Installing the Oberon Animation Toolkit --------------------------------------- The Installation Program of the Oberon Animation Toolkit will place the different files of the toolkit in the right directories. However, you need to install the component and the Helpfile in the Delphi IDE. The following steps explain in more detail what should be done: Components: - First start Delphi32.exe - Choose Component/Install.. - Choose the Add.. Button - Choose the Browse.. Button - Go to the directory where the Toolkit was installed and choose the file Reg_Spr.Pas. - Choose OK twice and the components will be installed. - READY Help: - The installation program will try to install the help file and keyword file in the Help directory of Delphi 2.0. If it can’t find this directory, it will put these files with the component file. These files are called SPRITE.HLP and SPRITE.KWF respectively. - Go to Delphi\Help\Tools directory and start "HELPINST". - Open DELPHI.HDX in Delphi\Bin directory; - Choose "Options|Search paths.." and add a search path to the file SPRITE.KWF. If SPRITE.KWF is already placed in the Delphi\Help directory, this won’t be necessary. - Choose "Keywords|Add Keyword File... and select SPRITE.KWF from the Delphi\Help directory - Press the Save button in the toolbar to compile and save the HDX file. - READY, You can now get context sensitive help about the Animation Toolkit from inside the Delphi IDE.