Applied Deliberation

Assorted Adventures of Sampsa Kiiskinen

Week 5 Exercises

Besides featuring a few remaining examples and counterexamples, the purpose of these exercises is to present the most common abstractions that help organize large projects. While they are theoretically rather uninteresting and often quite verbose, they make practical work bearable.

Exercise 1

Some of the following types admit foldables or traversables, while others do not admit any.

  1. Instances for Bool.
  2. Instances for Maybe a.
  3. Instances for Either a b.
  4. Instances for (,) a b.
  5. Instances for Endo a.
  6. Instances for (->) a b and Op a b.
  7. Instances for ().
  8. Instances for [] a.
  9. Instances for NonEmpty a.
  10. Instances for Void.
  11. Instances for IO a.
  12. Instances for Map k a.

Figure out which ones do, implement the corresponding type class instances in terms of foldMap or sequenceA and prove that your instances are coherent. Your code must compile, but your proofs may be as informal as you wish.

Since some of these instances already exist in Prelude, you may need to use the following wrappers or introduce new ones to avoid duplicate instance declaration errors. However, be mindful not to accidentally use the existing instances from Prelude!

Exercise 2

If we compose two functors, we get another functor, but, if we compose two monads, we do not necessarily get another monad. Monad transformers provide a way to classify some of those cases, where composing two monads actually produces another monad.

We shall motivate the use of monad transformers through an experimental investigation into a simple problem from number theory.

Let the Collatz function \[\begin{eqnarray} c & : & \mathbb Z \to \mathbb Z \\ c (n) & \equiv & \begin{cases} n / 2, & n \bmod 2 = 0 \\ 1 + 3 \times n, & n \bmod 2 = 1. \end{cases} \end{eqnarray}\] The Collatz conjecture states that, for all \(n : \mathbb Z\) satisfying \(n > 0\), there exists such \(p : \mathbb N\), that \(c^p (n) = 1\).

The conjecture easier to understand when posed as a question. Starting from a positive initial value, does repeatedly applying the Collatz function eventually reach unity?

While this problem has remained unsolved for almost a century, it has been experimentally verified for all integers up to 256 bits in length.

We shall now consider a toy program that replicates the verification process for small integers. The program

The program is composed from the Except Problem monad, the Reader (Maybe Int) monad and the State (Set a) monad, whose associated transformers can be stacked in six different ways, two of which are given. Figure out what the different stacks do, decide which one makes the most sense for this application and write a helper function that runs the stack and returns the result. You should be able to reproduce OEIS sequence A006577 in this way.

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

module Week5.Exercise2 where

import Data.Int (Int8 (..), Int16 (..))
import Data.Set (Set (..))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State

type Intlike a = (Bounded a, Integral a)

count :: Intlike a => a -> a
count n = 1 + n

safeToCount :: Intlike a => a -> Bool
safeToCount n = n < maxBound

collatz :: Intlike a => a -> a
collatz n
  | even n = n `div` 2
  | otherwise = 1 + 3 * n

safeToCollatz :: Intlike a => a -> Bool
safeToCollatz n
  | even n = True
  | otherwise = n > minBound `div` 3 && n < maxBound `div` 3

collatzBound :: Intlike a => Maybe a
collatzBound = Just 18

data Variable = Value | Counter | Cache
  deriving Show

data Problem = Loop | Bound Variable
  deriving Show

checkCollatzSRE :: (Intlike a, Intlike b) =>
  a -> ExceptT Problem (ReaderT (Maybe Int) (State (Set a))) b
checkCollatzSRE = let
  f :: (Intlike a, Intlike b) =>
    a -> ExceptT Problem (ReaderT (Maybe Int) (State (Set a))) b
  f n = do
    ps <- (lift . lift) get
    if Set.member n ps then
      throwE Loop else do
      ms <- lift ask
      case ms of
        Nothing -> if Set.size ps >= maxBound then
          throwE (Bound Cache) else
          (lift . lift) (put (Set.insert n ps))
        Just m -> if Set.size ps >= m then
          pure () else
          (lift . lift) (put (Set.insert n ps))
      if abs n == 1 then
        pure 0 else do
        if not (safeToCollatz n) then
          throwE (Bound Value) else let
          p = collatz n in do
          q <- f p
          if not (safeToCount q) then
            throwE (Bound Counter) else
            pure (count q) in
  \ n -> catchE (f n) $ \ e -> case e of
    Bound Cache -> mapExceptT (local (const collatzBound)) (f n)
    _ -> throwE e

checkCollatzERS :: (Intlike a, Intlike b) =>
  a -> StateT (Set a) (ReaderT (Maybe Int) (Except Problem)) b
checkCollatzERS = let
  f :: (Intlike a, Intlike b) =>
    a -> StateT (Set a) (ReaderT (Maybe Int) (Except Problem)) b
  f n = do
    ps <- get
    if Set.member n ps then
      (lift . lift) (throwE Loop) else do
      ms <- lift ask
      case ms of
        Nothing -> if Set.size ps >= maxBound then
          (lift . lift) (throwE (Bound Cache)) else
          put (Set.insert n ps)
        Just m -> if Set.size ps >= m then
          pure () else
          put (Set.insert n ps)
      if abs n == 1 then
        pure 0 else
        if not (safeToCollatz n) then
          (lift . lift) (throwE (Bound Value)) else let
          p = collatz n in do
          q <- f p
          if not (safeToCount q) then
            (lift . lift) (throwE (Bound Counter)) else
            pure (count q) in
  \ n -> (State.liftCatch . Reader.liftCatch) catchE (f n) $ \ e -> case e of
    Bound Cache -> mapStateT (local (const collatzBound)) (f n)
    _ -> (lift . lift) (throwE e)

Exercise 3

Monad transformers in the form provided by the transformers package are somewhat unpleasant to use, because the way the monads are stacked is rigid and thus requires explicit lifting. Alleviating this pain is one of the main motivations behind effect systems.

The most widespread effect system is currently monad transformers with functional dependencies in the form provided by the mtl package. It works by representing the monads in the stack as type classes, so that the stacking order does not need to be fixed until instance resolution.

Take the programs from exercise 2 and translate them into a single program that uses monad transformers with functional dependencies. That is, find the appropriate type classes for the monads, give the programs a common type that does not fix the stacking order, remove the explicit lifts and run the resulting program with the old helper function.

Note that you cannot rely on type inference here, because it will aggressively unfold the type alises and produce a mess involving the Identity monad.

Exercise 4

This is a bonus exercise, which means that you can get stars from it just like you could from any other exercise, but the stars have not been taken into account when calculating the maximum number of stars you can get. Thus, this exercise will be ignored in the unlikely event that not ignoring it would make your grade overflow.

Write a tool to check whether web services are online.

The program should read and parse the provided configuration files, each of which specifies which address to check, how many times to repeat the check in case of recoverable failure, what kind of delay to use between repetitions and whether to present the results in color. The configuration files could be formatted arbitrarily, but the following run command file format is customary.

NumberOfRepeats = 5
DelayBetweenRepeats = 200 ms
UseColor = yes

The program should then issue a HEAD request to each address and see what status code the response contains. If the status code indicates a recoverable failure and the maximum number of repetitions has not been exhausted, the program should try again after a short delay. Otherwise, the program should stop making requests to the address.

User-Agent: ties341/0.0.0
Accept: */*

The program should finally collect the results and print a nicely formatted summary into the terminal. If so requested and supported by the terminal, the summary should be decorated with bright colors.

     200 =----
       500 =-
        200 =----
         200 =----
        200 =--
         200 =--
                    http://localhost/ 200 ==-----
                   https://otherhost/ 500 =======
                  https://remotehost/ 500 =======

You can choose any detail not specified here to your advantage, so there is a lot of room for creativity. Still, you might find some of the following modules useful.