-*- mode: org -*- Explicitly about an ROC point of view * 47(<-573): Multi-class ROC analysis from a multi-objective optimisation perspective The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) has become a standard tool for the analysis and comparison of classifiers when the costs of misclassification are unknown. There has been relatively little work, however, examining ROC for more than two classes. Here we discuss and present an extension to the standard two-class ROC for multi-class problems. We define the ROC surface for the Q-class problem in terms of a multi-objective optimisation problem in which the goal is to simultaneously minimise the Q(Q-1) misclassification rates, when the misclassification costs and parameters governing the classifier's behaviour are unknown. We present an evolutionary algorithm to locate the Pareto front-the optimal trade-off surface between misclassifications of different types. The use of the Pareto optimal surface to compare classifiers is discussed and we present a straightforward multi-class analogue of the Gini coefficient. The performance of the evolutionary algorithm is illustrated on a synthetic three class problem, for both k-nearest neighbour and multi-layer perceptron classifiers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2006 * 137(<-275): A two-stage evolutionary algorithm based on sensitivity and accuracy for multi-class problems The machine learning community has traditionally used correct classification rates or accuracy (C) values to measure classifier performance and has generally avoided presenting classification levels of each class in the results, especially for problems with more than two classes. C values alone are insufficient because they cannot capture the myriad of contributing factors that differentiate the performance of two different classifiers. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis is an alternative to solve these difficulties, but it can only be used for two-class problems. For this reason, this paper proposes a new approach for analysing classifiers based on two measures: C and sensitivity (S) (i.e., the minimum of accuracies obtained for each class). These measures are optimised through a two-stage evolutionary process. It was conducted by applying two sequential fitness functions in the evolutionary process, including entropy (E) for the first stage and a new fitness function, area (A), for the second stage. By using these fitness functions, the C level was optimised in the first stage, and the S value of the classifier was generally improved without significantly reducing C in the second stage. This two-stage approach improved S values in the generalisation set (whereas an evolutionary algorithm (EA) based only on the S measure obtains worse S levels) and obtained both high C values and good classification levels for each class. The methodology was applied to solve 16 benchmark classification problems and two complex real-world problems in analytical chemistry and predictive microbiology. It obtained promising results when compared to other competitive multiclass classification algorithms and a multi-objective alternative based on E and S. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 2012 * 433(<-670): Multiobjective genetic optimization of diagnostic classifiers with implications for generating receiver operating characteristic curves It is well understood that binary classifiers have two implicit objective functions (sensitivity and specificity) describing their performance. Traditional methods of classifier training attempt to combine these two objective functions (or two analogous class performance measures) into one so that conventional scalar optimization techniques can be utilized. This involves incorporating a priori information into the aggregation method so that the resulting performance of the classifier is satisfactory for the task at hand. We have investigated the use of a niched Pareto multiobjective genetic algorithm (GA) for classifier optimization. With niched Pareto GA's, an objective vector is optimized instead of a scalar function, eliminating the need to aggregate classification objective functions. The niched Pareto GA returns a set of optimal solutions that are equivalent in the absence of any information regarding the preferences of the objectives. The a priori knowledge that was used for aggregating the objective functions in conventional classifier training can instead be applied post-optimization to select from one of the series of solutions returned from the multiobjective genetic optimization. We have applied this technique to train a linear classifier and an artificial neural network (ANN), using simulated datasets, The performances of the solutions returned from the multiobjective genetic optimization represent a series of optimal (sensitivity, specificity) pairs, which can be thought of as operating points on a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. All possible ROC curves for a given dataset and classifier are less than or equal to the ROC curve generated by the niched Pareto genetic optimization. 1999