Tampere Cosmology Meeting 11.-12.5.2023

General information

The Tampere Cosmology Meeting for cosmologists from the Helsinki and Jyväskylä Universities will be organised again after a few years break. The meeting will be held on 11.-12.5. at the Scandic Tampere Koskipuisto hotel. This event is intended as an annual get-together with a relaxed program, offering plenty of time for discussions over coffee and lunch breaks.


You can register by sending email to Sami Nurmi . The deadline for the registration is 26.4.

The talks in this event are reserved for students and postdocs. Please indicate upon the registration if you are willing to give a talk and, if possible, give also a tentative title of your presentation. The reserved slot for each talk is by default 20 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion. If the timetable allows, we may also be able to accommodate some 30+5 minute talks. If you would wish to give a longer talk, please state that in your registration email.

Accommodation and arrival information

The meeting is held at the Scandic Tampere Koskipuisto hotel. We will book the rooms in advance for you but each participant should pay themselves for their accommodation at the departure. The hotel is within a short walking distance from the railway station, see the map for directions.


Changes possible, last updated on 11.5. at 17:19.

11:15-11:45 Coffee break
11:45-13:00 VÄISÄNEN: Constraining dipole anomalies in LTB-models using Gaussian process emulators
SASSI: Energy loss in phonon-mediated dark matter detectors
PARKKINEN: Quantum transport theory for neutrinos with flavor and particle-antiparticle mixing
13:00-14:20 Lunch
14:20-15:35 HASSAN: Higgs inflation with Palatini topological boundary terms
SARKKINEN: Inflationary gravitational wave background as a tail effect
MIRANDA: Primordial Black Holes from fully non-Gaussian Curvature Perturbations
15:35-16:10 Coffee break
16:10-17:00 ANNALA: Electroweak Sphaleron in a magnetic field
FRION: Testing the Equivalence Principle with black hole shadows and photon rings

FRIDAY 12.5.
10:00-11:40 CORREIA: First order phase transitions: Shock capturing methods
NIEMI: Precision calculations for electroweak phase transition
GIOMBI: General relativistic bubble growth in cosmological phase transitions
VENKATESAN: Electroweak Phase Transition Dynamics
11:40-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 VILHONEN: Droplet collapse during strongly supercooled phase transitions
MÄKI: Simulating phase transition bubble hydrodynamics with general equations of state
14:00-14:30 Coffee break


List of registered participants, last updated on 26.4. at 14:41.

Al-Adulrazzaq, Aula
Annala, Jaakko
Correia, Jose
Frion, Emmanuel
Giombi, Lorenzo
Gupta, Tushar
Hassan, Ali
Heikinheimo, Matti
Hindmarsh, Mark
Häkkinen, Jenni
Jokela, Niko
Kainulainen, Kimmo
Kajantie, Keijo
Keihänen, Elina
Kurki-Suonio, Hannu
Lempiäinen, Hanna
Miranda, Tays
Mäki, Mika
Niemi, Lauri
Nurmi, Sami
Parkkinen, Harri
Poltto, Lotta
Räsänen, Syksy
Sarkkinen, Miika
Sassi, Sebastian
Sirkiä, Topi
Tuominen, Kimmo
Venkatesan, Niyati
Vilhonen, Essi
Väliviita, Jussi
Väisänen, Olli
Weir, David