- Tikka S., Karvanen J. Monotone missing data: a blessing and a curse. Submitted. (arXiv)
- Karvanen J., Tikka S. Multiple imputation and full law identifiability. Submitted. (arXiv)
- Helske S., Helske J., Chapman S., Kotimäki S., Salin M., Tikka S. Heterogeneous workplace peer effects in fathers' parental leave uptake in Finland. Submitted. (SocArXiv)
- Tikka S., Karvanen J. Full law identification under missing data with categorical variables. Submitted. (arXiv)
- Tikka S., Helske J. dynamite: An R Package for Dynamic Multivariate Panel Models. To appear. (arXiv)
Peer Reviewed Scientific Articles
- Saqr M., López-Pernas S., Törmänen T., Kaliisa R., Misiejuk K., Tikka S. (2025). Transition network analysis: A novel framework for modeling, visualizing, and identifying the temporal patterns of learners and learning processes. In Proceedings of the 15th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK '25), 351--361 (published version, arXiv)
- Karvanen J., Tikka S., Vihola M. (2024). Simulating counterfactuals. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 80, 835–857. (published version, arXiv)
- Valkonen L., Tikka S., Helske J., Karvanen J. (2024). Price optimization combining conjoint data and purchase history: a causal modeling approach. Observational Studies, 10(1), 37–53. (published version, arXiv)
- Helske J., Tikka S. (2024). Estimating causal effects from panel data with dynamic multivariate panel models. Advances in Life Course Research, 60, 100617. (published version, SocArXiv)
- Margus A., Tikka S., Karvanen J., Lindström L. (2024). Transgenerational sublethal insecticide exposure gives rise to insecticide resistance in a pest insect. Science of The Total Environment, 908, 168114. (published version, SSRN)
- Tikka S. (2023). Identifying counterfactual queries with the R package cfid. The R Journal, 15(2), 330–343. (published version, arXiv)
- Tikka S., Helske J., Karvanen J. (2023). Clustering and structural robustness in causal diagrams. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 24(195), 1–32. (published version, arXiv)
- Rainio M., Margus A., Tikka S., Helander M., Lindström L. (2023). The effects of short-term glyphosate-based herbicide exposure on insect gene expression profiles. Journal of Insect Physiology, 146, 104503. (published version)
- Tikka S., Hakanen J., Saarela M., Karvanen J. (2021). Sima – an open-source simulation framework for realistic large-scale individual-level data generation. International Journal of Microsimulation, 14(3), 27–53. (published version, arXiv)
- Tikka S., Hyttinen A., Karvanen J. (2021). Causal effect identification from multiple incomplete data sources: a general search-based approach. Journal of Statistical Software, 99(5), 1–40. (published version, arXiv)
- Viinikainen J., Tikka S., Laaksonen M., Jääskeläinen T., Böckerman P., Karvanen J. (2021). Body weight and premature retirement: population-based evidence from Finland. European Journal of Public Health, 31(4), 731–736. (published version)
- Helske J., Tikka S., Karvanen J. (2021). Estimation of causal effects with small data in the presence of trapdoor variables. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 184(3), 1030–1051. (published version, arXiv)
- Karvanen J., Tikka S., Hyttinen A. (2021). Do-search – a tool for causal inference and study design with multiple data sources. Epidemiology, 32(1), 111–119. (published version, arXiv)
- Tikka S., Hyttinen A., Karvanen J. (2019). Identifying causal effects via context-specific independence relations. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. (published version, arXiv)
- Margus A., Piiroinen S., Lehmann P., Tikka S., Karvanen J., Lindström L. (2019). Sublethal pyrethroid insecticide exposure carries positive fitness effects over generations in a pest insect. Scientific Reports, 9(1). (published version)
- Tikka S., Karvanen J. (2019). Surrogate outcomes and transportability. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 108, 21–37. (published version, arXiv)
- Tikka S., Karvanen J. (2018). Enhancing identification of causal effects by pruning. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18(194), 1–23. (published version, arXiv)
- Tikka S., Karvanen J. (2018). Simplifying probabilistic expressions in causal inference. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18(36), 1–30. (published version, arXiv)
- Tikka S., Karvanen J. (2017). Identifying causal effects with the R package causaleffect. Journal of Statistical Software, 76(12), 1–30. (published version, arXiv)
Book Chapters
- Tikka S., Kopra J., Heinäniemi M., López-Pernas S., Saqr M. (2024). Getting started with R for Education Research. In Saqr M. and López-Pernas S. (eds.) Learning analytics methods and tutorials: A practical guide using R. Springer. (publisher website, online chapter)
- Kopra J., Tikka S., Heinäniemi M., López-Pernas S., Saqr M. (2024). An R Approach to Data Cleaning and Wrangling for Education Research. In Saqr M. and López-Pernas S. (eds.) Learning analytics methods and tutorials: A practical guide using R. Springer. (publisher website, online chapter)
- Tikka S., Kopra J., Heinäniemi M., López-Pernas S., Saqr M. (2024). Introductory Statistics with R for Educational Researchers. In Saqr M. and López-Pernas S. (eds.) Learning analytics methods and tutorials: A practical guide using R. Springer. (publisher website, online chapter)
- López-Pernas S., Misiejuk K., Tikka S., Kopra J., Heinäniemi M., Saqr M. (2024). Visualizing and Reporting Educational Data with R. In Saqr M. and López-Pernas S. (eds.) Learning analytics methods and tutorials: A practical guide using R. Springer. (publisher website, online chapter)
R Packages
- tna: Transition network analysis (authors: Sonsoles López-Pernas, Santtu Tikka, Mohammed Saqr) (GitHub, CRAN)
- cfid: Identifying counterfactual queries in causal models (GitHub, CRAN)
- dynamite: Bayesian inference of complex panel data (authors: Santtu Tikka, Jouni Helske, rOpenSci peer reviewed) (GitHub, CRAN, Blog post)
- dosearch: Causal effect identification from multiple incomplete data sources (authors: Santtu Tikka, Antti Hyttinen, Juha Karvanen) (GitHub, CRAN)
- causaleffect: Deriving expressions of joint interventional distributions and transport formulas in causal models (GitHub, CRAN)
- Sima: Simulation framework for large-scale data generation in the health domain (GitHub)
- Tikka, S. Improving identification algorithms in causal inference, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Jyväskylä, August 2018, Accepted with honours. Received the Finnish Statistical Society outstanding doctoral thesis award 2017–2020. (JyX)
- Tikka, S. Kausaalivaikutusten identifiointi algoritmisesti (in Finnish), Master's thesis, University of Jyväskylä, February 2015, Received the Leo Törnqvist award for the best master's thesis in statistics in Finland 2015–2016. (JyX)