg(func,ModbusFunctions) + ')' + ' code: ' + IntToStr(ord(s[3])) + ' ('+ ModbusMsg(ord(s[3]),ModbusErrors) + ')' + ': ' + IntToStr(val1) + ',' +IntToStr(val2) ); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbus.CheckError(len:integer;var err:string) : boolean; begin Result := True; err := ''; if ( not CheckModbusError(LastAnswer,err) ) then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if ( not CheckLen(LastAnswer,len) ) then begin err := 'Modbus len error'; Result := False; Exit; end; if ( not CheckCrc(LastAnswer) ) then begin err := 'Modbus crc error'; Result := False; Exit; end; if ( Ord(LastAnswer[1]) <> LastSlave ) then begin err := 'Modbus wrong slave'; Result := False; ErrorShowMessage('wrong slave answer: '+IntToStr(Ord(LastAnswer[1]))); end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Component constructor } constructor TModbus.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); com := TCom485.Create(self); // com.Port := 3; FErrors := NIL; InitializeCriticalSection(Cri); // ResetWatchDog := NIL; WatchDog := NIL; InnSending := 0; {$ifdef PADBEFORE} t1 := 0; {$endif} end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Component destructor } destructor TModbus.Destroy; begin if ( Assigned(FWatchDog) ) then TWatchDog(FWatchDog).Free; DeleteCriticalSection(Cri); com.Free; { close the com port (if open) } inherited Destroy; { destroy ancestor class } end; procedure TModbus.WDogStartFrom(inv:TObject); begin if ( Assigned(FWatchDog) ) then TWatchDog(FWatchDog).StartFrom(inv); end; function TModbus.WDogReset:boolean; begin if ( Assigned(FWatchDog) ) then TWatchDog(FWatchDog).Reset; Result := true; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbus.IsOpen: Boolean; begin Result := com.IsOpen; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbus.Open: Boolean; begin Result := com.OpenPort; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbus.Close: Boolean; begin com.ClosePort; Result := true; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TModbus.SetPort(nPortToSet: Integer); begin com.Port := nPortToSet; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbus.GetPort:integer; begin Result := com.Port; end; function ShortStr(i:integer):TStr10; asm mov byte ptr [edx],2 mov [edx+1],ah mov [edx+2],al end; { function ShortStr(i:integer):TStr10; begin Result[0] := char(2); // SetLength(Result,2); Result[1] := char(hi(i)); Result[2] := char(i); end; } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbus.Write(const s:ShortString;al:integer):string; var dmin : double; s1,s2 : ShortString; maxt,trials : integer; ok : boolean; begin maxt := 0; ok := false; if ( assigned(ParamNrOfResends) ) then maxt := trunc(ParamNrOfResends.value); trials := 0; inc(InnSending); if ( InnSending > 2 ) then begin InnSending := 2; end; repeat {$ifdef PADBEFORE} dmin := 0.01; if ( assigned(ParamMinDt) ) then dmin := ParamMinDt.Value; t2 := ReadCounter(clk); dt := t2 - t1; if ( dt > 3 ) then // Jos ajanoton kierros tullut täyteen dt := 0; if ( 0 < dt ) and ( dt < dmin ) then sleep(trunc(1000*(dmin-dt))); {$endif} Result := ''; if not ( com.Write(s+CrcStr(s)) ) then begin inc(trials); continue; end; // if ( assigned(ResetWatchDog) ) then ResetWatchDog; if ( assigned(WatchDog) ) then with WatchDog as TWatchDog do Reset; s1 := com.WaitThis(s[1]); if ( s1 = s[1] ) then begin // Pitää olla sama tunnus s2[1] := #0; s2 := com.ReadN(1); if s2 = s[2] then begin // Joko sama komento tai 1 bitti päällä = virhe Result := s1 + s2 + com.ReadN(al-2); ok := Length(Result) = al; end else if ( (ord(s2[1]) and $7f) = ord(s[2]) ) then begin Result := s1 + s2 + com.ReadN(3); ok := true; end else Result := s1 + s2; end else Result := s1; {$ifdef PADBEFORE} t1 := ReadCounter(clk); {$endif} inc(trials); until ( ok ) or ( trials > maxt ); dec(InnSending); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { id fkt 102H lkm=1 tav data crc lähetä : 01 10 01 02 00 01 02 00 06 37 70 id fk osoite lkm crc vastaus: 01 10 01 02 00 01 A1 F5 } function TModbus.SetReg(slave,r,v:integer;var err:string):integer; var s:ShortString; begin EnterCriticalSection(Cri); LastMode := 16; LastSlave := slave; LastReg := r; Result := 1; val1 := v; val2 := 0; s := char(slave) + char(16) + ShortStr(r) + ShortStr(1) + char(2) + ShortStr(v); LastAnswer := Write(s,8); if ( not CheckError(8,err) ) then Result := 0; if ( Errors <> NIL ) and ( Errors.ShowModbusDebug ) then ShowDebug('SetReg: ' + IntToStr(v)); LeaveCriticalSection(Cri); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbus.SetReg2(slave,r,v1,v2:integer;var err:string):integer; var s:ShortString; begin EnterCriticalSection(Cri); LastMode := 16; LastSlave := slave; LastReg := r; val1 := v1; val2 := v2; Result := 0; s := char(slave) + char(16) + ShortStr(r) + ShortStr(2) + char(4) + ShortStr(v1) + ShortStr(v2); LastAnswer := Write(s,8); if ( not CheckError(8,err) ) then Result := 0; if ( Errors <> NIL ) and ( Errors.ShowModbusDebug ) then ShowDebug('SetReg2: ' + IntToStr(v1) + ' ' + IntToStr(v2)); LeaveCriticalSection(Cri); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { id fk rek lkm crc lähetä : 01 03 01 0B 00 01 F4 34 rek 011 mem 10BH id fkt # 230V crc takaisin: 01 03 02 08 FC BF C5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jos funktio on väärä, tulee takasin vastaus, jossa on id, 7-bit päällä +fkt nro, virhekoodi + crc } function TModbus.ReadReg(slave,r:integer;var err:string):integer; var s:ShortString; begin EnterCriticalSection(Cri); LastMode := 3; LastSlave := slave; LastReg := r; s := char(slave) + char(3) + ShortStr(r) + ShortStr(1); LastAnswer := Write(s,7); Result := 256*Ord(LastAnswer[4]) + Ord(LastAnswer[5]); if ( not CheckError(7,err) ) then Result := 0; if ( Errors <> NIL ) and ( Errors.ShowModbusDebug ) then ShowDebug('ReadReg: ' + IntToStr(Result)); LeaveCriticalSection(Cri); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { id fk rek lkm crc lähetä : 01 03 01 0B 00 02 ?? ?? rek 011 012 mem 10BH 10CH id fkt # 230V 60 Hz, crc takaisin: 01 03 04 08 FC 02 58 ?? ?? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Jos funktio on väärä, tulee takasin vastaus, jossa on id, 7-bit päällä +fkt nro, virhekoodi + crc } function TModbus.ReadReg2(slave,r:integer; var v1,v2:integer;var err:string):integer; var s:ShortString; begin EnterCriticalSection(Cri); LastMode := 3; LastSlave := slave; LastReg := r; Result := -1; s := char(slave) + char(3) + ShortStr(r) + ShortStr(2); s := Write(s,9); v1 := 256*Ord(s[4]) + Ord(s[5]); v2 := 256*Ord(s[6]) + Ord(s[7]); LastAnswer := s; if ( not CheckError(9,err) ) then Result := 0; if ( Errors <> NIL ) and ( Errors.ShowModbusDebug ) then ShowDebug('ReadReg2: ' + IntToStr(v1) + ' ' + IntToStr(v2)); LeaveCriticalSection(Cri); end; function TModbus.Read:String; //Temp begin Result := StrToHexStr(LastAnswer); //com.Read; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { TModbusSlave ================================================================} {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbusSlave.SetReg(r,v:integer):integer; begin Result := modbus.SetReg(slave,r,v,LastError); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbusSlave.SetReg2(r,v1,v2:integer):integer; begin Result := modbus.SetReg2(slave,r,v1,v2,LastError); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbusSlave.ReadReg(r:integer):integer; begin Result := modbus.ReadReg(slave,r,LastError); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbusSlave.ReadReg2(r:integer; var v1,v2:integer):integer; begin Result := modbus.ReadReg2(slave,r,v1,v2,LastError); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TModbusSlave.Ok : boolean; begin Result := ( modbus <> nil ) and ( modbus.IsOpen ) and ( slave >= 0 ); end; end.