-*- mode: org -*- Miscellaneous applications and hybrids (only a few papers on each...) * 32(<-120): A niching genetic programming-based multi-objective algorithm for hybrid data classification This paper introduces a multi-objective algorithm based on genetic programming to extract classification rules in databases composed of hybrid data, i.e., regular (e.g. numerical, logical, and textual) and non-regular (e.g. geographical) attributes. This algorithm employs a niche technique combined with a population archive in order to identify the rules that are more suitable for classifying items amongst classes of a given data set. The algorithm is implemented in such a way that the user can choose the function set that is more adequate for a given application. This feature makes the proposed approach virtually applicable to any kind of data set classification problem. Besides, the classification problem is modeled as a multi-objective one, in which the maximization of the accuracy and the minimization of the classifier complexity are considered as the objective functions. A set of different classification problems, with considerably different data sets and domains, has been considered: wines, patients with hepatitis, incipient faults in power transformers and level of development of cities. In this last data set, some of the attributes are geographical, and they are expressed as points, lines or polygons. The effectiveness of the algorithm has been compared with three other methods, widely employed for classification: Decision Tree (C4.5), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Radial Basis Function (RBF). Statistical comparisons have been conducted employing one-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests, in order to provide reliable comparison of the methods. The results show that the proposed algorithm achieved better classification effectiveness in all tested instances, what suggests that it is suitable for a considerable range of classification applications. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2014 * 40(<-467): AG-ART: An adaptive approach to evolving ART architectures This paper focuses on classification problems, and in particular on the evolution of ARTMAP architectures using genetic algorithms, with the objective of improving generalization performance and alleviating the adaptive resonance theory (ART) category proliferation problem. In a previous effort, we introduced evolutionary fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM), referred to as genetic Fuzzy ARTMAP (GFAM). In this paper we apply an improved genetic algorithm to FAM and extend these ideas to two other ART architectures; ellipsoidal ARTMAP (EAM) and Gaussian ARTMAP (CAM). One of the major advantages of the proposed improved genetic algorithm is that it adapts the CA parameters automatically, and in a way that takes into consideration the intricacies of the classification problem under consideration. The resulting genetically engineered ART architectures are justifiably referred to as AG-FAM, AG-EAM and AG-GAM or collectively as AG-ART (adaptive genetically engineered ART). We compare the performance (in terms of accuracy, size, and computational cost) of the AG-ART architectures with GFAM, and other ART architectures that have appeared in the literature and attempted to solve the category proliferation problem. Our results demonstrate that AG-ART architectures exhibit better performance than their other ART counterparts (semi-supervised ART) and better performance than GFAM. We also compare AG-ART's performance to other related results published in the classification literature, and demonstrate that AG-ART architectures exhibit competitive generalization performance and, quite often, produce smaller size classifiers in solving the same classification problems. We also show that AG-ART's performance gains are achieved within a reasonable computational budget. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2009 * 270(<-418): An Adaptive Multiobjective Approach to Evolving ART Architectures In this paper, we present the evolution of adaptive resonance theory (ART) neural network architectures (classifiers) using a multiobjective optimization approach. In particular, we propose the use of a multiobjective evolutionary approach to simultaneously evolve the weights and the topology of three well-known ART architectures; fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM), ellipsoidal ARTMAP (EAM), and Gaussian ARTMAP (GAM). We refer to the resulting architectures as MO-GFAM, MO-GEAM, and MO-GGAM, and collectively as MO-GART. The major advantage of MO-GART is that it produces a number of solutions for the classification problem at hand that have different levels of merit [accuracy on unseen data (generalization) and size (number of categories created)]. MO-GART is shown to be more elegant (does not require user intervention to define the network parameters), more effective (of better accuracy and smaller size), and more efficient (faster to produce the solution networks) than other ART neural network architectures that have appeared in the literature. Furthermore, MO-GART is shown to be competitive with other popular classifiers, such as classification and regression tree (CART) and support vector machines (SVMs). 2010 * 43(<-238): Multiplicative Update Rules for Concurrent Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Maximum Margin Classification The state-of-the-art classification methods which employ nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) employ two consecutive independent steps. The first one performs data transformation (dimensionality reduction) and the second one classifies the transformed data using classification methods, such as nearest neighbor/centroid or support vector machines (SVMs). In the following, we focus on using NMF factorization followed by SVM classification. Typically, the parameters of these two steps, e. g., the NMF bases/coefficients and the support vectors, are optimized independently, thus leading to suboptimal classification performance. In this paper, we merge these two steps into one by incorporating maximum margin classification constraints into the standard NMF optimization. The notion behind the proposed framework is to perform NMF, while ensuring that the margin between the projected data of the two classes is maximal. The concurrent NMF factorization and support vector optimization are performed through a set of multiplicative update rules. In the same context, the maximum margin classification constraints are imposed on the NMF problem with additional discriminant constraints and respective multiplicative update rules are extracted. The impact of the maximum margin classification constraints on the NMF factorization problem is addressed in Section VI. Experimental results in several databases indicate that the incorporation of the maximum margin classification constraints into the NMF and discriminant NMF objective functions improves the accuracy of the classification. 2013 * 48(<- 26): Joint model for feature selection and parameter optimization coupled with classifier ensemble in chemical mention recognition Mention recognition in chemical texts plays an important role in a wide-spread range of application areas. Feature selection and parameter optimization are the two important issues in machine learning. While the former improves the quality of a classifier by removing the redundant and irrelevant features, the later concerns finding the most suitable parameter values, which have significant impact on the overall classification performance. In this paper we formulate a joint model that performs feature selection and parameter optimization simultaneously, and propose two approaches based on the concepts of single and multiobjective optimization techniques. Classifier ensemble techniques are also employed to improve the performance further. We identify and implement variety of features that are mostly domain-independent. Experiments are performed with various configurations on the benchmark patent and Medline datasets. Evaluation shows encouraging performance in all the settings. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2015 * 53(<- 44): The influence of scaling metabolomics data on model classification accuracy Correctly measured classification accuracy is an important aspect not only to classify pre-designated classes such as disease versus control properly, but also to ensure that the biological question can be answered competently. We recognised that there has been minimal investigation of pre-treatment methods and its influence on classification accuracy within the metabolomics literature. The standard approach to pre-treatment prior to classification modelling often incorporates the use of methods such as autoscaling, which positions all variables on a comparable scale thus allowing one to achieve separation of two or more groups (target classes). This is often undertaken without any prior investigation into the influence of the pre-treatment method on the data and supervised learning techniques employed. Whilst this is useful for deriving essential information such as predictive ability or visual interpretation in many cases, as shown in this study the standard approach is not always the most suitable option available. Here, a study has been conducted to investigate the influence of six pre-treatment methods-autoscaling, range, level, Pareto and vast scaling, as well as no scaling-on four classification models, including: principal components-discriminant function analysis (PC-DFA), support vector machines (SVM), random forests (RF) and k-nearest neighbours (kNN)-using three publically available metabolomics data sets. We have demonstrated that undertaking different pre-treatment methods can greatly affect the interpretation of the statistical modelling outputs. The results have shown that data pre-treatment is context dependent and that there was no single superior method for all the data sets used. Whilst we did find that vast scaling produced the most robust models in terms of classification rate for PC-DFA of both NMR spectroscopy data sets, in general we conclude that both vast scaling and autoscaling produced similar and superior results in comparison to the other four pre-treatment methods on both NMR and GC-MS data sets. It is therefore our recommendation that vast scaling is the primary pre-treatment method to use as this method appears to be more stable and robust across all the different classifiers that were conducted in this study. 2015 * 69(<-369): Classification as Clustering: A Pareto Cooperative-Competitive GP Approach Intuitively population based algorithms such as genetic programming provide a natural environment for supporting solutions that learn to decompose the overall task between multiple individuals, or a team. This work presents a framework for evolving teams without recourse to prespecifying the number of cooperating individuals. To do so, each individual evolves a mapping to a distribution of outcomes that, following clustering, establishes the parameterization of a (Gaussian) local membership function. This gives individuals the opportunity to represent subsets of tasks, where the overall task is that of classification under the supervised learning domain. Thus, rather than each team member representing an entire class, individuals are free to identify unique subsets of the overall classification task. The framework is supported by techniques from evolutionary multiobjective optimization (EMO) and Pareto competitive coevolution. EMO establishes the basis for encouraging individuals to provide accurate yet nonoverlaping behaviors; whereas competitive coevolution provides the mechanism for scaling to potentially large unbalanced datasets. Benchmarking is performed against recent examples of nonlinear SVM classifiers over 12 UCI datasets with between 150 and 200,000 training instances. Solutions from the proposed coevolutionary multiobjective GP framework appear to provide a good balance between classification performance and model complexity, especially as the dataset instance count increases. 2011 * 82(<-330): Integrating multicriteria PROMETHEE II method into a single-layer perceptron for two-class pattern classification PROMETHEE methods based on the outranking relation theory are extensively used in multicriteria decision aid. A preference index representing the intensity of preference for one pattern over another pattern can be measured by various preference functions. The higher the intensity, the stronger the preference is indicated. In contrast to traditional single-layer perceptrons (SLPs) with the sigmoid function, this paper develops a novel PROMETHEE II-based SLP using concepts from the PROMETHEE II method involving pairwise comparisons between patterns. The assignment of a class label to a pattern is dependent on its net preference index, which the proposed perceptron obtains. Specially, this study designs a genetic-algorithm-based learning algorithm to determine the relative weights of respective criteria in order to derive the preference index for any pair of patterns. Computer simulations involving several real-world data sets reveal the classification performance of the proposed PROMETHEE II-based SLP. The proposed perceptron performs well compared to the other well-known fuzzy or non-fuzzy classification methods. 2011 * 84(<-399): A single-layer perceptron with PROMETHEE methods using novel preference indices The Preference Ranking Organization METHods for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) methods, based on the outranking relation theory, are used extensively in multi-criteria decision aid (MCDA). In particular, preference indices with weighted average aggregation representing the intensity of preference for one pattern over another pattern are measured by various preference functions. The higher the intensity, the stronger the preference is indicated. For MCDA, to obtain the ranking of alternatives, compromise operators such as the weighted average aggregation, or the disjunctive operators are often employed to aggregate the performance values of criteria. The compromise operators express the group utility or the majority rule, whereas the disjunctive operators take into account the strongly opponent or agreeable minorities. Since these two types of operators have their own unique features, it is interesting to develop a novel aggregator by integrating them into a single aggregator for a preference index. This study aims to develop a novel PROMETHEE-based single-layer perceptron (PROSLP) for pattern classification using the proposed preference index. The assignment of a class label to a pattern is dependent on its net preference index, which is obtained by the proposed perceptron. Computer simulations involving several real-world data sets reveal the classification performance of the proposed PROMETHEE-based SLP. The proposed perceptron with the novel preference index performs well compared to that with the original one. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2010 * 227(<-505): Learning based brain emotional intelligence as a new aspect for development of an alarm system The multi criteria and purposeful prediction approach has been introduced and is implemented by the fast and efficient behavioral based brain emotional learning method. On the other side, the emotional learning from brain model has shown good performance and is characterized by high generalization property. New approach is developed to deal with low computational and memory resources and can be used with the largest available data sets. The scope of paper is to reveal the advantages of emotional learning interpretations of brain as a purposeful forecasting system designed to warning; and to make a fair comparison between the successful neural (MLP) and neurofuzzy (ANFIS) approaches in their best structures and according to prediction accuracy, generalization, and computational complexity. The auroral electrojet (AE) index are used as practical examples of chaotic time series and introduced method used to make predictions and warning of geomagnetic disturbances and geomagnetic storms based on AE index. 2008 * 304(<-632): Multicriteria fuzzy classification procedure PROCFTN: methodology and medical application In this paper, we introduce a new classification procedure for assigning objects to predefined classes, named PROCFTN. This procedure is based on a fuzzy scoring function for choosing a subset of prototypes, which represent the closest resemblance with an object to be assigned. It then applies the majority-voting rule to assign an object to a class. We also present a medical application of this procedure as an aid to assist the diagnosis of central nervous system tumours. The results are compared with those obtained by other classification methods, reported on the same data set, including decision tree, production rules, neural network, k nearest neighbor, multilayer perceptron and logistic regression. Our results are very encouraging and show that the multicriteria decision analysis approach can be successfully used to help medical diagnosis. Crown Copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2004 * 316(<- 52): Multiple Actor-Critic Structures for Continuous-Time Optimal Control Using Input-Output Data In industrial process control, there may be multiple performance objectives, depending on salient features of the input-output data. Aiming at this situation, this paper proposes multiple actor-critic structures to obtain the optimal control via input-output data for unknown nonlinear systems. The shunting inhibitory artificial neural network (SIANN) is used to classify the input-output data into one of several categories. Different performance measure functions may be defined for disparate categories. The approximate dynamic programming algorithm, which contains model module, critic network, and action network, is used to establish the optimal control in each category. A recurrent neural network (RNN) model is used to reconstruct the unknown system dynamics using input-output data. NNs are used to approximate the critic and action networks, respectively. It is proven that the model error and the closed unknown system are uniformly ultimately bounded. Simulation results demonstrate the performance of the proposed optimal control scheme for the unknown nonlinear system. 2015 * 321(<-610): Evolutionary multi-objective optimization for simultaneous generation of signal-type and symbol-type representations It has been a controversial issue in the research of cognitive science and artificial intelligence whether signal-type representations (typically connectionist networks) or symbol-type representations (e.g., semantic networks, production systems) should be used. Meanwhile, it has also been recognized that both types of information representations might exist in the human brain. In addition, symbol-type representations are often very helpful in gaining insights into unknown systems. For these reasons, comprehensible symbolic rules need to be extracted from trained neural networks. In this paper, an evolutionary multi-objective algorithm is employed to generate multiple models that facilitate the generation of signal-type and symbol-type representations simultaneously. It is argued that one main difference between signal-type and symbol-type representations lies in the fact that the signal-type representations, are models of a higher complexity (fine representation), whereas symbol-type representations are models of a lower complexity (coarse representation). Thus, by generating models with a spectrum of model complexity, we are able to obtain a population of models of both signal-type and symbol-type quality, although certain post-processing is needed to get a fully symbol-type representation. An illustrative example is given on generating neural networks for the breast cancer diagnosis benchmark problem. 2005 * 343(<-675): Pattern classification by linear goal programming and its extensions Pattern classification is one of the main themes in pattern recognition, and has been tackled by several methods such as the statistic one, artificial neural networks, mathematical programming and so on. Among them, the multi-surface method proposed by Mangasarian is very attractive, because it can provide an exact discrimination function even for highly nonlinear problems without any assumption on the data distribution. However, the method often causes many slits on the discrimination curve. In other words, the piecewise linear discrimination curve is sometimes too complex resulting in a poor generalization ability. In this paper, several trials in order to overcome the difficulties of the multi-surface method are suggested. One of them is the utilization of goal programming in which the auxiliary linear programming problem is formulated as a goal programming in order to get as simple discrimination curves as possible. Another one is to apply fuzzy programming by which we can get fuzzy discrimination curves with gray zones. In addition, it will be shown that using the suggested methods, the additional learning can be easily made. These features of the methods make the discrimination more realistic. The effectiveness of the methods is shown on the basis of some applications. 1998 * 379(<-274): Computational algorithms inspired by biological processes and evolution In recent times computational algorithms inspired by biological processes and evolution are gaining much popularity for solving science and engineering problems. These algorithms are broadly classified into evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence algorithms, which are derived based on the analogy of natural evolution and biological activities. These include genetic algorithms, genetic programming, differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, artificial neural networks, etc. The algorithms being random-search techniques, use some heuristics to guide the search towards optimal solution and speed-up the convergence to obtain the global optimal solutions. The bio-inspired methods have several attractive features and advantages compared to conventional optimization solvers. They also facilitate the advantage of simulation and optimization environment simultaneously to solve hard-to-define (in simple expressions), real-world problems. These biologically inspired methods have provided novel ways of problem-solving for practical problems in traffic routing, networking, games, industry, robotics, economics, mechanical, chemical, electrical, civil, water resources and others fields. This article discusses the key features and development of bio-inspired computational algorithms, and their scope for application in science and engineering fields. 2012 * 386(<-683): FUZZY THRESHOLD FUNCTIONS AND APPLICATIONS The set of fuzzy threshold functions is defined to be a fuzzy set over the set of functions. All threshold functions have full memberships in this fuzzy set. Defines and investigates a distance measure between a non-linearly separable function and the set of all threshold functions. Defines an explicit expression for the membership function of a fuzzy threshold function through the use of this distance measure and finds three upper bounds for this measure. Presents a general method to compute the distance, an algorithm to generate the representation automatically, and a procedure to determine the proper weights and thresholds automatically. Presents the relationships among threshold gate networks, artificial neural networks and fuzzy neural networks. The results may have useful applications in logic design, pattern recognition, fuzzy logic, multi-objective fuzzy optimization and related areas. 1995 * 395(<-215): A novel artificial immune clonal selection classification and rule mining with swarm learning model Metaheuristic optimisation algorithms have become popular choice for solving complex problems. By integrating Artificial Immune clonal selection algorithm (CSA) and particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm, a novel hybrid Clonal Selection Classification and Rule Mining with Swarm Learning Algorithm (CS2) is proposed. The main goal of the approach is to exploit and explore the parallel computation merit of Clonal Selection and the speed and self-organisation merits of Particle Swarm by sharing information between clonal selection population and particle swarm. Hence, we employed the advantages of PSO to improve the mutation mechanism of the artificial immune CSA and to mine classification rules within datasets. Consequently, our proposed algorithm required less training time and memory cells in comparison to other AIS algorithms. In this paper, classification rule mining has been modelled as a miltiobjective optimisation problem with predictive accuracy. The multiobjective approach is intended to allow the PSO algorithm to return an approximation to the accuracy and comprehensibility border, containing solutions that are spread across the border. We compared our proposed algorithm classification accuracy CS2 with five commonly used CSAs, namely: AIRS1, AIRS2, AIRS-Parallel, CLONALG, and CSCA using eight benchmark datasets. We also compared our proposed algorithm classification accuracy CS2 with other five methods, namely: Naive Bayes, SVM, MLP, CART, and RFB. The results show that the proposed algorithm is comparable to the 10 studied algorithms. As a result, the hybridisation, built of CSA and PSO, can develop respective merit, compensate opponent defect, and make search-optimal effect and speed better. 2013