-*- mode: org -*- Miscellaneous. Diverse topics different from main ones. Natural language processing, and other minor subfields: * 36(<- 87): Fingerprint Recognition by Multi-objective Optimization PSO Hybrid with SVM Researchers put efforts to discover more efficient ways to classification problems for a period of time. Recent years, the support vector machine (SVM) becomes a well-popular intelligence algorithm developed for dealing this kind of problem. In this paper, we used the core idea of multi-objective optimization to transform SVM into a new form. This form of SVM could help to solve the situation: in tradition, SVM is usually a single optimization equation, and parameters for this algorithm can only be determined by user's experience, such as penalty parameter. Therefore, our algorithm is developed to help user prevent from suffering to use this algorithm in the above condition. We use multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm in our research and successfully proved that user do not need to use trial - and - error method to determine penalty parameter C. Finally, we apply it to NIST-4 database to assess our proposed algorithm feasibility, and the experiment results shows our method can have great results as we expect. 2014 * 70(<-356): Multi-objective uniform design as a SVM model selection tool for face recognition The primary difficulty of support vector machine (SVM) model selection is heavy computational cost, thus it is difficult for current model selection methods to be applied in face recognition. Model selection via uniform design can effectively alleviate the computational cost, but its drawback is that it adopts a single objective criterion which can not always guarantee the generalization capacity. The sensitivity and specificity as multi-objective criteria have been proved of better performance and can provide a means for obtaining more realistic models. This paper first proposes a multi-objective uniform design (MOUD) search method as a SVM model selection tool, and then applies this optimized SVM classifier to face recognition. Because of replacing single objective criterion with multi-objective criteria and adopting uniform design to seek experimental points that uniformly scatter on whole experimental domain, MOUD can reduce the computational cost and improve the classification ability simultaneously. The experiments are executed on UCI benchmark, and on Yale and CAS-PEAL-R1 face databases. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms other model search methods significantly, especially for face recognition. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 2011 * 75(<-608): Selection of optimal features for iris recognition Iris recognition is a prospering biometric method, but some technical difficulties still exist. This paper proposes an iris recognition method based on selected optimal features and statistical learning. To better represent the variation details in irises, we extract features from both spatial and frequency domain. Multi-objective genetic algorithm is then employed to optimize the features. Next step is doing classification of the optimal feature sequence. SVM has recently generated a great interest in the community of machine learning due to its excellent generalization performance in a wide variety of learning problems. We modified traditional SVM as non-symmetrical support vector machine to satisfy the different security requirements in iris recognition applications. Experimental data shows that the selected feature sequence represents the variation details of the iris patterns properly. 2005 * 86(<-213): Simulated annealing based classifier ensemble techniques: Application to part of speech tagging Part-of-Speech (PoS) tagging is an important pipelined module for almost all Natural Language Processing (NLP) application areas. in this paper we formulate PoS tagging within the frameworks of single and multi-objective optimization techniques. At the very first step we propose a classifier ensemble technique for PoS tagging using the concept of single objective optimization (SOO) that exploits the search capability of simulated annealing (SA). Thereafter we devise a method based on multiobjective optimization (MOO) to solve the same problem, and for this a recently developed multiobjective simulated annealing based technique, AMOSA, is used. The characteristic features of AMOSA are its concepts of the amount of domination and archive in simulated annealing, and situation specific acceptance probabilities. We use Conditional Random Field (CRF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) as the underlying classification methods that make use of a diverse set of features, mostly based on local contexts and orthographic constructs. We evaluate our proposed approaches for two Indian languages, namely Bengali and Hindi. Evaluation results of the single objective version shows the overall accuracy of 88.92% for Bengali and 87.67% for Hindi. The MOO based ensemble yields the overall accuracies of 90.45% and 89.88% for Bengali and Hindi, respectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2013 * 87(<-228): Combining multiple classifiers using vote based classifier ensemble technique for named entity recognition In this paper, we pose the classifier ensemble problem under single and multiobjective optimization frameworks, and evaluate it for Named Entity Recognition (NER), an important step in almost all Natural Language Processing (NLP) application areas. We propose the solutions to two different versions of the ensemble problem for each of the optimization frameworks. We hypothesize that the reliability of predictions of each classifier differs among the various output classes. Thus, in an ensemble system it is necessary to find out either the eligible classes for which a classifier is most suitable to vote (i.e., binary vote based ensemble) or to quantify the amount of voting for each class in a particular classifier (i.e., real vote based ensemble). We use seven diverse classifiers, namely Naive Bayes, Decision Tree (DT), Memory Based Learner (MBL), Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Maximum Entropy (ME), Conditional Random Field (CRF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to build a number of models depending upon the various representations of the available features that are identified and selected mostly without using any domain knowledge and/or language specific resources. The proposed technique is evaluated for three resource-constrained languages, namely Bengali, Hindi and Telugu. Results using multiobjective optimization (MOO) based technique yield the overall recall, precision and F-measure values of 94.21%, 94.72% and 94.74%, respectively for Bengali, 99.07%, 90.63% and 94.66%, respectively for Hindi and 82.79%, 95.18% and 88.55%, respectively for Telugu. Results for all the languages show that the proposed MOO based classifier ensemble with real voting attains the performance level which is superior to all the individual classifiers, three baseline ensembles and the corresponding single objective based ensemble. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2013 * 88(<-256): Combining feature selection and classifier ensemble using a multiobjective simulated annealing approach: application to named entity recognition In this paper, we propose a two-stage multiobjective-simulated annealing (MOSA)-based technique for named entity recognition (NER). At first, MOSA is used for feature selection under two statistical classifiers, viz. conditional random field (CRF) and support vector machine (SVM). Each solution on the final Pareto optimal front provides a different classifier. These classifiers are then combined together by using a new classifier ensemble technique based on MOSA. Several different versions of the objective functions are exploited. We hypothesize that the reliability of prediction of each classifier differs among the various output classes. Thus, in an ensemble system, it is necessary to find out the appropriate weight of vote for each output class in each classifier. We propose a MOSA-based technique to determine the weights for votes automatically. The proposed two-stage technique is evaluated for NER in Bengali, a resource-poor language, as well as for English. Evaluation results yield the highest recall, precision and F-measure values of 93.95, 95.15 and 94.55 %, respectively for Bengali and 89.01, 89.35 and 89.18 %, respectively for English. Experiments also suggest that the classifier ensemble identified by the proposed MOO-based approach optimizing the F-measure values of named entity (NE) boundary detection outperforms all the individual classifiers and four conventional baseline models. 2013 * 89(<-332): A multiobjective simulated annealing approach for classifier ensemble: Named entity recognition in Indian languages as case studies In this paper, we propose a simulated annealing (SA) based multiobjective optimization (MOO) approach for classifier ensemble. Several different versions of the objective functions are exploited. We hypothesize that the reliability of prediction of each classifier differs among the various output classes. Thus, in an ensemble system, it is necessary to find out the appropriate weight of vote for each output class in each classifier. Diverse classification methods such as Maximum Entropy (ME), Conditional Random Field (CRF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are used to build different models depending upon the various representations of the available features. One most important characteristics of our system is that the features are selected and developed mostly without using any deep domain knowledge and/or language dependent resources. The proposed technique is evaluated for Named Entity Recognition (NER) in three resource-poor Indian languages, namely Bengali, Hindi and Telugu. Evaluation results yield the recall, precision and F-measure values of 93.95%, 95.15% and 94.55%, respectively for Bengali, 93.35%, 92.25% and 92.80%, respectively for Hindi and 84.02%, 96.56% and 89.85%, respectively for Telugu. Experiments also suggest that the classifier ensemble identified by the proposed MOO based approach optimizing the F-measure values of named entity (NE) boundary detection outperforms all the individual models, two conventional baseline models and three other MOO based ensembles. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 2011 * 145(<-187): Software Effort Estimation as a Multiobjective Learning Problem Ensembles of learning machines are promising for software effort estimation (SEE), but need to be tailored for this task to have their potential exploited. A key issue when creating ensembles is to produce diverse and accurate base models. Depending on how differently different performance measures behave for SEE, they could be used as a natural way of creating SEE ensembles. We propose to view SEE model creation as a multiobjective learning problem. A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) is used to better understand the tradeoff among different performance-measures by creating SEE models through the simultaneous optimisation of these measures. We show that the performance measures behave very differently, presenting sometimes even opposite trends. They are then used as a source of diversity for creating SEE ensembles. A good tradeoff among different measures can be obtained by using an ensemble of MOEA solutions. This ensemble performs similarly or better than a model that does not consider these measures explicitly. Besides, MOEA is also flexible, allowing emphasis of a particular measure if desired. In conclusion, MOEA can be used to better understand the relationship among performance measures and has shown to be very effective in creating SEE models. 2013 * 153(<-626): A fuzzy multi-criteria decision approach for software development strategy selection This study proposes a methodology to improve the quality of decision-making in the software development project under uncertain conditions. To deal with the uncertainty and vagueness from subjective perception and experience of humans in the decision process, a methodology based on the extent fuzzy analytic hierarchy process modeling to assess the adequate economic ( tangible) and quality ( intangible) balance is applied. Two key factors of economic and quality are evaluated separately by fuzzy approaches and both factors' estimates are combined to obtain the preference degree associated with each software development project strategy alternative for selecting the most appropriate one. Using the proposed approach, the ambiguities involved in the assessment data can be effectively represented and processed to assure a more convincing and effective decision-making. Finally, a real case-study is given to demonstrate the potential of the methodology. 2004 * 275(<- 89): A group decision classifier with particle swarm optimization and decision tree for analyzing achievements in mathematics and science Group decision making is a multi-criteria decision-making method applied in many fields. However, the use of group decision-making techniques in multi-class classification problems and rule generation is not explored widely. This investigation developed a group decision classifier with particle swarm optimization (PSO) and decision tree (GDCPSODT) for analyzing students' mathematic and scientific achievements, which is a multi-class classification problem involving rule generation. The PSO technique is employed to determine weights of condition attributes; the decision tree is used to generate rules. To demonstrate the performance of the developed GDCPSODT model, other classifiers such as the Bayesian classifier, the k-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier, the back propagation neural networks classifier with particle swarm optimization (BPNNPSO) and the radial basis function neural networks classifier with PSO (RBFNNPSO) are used to cope with the same data. Experimental results indicated the testing accuracy of GDCPSODT is higher than the other four classifiers. Furthermore, rules and some improvement directions of academic achievements are provided by the GDCPSODT model. Therefore, the GDCPSODT model is a feasible and promising alternative for analyzing student-related mathematic and scientific achievement data. 2014 * 279(<-396): Towards the selection of best neural network system for intrusion detection Currently, network security is a critical issue because a single attack can inflict catastrophic damages to computers and network systems. Various intrusion detection approaches are available to adhere to this severe issue, but the dilemma is, which one is more suitable. Being motivated by this situation, in this paper, we evaluate and compare different neural networks (NNs). The current work presents an evaluation of different neural networks such as Self-organizing map (SOM), Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART), Online Backpropagation (OBPROP), Resilient Backpropagation (RPROP) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) towards intrusion detection mechanisms using Multi-criteria Decision Making (MCDM) technique. The results indicate that in terms of performance, supervised NNs are better, while unsupervised NNs are better regarding training overhead and aptitude towards handling varied and coordinated intrusion. Consequently, the combined, that is, hybrid approach of NNs is the optimal solution in the area of intrusion detection. The outcome of this work may help and guide the security implementers in two possible ways, either by using the results directly obtained in this paper or by extracting the results using other similar mechanism, but on different intrusion detection systems or approaches. 2010 * 400(<-581): Prediction of human behaviour using artificial neural networks This paper contributes to the analysis and prediction of deviate intentional behaviour of human operators in Human-Machine Systems using Artificial Neural Networks that take uncertainty into account. Such deviate intentional behaviour is a particular violation, called Barrier Removal. The objective of the paper is to propose a predictive Benefit-Cost-Deficit model that allows a multi-reference, multi-factor and multi-criterion evaluation. Human operator evaluations can be uncertain. The uncertainty of their subjective judgements is therefore integrated into the prediction of the Barrier Removal. The proposed approach is validated on a railway application, and the prediction convergence of the uncertainty-integrating model is demonstrated. 2006 * 419(<-109): INTELLIGENT ADAPTIVE MULTI-PARAMETER MIGRATION MODEL FOR LOAD BALANCING VIRTUALIZED CLUSTER OF SERVERS The most important benefit of virtualization is to get a load balanced environment through Virtual Machine (VM) migration. Performance of clustered services such as Average Response Time is reduced through intelligent VM migration decision. Migration depends on a variety of criteria like resource usage (CPU usage, RAM usage, Network Usage, etc.) and demand of machines (Physical (PM) and Virtual (VM)). This is a multi-criteria migration problem that evaluates, compares and sorts a set of PMs and VMs on the basis of parameters affected on migration process. But, which parameter(s) has dominant role over cluster performance in each time window? How can we determine weight of parameters over oncoming time slots? Current migration algorithms do not consider time-dependent variable weights of parameters. These studies assume fixed weight for each parameter over a wide range of time intervals. This approach leads to imprecise prediction of recourse demand of each server. Our paper presents a new Intelligent and Adaptive Multi Parameter migration-based resource manager (IAMP) for virtualized data centres and clusters with a novel Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-based weighting analysis named Error Number of Parameter Omission (ENPO). In each time slot, weight of parameters is recalculated and non-important ones will be attenuated in ranking process. We characterized the parameters affecting cluster performance and used hot migration with emphasis on cluster of servers in XEN virtualization platform. The experimental results based on workloads composed of real applications, indicate that IAMP management framework is feasible to improve the performance of the virtualized cluster system up to 23% compared to current algorithms. Moreover, it reacts more quickly and eliminates hot spots because of its full dynamic monitoring algorithm. 2014 * 444(<-259): Concurrent Optimization of Computationally Learned Stylistic Form and Functional Goals Great design often results from intelligently balancing tradeoffs and leveraging of synergies between multiple product goals. While the engineering design community has numerous tools for managing the interface between functional goals in products, there are currently no formalized methods to concurrently optimize stylistic form and functional requirements. This research develops a method to coordinate seemingly disparate but highly related goals of stylistic form and functional constraints in computational design. An artificial neural network (ANN) based machine learning system was developed to model surveyed consumer judgments of stylistic form quantitatively. Coupling this quantitative model of stylistic form with a genetic algorithm (GA) enables computers to concurrently account for multiple objectives in the domains of stylistic form and more traditional functional performance evaluation within the same quantitative framework. This coupling then opens the door for computers to automatically generate products that not only work well but also convey desired styles to consumers. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4007304] 2012 * 453(<-627): Artificial neural network for violation analysis Barrier removal (BR) is a safety-related violation, and it can be analyzed in terms of benefits, costs, and potential deficits. In order to allow designers to integrate BR into the risk analysis during the initial design phase or during re-design work, we propose a connectionist method integrating self-organizing maps (SOM). The basic SOM is an artificial neural network that, on the basis of the information contained in a multi-dimensional space, generates a space of lesser dimensions. Three algorithms-Unsupervised SOM, Supervised SOM, and Hierarchical SOM-have been developed to permit BR classification and prediction in terms of the different criteria. The proposed method can be used, on the one hand, to foresee/predict the possibility level of a new/changed barrier (prospective analysis), and on the other hand, to synthetically regroup/rearrange the BR of a given human-machine system (retrospective analysis). We applied this method to the BR analysis of an experimental railway simulator, and our preliminary results are presented here. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 2004 * 468(<-653): Controlling the gray component with Pareto-optimal color space transformations The Pareto-optimal approach to color management, presented previously by the authors, is further developed to allow for direct conversion into CMYK with complete user control over gray component replacement (GCR). The Pareto-optimal formulation unifies a number of strategies for transforming image data into CMYK: specification of arbitrary GCR, conversion using only chromatic inks, and conversion using at most two chromatic inks and black ink. Use of the black printer is analyzed in terms of extending the CMY gamut and replacing chromatic inks. The program NeuralColor is used to implement the Pareto-optimal formulation, providing data for in-depth analysis of the various conversion methods. NeuralColor accurately models the transformation from CIELAB to CMYK using artificial neural networks. Prints obtained using NeuralColor are accurate within 2 to 4 DeltaE*(ab) across all levels of GCR. 2002 * 469(<-657): Pareto-optimal formulations for cost versus colorimetric accuracy trade-offs in printer color management Color management for the printing of digital images is a challenging task, due primarily to nonlinear ink- mixing behavior and the presence of redundant solutions for print devices with more than three inks. Algorithms for the conversion of image data to printer- specific format are typically designed to achieve a single predetermined rendering intent, such as colorimetric accuracy. In the present paper we present two CIELAB to CMYK color conversion schemes based on a general Pareto-optimal formulation for printer color management. The schemes operate using a 149- color characterization data set selected to efficiently capture the entire CMYK gamut. The first scheme uses artificial neural networks as transfer functions between the CIELAB and CMYK spaces. The second scheme is based on a reformulation of tetrahedral interpolation as an optimization problem. Characterization data are divided into tetrahedra for the interpolation- based approach using the program Qhull, which removes the common restriction that characterization data be well organized. Both schemes offer user control over trade- off problems such as cost versus reproduction accuracy, allowing for user- specified print objectives and the use of constraints such as maximum allowable ink and maximum allowable DeltaE*(ab). A formulation for minimization of ink is shown to be particularly favorable, integrating both clipping and gamut compression features into a single methodology. Codes developed as applications of these schemes were used to convert several CIELAB Tiff images to CMYK format, providing both qualitative and quantitative verification of the Pareto-optimal approach. Prints of the MacBeth ColorChecker (tm) chart were accurate within approximately to 3 DeltaE*(ab) for in- gamut colors. Modifications to this approach are presented that offer user control over grey component replacement and provide additional options for rendering intent. 2002 * 500(<- 23): Correction of Gravimetric Geoid Using Symbolic Regression In this study, the problem of geoid correction based on GPS ellipsoidal height measurements is solved via symbolic regression (SR). In this case, when the quality of the approximation is overriding, SR employing Keijzer expansion to generate initial trial function population can supersede traditional techniques, such as parametric models and soft computing models (e.g., artificial neural network approach with different activation functions). To demonstrate these features, numerical computations for correction of the Hungarian geoid have been carried out using the DataModeler package of Mathematica. Although the proposed SR method could reduce the average error to a level of 1-2 cm, it has two handicaps. The first one is the required high computation power, which can be eased by the employment of parallel computation via multicore processor. The second one is the proper selection of the initial population of the trial functions. This problem may be solved via intelligent generation technique of this population (e.g., Keijzer-expansion). 2015 * 503(<-278): Functionality defense through diversity: a design framework to multitier systems Diversification is one of the most effective approaches to defend multitier systems against attacks, failure, and accidents. However, designing such a system with effective diversification is a challenging task because of stochastic user and attacker behaviors, combinatorial-explosive solution space, and multiple conflicting design objectives. In this study, we present a systematic framework for exploring the solution space, and consequently help the designer select a satisfactory system solution. A simulation model is employed to evaluate design solutions, and an artificial neural network is trained to approximate the behavior of the system based on simulation output. Guided by a trained neural network, a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) is proposed to search the solution space and identify potentially good solutions. Our MOEA incorporates the concept of Herbert Simon's satisficing. It uses the decision maker's aspiration levels for system performance metrics as its search direction to identity potentially good solutions. Such solutions are then evaluated via simulation. The newly-obtained simulation results are used to refine the neural network. The exploration process stops when the result converges or a satisfactory solution is found. We demonstrate and validate our framework using a design case of a three-tier web system. 2012