unit kdragtarget; { Component for accepting original WinAPI Drag and Drop. Author: Vesa Lappalainen, Kave Oy, vesal@mit.jyu.fi Date: 28.8.1999 Copyright: Kave Oy Component may be used for free, if the origin is mentioned somewhere in program dokuments. Usage: Drop component to the form and choose the Window control for it. If the form is choosed for target window, then the name of the form must be writen to the window (for some reason it is not in the selection list?) Properties: Window : TwinControl - window to accept dropping Accept : boolean - to accept or not dropping Name : string - name for the component DropName[i] : string (read only) - i's dropped name Count : integer (read only) - number of dropped items Methods: procedure AddTo(s:TStrings); - adds all the names dropped to the stringlist Events: OnDrop : procedure(sender:TkDragTarget; pt:TPoint); - when something is dropped over the Window sender - component that accepct the drop pt - point in senders Window where the mouse was released Comments: Thanks to Mika Viskari for advise how to hook to Window Procedure. This component hooks to the Window's WindowProc (compare WinAPI) and the handles the message WM_DROPFILES. The dropped names are collected in privite string list. After the drop is done, the event OnDrop is called. If you want to do opposite way, so drag from Your application, then use Ander Melander's excellent Drag and Drop component Suite http://www.melander.dk. Example of the event handler: procedure TFormDrag.Target1Drop(Sender: TkDragTarget; pt:TPoint); var i:integer; begin for i := 0 to Sender.Count-1 do ListBoxNames.Items.Add(Sender.DropName[i]); end; Or this very usual ocassion can be even done with: procedure TFormDrag.Target1Drop(Sender: TkDragTarget; pt:TPoint); begin Sender.AddTo(ListBoxNames.Items); end; } interface uses Windows,Classes,Controls,Messages; type TkDragTarget = class; TkDragTargetEvent = procedure(Sender:TkDragTarget; pt:TPoint) of object; TkDragTarget = class(TComponent) private FWindow: TWinControl; FhWndWindow : hWnd; FOldWndProc : TFarProc; FNewWndProc : TFarProc; FOnDrop: TkDragTargetEvent; FNames : TStrings; FAccept: boolean; procedure SetWindow(const Value: TWinControl); procedure SetOnDrop(const Value: TkDragTargetEvent); function GetCount: integer; function GetDropName(i: integer): string; procedure SetAccept(const Value: boolean); protected procedure WindowProc(var M: TMessage); procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; public constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent); override; Destructor Destroy; override; procedure AddTo(s:TStrings); virtual; property DropName[i:integer]:string read GetDropName; published property Window : TWinControl read FWindow write SetWindow; property OnDrop : TkDragTargetEvent read FOnDrop write SetOnDrop; property Count : integer read GetCount; property Accept : boolean read FAccept write SetAccept default true; end; procedure Register; implementation uses ShellApi, Forms,SysUtils; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('DragDrop',[TkDragTarget]); end; { TkDragTarget } procedure TkDragTarget.AddTo(s: TStrings); begin s.AddStrings(FNames); end; constructor TkDragTarget.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FNames := TStringList.Create; FAccept := true; end; destructor TkDragTarget.Destroy; begin SetWindow(nil); // Remove the hook if ( FNewWndProc <> nil ) then FreeObjectInstance(FNewWndProc); FNames.Free; inherited; end; function TkDragTarget.GetCount: integer; begin Result := FNames.Count; end; function TkDragTarget.GetDropName(i: integer): string; begin if ( i < 0 ) or ( Count <= i ) then Result := '' else Result := FNames[i]; end; procedure TkDragTarget.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited; If ( AComponent <> FWindow ) then exit; if ( Operation <> opRemove ) then exit; SetWindow(nil); end; procedure TkDragTarget.SetAccept(const Value: boolean); begin FAccept := Value; if ( FhWndWindow <> 0 ) then DragAcceptFiles(FhWndWindow,Accept); end; procedure TkDragTarget.SetOnDrop(const Value: TkDragTargetEvent); begin FOnDrop := Value; end; procedure TkDragTarget.SetWindow(const Value: TWinControl); { If there is a hook to the WndProc, it is first removed. Then if Window <> nil, the new hook is taken. } begin { if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin FWindow := Value; exit; end; } if ( FhWndWindow <> 0 ) then DragAcceptFiles(FhWndWindow,false); if ( FOldWndProc <> nil ) and ( FhWndWindow <> 0 ) then begin SetWindowLong(FhWndWindow,GWL_WNDPROC,Integer(FOldWndProc)); end; FOldWndProc := nil; FWindow := Value; FhWndWindow := 0; if ( FWindow = nil ) then exit; FhWndWindow := Window.Handle; if ( FNewWndProc = nil ) then FNewWndProc := MakeObjectInstance(WindowProc); FOldWndProc := TFarProc(GetWindowLong(FhWndWindow,GWL_WNDPROC)); SetWindowLong(FhWndWindow,GWL_WNDPROC,Integer(FNewWndProc)); DragAcceptFiles(FhWndWindow,Accept); // Needed so that the form accepts files end; procedure TkDragTarget.WindowProc(var M: TMessage); var hd : HDROP; i,n:integer; name:string; pt : TPoint; begin if ( Window = nil ) then exit; case M.Msg of WM_DROPFILES: begin hd := M.WParam; n := DragQueryFile(hd,UINT(-1),nil,0); // Get number of items FNames.Clear; for i:=0 to n-1 do begin SetLength(name,500); // Enough space for name DragQueryFile(hd,i,PChar(name),500); // Ask the next name name := StrPas(PChar(name)); // NULL-trem string to Pascal FNames.Add(name); // Add the name to list end; DragQueryPoint(hd,pt); DragFinish(hd); // Release the memory! if ( Assigned(FOnDrop) ) then OnDrop(self,pt); M.Result := 0; Exit; end; end; M.Result := CallWindowProc(FOldWndProc,FhWndWindow,M.Msg,M.WParam,M.LParam); end; end.