unit reg_spr32; { This Unit registers the sprite component into the Delphi IDE. Modify the RegisterComponent to place the Icons on a different Palette tab. } interface procedure Register; implementation uses Classes, DsgnIntf, ExtLBox, ExtStrGr, Sprite, Frame, Sequence, SpritBox, Graphics; procedure Register; begin { Register the components:} RegisterComponents('Oberon', [TExtStringGrid]); RegisterComponents('Oberon', [TExtListBox]); RegisterComponents('Oberon', [TSprite]); RegisterComponents('Oberon', [TSpriteBox]); { Register the property editors. Don't modify if you don't really know what you're doing } RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TFrameList), TSprite, 'Framelist', TFrameListProperty); RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TSequenceList), TSprite, 'SequenceList', TSeqListProperty); RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TCurrentFrame), TSprite, 'CurrentFrame', TCurFrameProperty); RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TColor), TSprite, 'Transparent', TTransparentProperty); { Do not modify: About property stores the version of the sprite. } RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String), TSprite, 'About', TAboutProperty ); end; end.