FYSH300, particle physics, fall 2011
This page contains the lecture slides (rewritten version of K.J.Eskola's
lecture notes from previous years)
for the first half of the course. The second half is lectured by T. Renk.
The exercise questions are in the TA's
webpage (H. Mäntysaari).
Course page in Korppi
Lecture material
KJE's lecture notes (ask lecturer for password); recommended reading, lectures follow these closely,
TL's slides; printouts of these will be distributed in the lectures; I will try to maintain typo corrected versions here.
- section 1 (handout version) introduction, 12.9. and 14.9.
- section 2 (typo corrected) special relativity and collision kinematics, 14.9., 19.9. and 21.9.
(typo corrected on slide 17, p3 has sinhy, not coshy, slide 30: mZ, not pZ).
- section 3 (typo corrected) scattering theory, 21.9. and later
Typos corrected:
- slide 8: luminosity -> cross section
- slide 14: funny notations for identity
- slide 17: removed extra x,y,z from 3rd line of equation. Index p3 -> p2
- slide 18: error in nonrelativistic current (psi* and psi exchanged)
- slide 24: momenta pa+pb-pc summed first, then squared
- slide 36: s -> sqrt(s) in denominator
- section 4 (typo corrected) particles and interactions of the standard model
Typos corrected:
- Slide 14: tau decay has tau neutrino (not muon) in final state
- Slide 16: antineutrino capture reaction has positron and d quark in final state (not u-quark)
- Slide 22: antibaryon has baryon number -1
- Slide 35: alpha -> theta in all formulas; t missing in time dependence exp(iEt)
- Slide 36: final state of K+ decay has bar(l), i.e. positive charge antilepton
- section 5 (typo corrected) spacetime symmetries
Typos corrected:
- Slide 7: j_1,m_2,j_2,m_2 in last notation for tensor product
- Slide 8: m_1,m_2, not m_2,m_2
- Slide 13: added missing = sign in box.
- Slide 20: parapositronium has antisymmetric spin state (but is still C=1, this was correct)
- section 6 (typos corrected)
Hadrons, isospin, resonances
Typos corrected compared to handout version
- Slide 14: pi+ state: |1,1> is + |1/2>|1/2> (not minus), then |1/2>|1/2> is -|u d bar>
- Slides 18,20: wrong sign in denominator of Breit-Wigner
- Slide 21: a_0 -> a_1 on RHS of equation for da_0/dt
- Slide 25: Pion has total isospin I=1, not 0. Two pion system has 0,1,or 2
- section 7 (typo corrected)
Hadrons and color
Typos corrected compared to handout version
- Reorganized slide 4
- Deleted extra line from slide 5
- Slide 6: corrected S->-S (s-quark has S=-1, sbar antiquark has S=1)
- 12.9.2011: section 1 up to slide 21
- 14.9.2011: rest of section 1, section 2 to slide 9
- 19.9.2011: section 2, slides 10 to 22
- 21.9.2011: rest of section 2, section 3 slides 1 to 17
- 26.9.2011: section 3, slides 18 to 30
- 28.9.2011: rest of section 3, section 4 slides 1 to 12
- 3.10.2011: section 4, slides 13 to 23
- 5.10.2011: rest of section 4
- 10.5.2011: section 5, slides 1 to 17
- 12.10.2011: rest of section 5, section 6 slides 1 to 14
- 17.10.2011: rest of section 6.
- 19.10.2011: section 7, discussion about midterm exam.