Bug report for BCW 4.0 beta =========================== Vesa Lappalainen 21.8.1993 Matinmaentie 34 B 7 40270 PALOKKA 941 - 781 338 ( work 941 - 602 722, fax: 941 - 602 701 ) Email: vesal@jyu.fi Problems: ========= Installation: If files write protected (attrib +r *.*) in directory \WINDOWS\SYSTEM then installation stops without any warning and is not complete! General: I don't like to add C:\BORLANDC\BIN to my path! I like program to look automaticly from it own directory (where IDE is started). MY PATH is FULL! IDE: 1) Cursor keys does not work in project window 2) HELP is not working in Options/setings neither in any menus 3) If collapsed then next time run by same .IDE file gives allways error when loading project file: BCW General Protection Fault in OBJSDLL.DLL at 0007:0279 4) Options/Settings - Project manager: does not take any choise (or takes but looses when dialog disappears) 5) Options/settings - Environment Command - Alternate no affect (does not work like BC for DOS) 6) TAB is not indenting, allways 8 spaces 7) Options/Tools Delete never active? 8) File/Open dosen't add file to list of open Windows under Menu choise Window. 9) Previous and next error Alt-F7 & Alt-F8 don't work? 10) Watch window: Why DEL-key is not removing watch items? After remove cursor is lost. 11) Syntax highlight for comments is lost sometimes in long comments When program runs (under IDE): "Sharing error" first time program needs some resources from .EXE file DDEML.H: CBF_FAIL_POKES etc. not LONG! ( 0x00?????????L ) Compiler: 1) From next piece of code compiler gives "Possible incorrect assignment" from second line, but not first (I think it should not give it from second either): if ( !(hData = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, len)) ) return -1; if ( !(lpData = GlobalLock(hData)) || (hWnd && !OpenClipboard(hWnd)) ) .. No warning if in form: if ( (lpData = GlobalLock(hData)) == NULL || (hWnd ... 2) static CALLBACK _export MyFunction is not going to be _export (the MOV AX,DS is still left!) Is that because static prevents name going to public and linker dosen't see that??? Same problem with BC 3.1