Applied Deliberation

Assorted Adventures of Sampsa Kiiskinen

Week 2 Exercises

These exercises still involve lots of examples and counterexamples, although there are some jigsaw puzzle elements too.

Exercise 1

Some of the following types admit functors, contravariant functors, bifunctors or profunctors, while others do not admit any.

  1. Instances for Bool.
  2. Instances for Maybe a.
  3. Instances for Either a b.
  4. Instances for (,) a b.
  5. Instances for Endo a.
  6. Instances for (->) a b and Op a b.
  7. Instances for ().
  8. Instances for [] a.
  9. Instances for NonEmpty a.
  10. Instances for Void.
  11. Instances for IO a.
  12. Instances for Map k a.

Figure out which ones admit which, implement the corresponding type class instances and prove that your instances are coherent. Your code must compile, but your proofs may be as informal as you wish.

Since some of these instances already exist in Prelude, you may need to use the following wrappers or introduce new ones to avoid duplicate instance declaration errors. However, be mindful not to accidentally use the existing instances from Prelude!

You may need to install the contravariant, bifunctors and profunctors packages if you want to import the type classes.

While it is fine to define the instances for IO using do notation, the morally correct way requires primitive operations from the GHC.IO module, which in turn requires the MagicHash and UnboxedTuples extensions. If you implement the instances in this way, they should look a lot like State in exercise 3.

Exercise 2

Some of the following types admit functors, while others do not.

  1. Instances for Sum m n a, given instances for m and n.
  2. Instances for Product m n a, given instances for m and n.
  3. Instances for Identity a.
  4. Instances for Compose m n a, given instances for m and n.
  5. Instances for Const a b.
  6. Instances for Proxy a.
  7. Instances for State a b.
  8. Instances for Cont a b.
  9. Instances for Star m a b, given instances for m.
  10. Instances for Costar m a b.
  11. Instances for Yoneda m a, given instances for m.
  12. Instances for Coyoneda m a.

Figure out which ones do, implement the corresponding type class instances and prove that your instances are coherent. Your code must compile, but your proofs may be as informal as you wish.

Most of the same considerations apply as in exercise 1.

The language extensions are required to be able to use universal quantifiers more freely with Yoneda and Coyoneda.

Exercise 3

Functors, contravariant functors, bifunctors and profunctors are related to each other in several different ways. However, this is obscured by the fact that the only way to choose the free parameters for type class instances is to partially apply the corresponding type constructors. Working around this restriction requires some clever tricks with wrappers.

Implement the instances that witness the relations between the different kinds of functors. While doing so, try to find a way to use the flip and join functions with the respective wrappers.

Most of the same considerations apply as in exercise 1.