-*- mode: org -*- Shortlisting most relevant articles found while examining the WoK dump: (No time to read all as of now; must select a most interesting subset) * MORE interesting ones, perhaps: * OTHERs that turned up: * 3(<-596): MOP/GP models for machine learning Techniques for machine learning have been extensively studied in recent years as effective tools in data mining. Although there have been several approaches to machine learning, we focus on the mathematical programming (in particular, multi-objective and goal programming; MOP/GP) approaches in this paper. Among them, Support Vector Machine (SVM) is gaining much popularity recently. In pattern classification problems with two class sets, its idea is to find a maximal margin separating hyperplane which gives the greatest separation between the classes in a high dimensional feature space. This task is performed by solving a quadratic programming problem in a traditional formulation, and can be reduced to solving a linear programming in another formulation. However, the idea of maximal margin separation is not quite new: in the 1960s the multi-surface method (MSM) was suggested by Mangasarian. In the 1980s, linear classifiers using goal programming were developed extensively. This paper presents an overview on how effectively MOP/GP techniques can be applied to machine learning such as SVM, and discusses their problems. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2005 * 13(<- 90): A hybrid meta-learning architecture for multi-objective optimization of SVM parameters Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have achieved a considerable attention due to their theoretical foundations and good empirical performance when compared to other learning algorithms in different applications. However, the SVM performance strongly depends on the adequate calibration of its parameters. In this work we proposed a hybrid multi-objective architecture which combines meta-learning (ML) with multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithms for the SVM parameter selection problem. Given an input problem, the proposed architecture uses a ML technique to suggest an initial Pareto front of SVM configurations based on previous similar learning problems; the suggested Pareto front is then refined by a multi-objective optimization algorithm. In this combination, solutions provided by ML are possibly located in good regions in the search space. Hence, using a reduced number of successful candidates, the search process would converge faster and be less expensive. In the performed experiments, the proposed solution was compared to traditional multi-objective algorithms with random initialization, obtaining Pareto fronts with higher quality on a set of 100 classification problems. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2014 * 32(<-120): A niching genetic programming-based multi-objective algorithm for hybrid data classification This paper introduces a multi-objective algorithm based on genetic programming to extract classification rules in databases composed of hybrid data, i.e., regular (e.g. numerical, logical, and textual) and non-regular (e.g. geographical) attributes. This algorithm employs a niche technique combined with a population archive in order to identify the rules that are more suitable for classifying items amongst classes of a given data set. The algorithm is implemented in such a way that the user can choose the function set that is more adequate for a given application. This feature makes the proposed approach virtually applicable to any kind of data set classification problem. Besides, the classification problem is modeled as a multi-objective one, in which the maximization of the accuracy and the minimization of the classifier complexity are considered as the objective functions. A set of different classification problems, with considerably different data sets and domains, has been considered: wines, patients with hepatitis, incipient faults in power transformers and level of development of cities. In this last data set, some of the attributes are geographical, and they are expressed as points, lines or polygons. The effectiveness of the algorithm has been compared with three other methods, widely employed for classification: Decision Tree (C4.5), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Radial Basis Function (RBF). Statistical comparisons have been conducted employing one-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests, in order to provide reliable comparison of the methods. The results show that the proposed algorithm achieved better classification effectiveness in all tested instances, what suggests that it is suitable for a considerable range of classification applications. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2014 * 82(<-330): Integrating multicriteria PROMETHEE II method into a single-layer perceptron for two-class pattern classification PROMETHEE methods based on the outranking relation theory are extensively used in multicriteria decision aid. A preference index representing the intensity of preference for one pattern over another pattern can be measured by various preference functions. The higher the intensity, the stronger the preference is indicated. In contrast to traditional single-layer perceptrons (SLPs) with the sigmoid function, this paper develops a novel PROMETHEE II-based SLP using concepts from the PROMETHEE II method involving pairwise comparisons between patterns. The assignment of a class label to a pattern is dependent on its net preference index, which the proposed perceptron obtains. Specially, this study designs a genetic-algorithm-based learning algorithm to determine the relative weights of respective criteria in order to derive the preference index for any pair of patterns. Computer simulations involving several real-world data sets reveal the classification performance of the proposed PROMETHEE II-based SLP. The proposed perceptron performs well compared to the other well-known fuzzy or non-fuzzy classification methods. 2011 * 164(<-306): Memetic algorithms and memetic computing optimization: A literature review Memetic computing is a subject in computer science which considers complex structures such as the combination of simple agents and memes, whose evolutionary interactions lead to intelligent complexes capable of problem-solving. The founding cornerstone of this subject has been the concept of memetic algorithms, that is a class of optimization algorithms whose structure is characterized by an evolutionary framework and a list of local search components. This article presents a broad literature review on this subject focused on optimization problems. Several classes of optimization problems, such as discrete, continuous, constrained, multi-objective and characterized by uncertainties, are addressed by indicating the memetic "recipes" proposed in the literature. In addition, this article focuses on implementation aspects and especially the coordination of memes which is the most important and characterizing aspect of a memetic structure. Finally, some considerations about future trends in the subject are given. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2012 * 244(<-548): Improving generalization of MLPs with sliding mode control and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm A variation of the well-known Levenberg-Marquardt for training neural networks is proposed in this work. The algorithm presented restricts the norm of the weights vector to a preestablished norm value and finds the minimum error solution for that norm value. The norm constrain controls the neural networks degree of freedom. The more the norm increases, the more flexible is the neural model. Therefore, more fitted to the training set. A range of different norm solutions is generated and the best generalization solution is selected according to the validation set error. The results show the efficiency of the algorithm in terms of generalization performance. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2007 * 316(<- 52): Multiple Actor-Critic Structures for Continuous-Time Optimal Control Using Input-Output Data In industrial process control, there may be multiple performance objectives, depending on salient features of the input-output data. Aiming at this situation, this paper proposes multiple actor-critic structures to obtain the optimal control via input-output data for unknown nonlinear systems. The shunting inhibitory artificial neural network (SIANN) is used to classify the input-output data into one of several categories. Different performance measure functions may be defined for disparate categories. The approximate dynamic programming algorithm, which contains model module, critic network, and action network, is used to establish the optimal control in each category. A recurrent neural network (RNN) model is used to reconstruct the unknown system dynamics using input-output data. NNs are used to approximate the critic and action networks, respectively. It is proven that the model error and the closed unknown system are uniformly ultimately bounded. Simulation results demonstrate the performance of the proposed optimal control scheme for the unknown nonlinear system. 2015 * 326(<-687): USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS FOR AN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL-NETWORK MODEL INVERSION Genetic algorithms (GAs) and artificial neural networks (ANNs) are techniques for optimization and learning, respectively, which both have been adopted from nature. Their main advantage over traditional techniques is the relatively better performance when applied to complex relations. GAs and ANNs are both self-learning systems, i.e., they do not require any background knowledge from the creator. In this paper, we describe the performance of a GA that finds hypothetical physical structures of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) yarns corresponding to a certain combination of mechanical and shrinkage properties. This GA uses a validated ANN that has been trained for the complex relation between structure and properties of PET. This technique was tested by comparing the optimal points found by the GA with known experimental data under a variety of multi-criteria conditions. 1993 * 433(<-670): Multiobjective genetic optimization of diagnostic classifiers with implications for generating receiver operating characteristic curves It is well understood that binary classifiers have two implicit objective functions (sensitivity and specificity) describing their performance. Traditional methods of classifier training attempt to combine these two objective functions (or two analogous class performance measures) into one so that conventional scalar optimization techniques can be utilized. This involves incorporating a priori information into the aggregation method so that the resulting performance of the classifier is satisfactory for the task at hand. We have investigated the use of a niched Pareto multiobjective genetic algorithm (GA) for classifier optimization. With niched Pareto GA's, an objective vector is optimized instead of a scalar function, eliminating the need to aggregate classification objective functions. The niched Pareto GA returns a set of optimal solutions that are equivalent in the absence of any information regarding the preferences of the objectives. The a priori knowledge that was used for aggregating the objective functions in conventional classifier training can instead be applied post-optimization to select from one of the series of solutions returned from the multiobjective genetic optimization. We have applied this technique to train a linear classifier and an artificial neural network (ANN), using simulated datasets, The performances of the solutions returned from the multiobjective genetic optimization represent a series of optimal (sensitivity, specificity) pairs, which can be thought of as operating points on a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. All possible ROC curves for a given dataset and classifier are less than or equal to the ROC curve generated by the niched Pareto genetic optimization. 1999 * FETCHED, not yet read: * 37(<- 64): Surrogate-assisted multi-objective model selection for support vector machines Classification is one of the most well-known tasks in supervised learning. A vast number of algorithms for pattern classification have been proposed so far. Among these, support vector machines (SVMs) are one of the most popular approaches, due to the high performance reached by these methods in a wide number of pattern recognition applications. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of SVMs highly depends on their hyper-parameters. Besides the fine-tuning of their hyper-parameters, the way in which the features are scaled as well as the presence of non-relevant features could affect their generalization performance. This paper introduces an approach for addressing model selection for support vector machines used in classification tasks. In our formulation, a model can be composed of feature selection and pre-processing methods besides the SVM classifier. We formulate the model selection problem as a multi-objective one, aiming to minimize simultaneously two components that are closely related to the error of a model: bias and variance components, which are estimated in an experimental fashion. A surrogate-assisted evolutionary multi-objective optimization approach is adopted to explore the hyper-parameters space. We adopted this approach due to the fact that estimating the bias and variance could be computationally expensive. Therefore, by using surrogate-assisted optimization, we expect to reduce the number of solutions evaluated by the fitness functions so that the computational cost would also be reduced. Experimental results conducted on benchmark datasets widely used in the literature, indicate that highly competitive models with a fewer number of fitness function evaluations are obtained by our proposal when it is compared to state of the art model selection methods. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2015 * 42(<-589): Multiobjective optimization of ensembles of multilayer perceptrons for pattern classification Pattern classification seeks to minimize error of unknown patterns, however, in many real world applications, type I (false positive) and type II (false negative) errors have to be dealt with separately, which is a complex problem since an attempt to minimize one of them usually makes the other grow. Actually, a type of error can be more important than the other, and a trade-off that minimizes the most important error type must be reached. Despite the importance of type-II errors, most pattern classification methods take into account only the global classification error. In this paper we propose to optimize both error types in classification by means of a multiobjective algorithm in which each error type and the network size is an objective of the fitness function. A modified version of the GProp method (optimization and design of multilayer perceptrons) is used, to simultaneously optimize the network size and the type I and II errors. 2006 * 44(<-425): A multi-model selection framework for unknown and/or evolutive misclassification cost problems In this paper, we tackle the problem of model selection when misclassification costs are unknown and/or may evolve. Unlike traditional approaches based on a scalar optimization, we propose a generic multimodel selection framework based on a multi-objective approach. The idea is to automatically train a pool of classifiers instead of one single classifier, each classifier in the pool optimizing a particular trade-off between the objectives. Within the context of two-class classification problems, we introduce the "ROC front concept" as an alternative to the ROC curve representation. This strategy is applied to the multimodel selection of SVM classifiers using an evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm. The comparison with a traditional scalar optimization technique based on an AUC criterion shows promising results on UCl datasets as well as on a real-world classification problem. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 2010 * 54(<-127): SVM classification for imbalanced data sets using a multiobjective optimization framework Classification of imbalanced data sets in which negative instances outnumber the positive instances is a significant challenge. These data sets are commonly encountered in real-life problems. However, performance of well-known classifiers is limited in such cases. Various solution approaches have been proposed for the class imbalance problem using either data-level or algorithm-level modifications. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) that have a solid theoretical background also encounter a dramatic decrease in performance when the data distribution is imbalanced. In this study, we propose an L-1-norm SVM approach that is based on a three objective optimization problem so as to incorporate into the formulation the error sums for the two classes independently. Motivated by the inherent multi objective nature of the SVMs, the solution approach utilizes a reduction into two criteria formulations and investigates the efficient frontier systematically. The results indicate that a comprehensive treatment of distinct positive and negative error levels may lead to performance improvements that have varying degrees of increased computational effort. 2014 * 77(<- 79): Pareto-Path Multitask Multiple Kernel Learning A traditional and intuitively appealing Multitask Multiple Kernel Learning (MT-MKL) method is to optimize the sum (thus, the average) of objective functions with (partially) shared kernel function, which allows information sharing among the tasks. We point out that the obtained solution corresponds to a single point on the Pareto Front (PF) of a multiobjective optimization problem, which considers the concurrent optimization of all task objectives involved in the Multitask Learning (MTL) problem. Motivated by this last observation and arguing that the former approach is heuristic, we propose a novel support vector machine MT-MKL framework that considers an implicitly defined set of conic combinations of task objectives. We show that solving our framework produces solutions along a path on the aforementioned PF and that it subsumes the optimization of the average of objective functions as a special case. Using the algorithms we derived, we demonstrate through a series of experimental results that the framework is capable of achieving a better classification performance, when compared with other similar MTL approaches. 2015 * 137(<-275): A two-stage evolutionary algorithm based on sensitivity and accuracy for multi-class problems The machine learning community has traditionally used correct classification rates or accuracy (C) values to measure classifier performance and has generally avoided presenting classification levels of each class in the results, especially for problems with more than two classes. C values alone are insufficient because they cannot capture the myriad of contributing factors that differentiate the performance of two different classifiers. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis is an alternative to solve these difficulties, but it can only be used for two-class problems. For this reason, this paper proposes a new approach for analysing classifiers based on two measures: C and sensitivity (S) (i.e., the minimum of accuracies obtained for each class). These measures are optimised through a two-stage evolutionary process. It was conducted by applying two sequential fitness functions in the evolutionary process, including entropy (E) for the first stage and a new fitness function, area (A), for the second stage. By using these fitness functions, the C level was optimised in the first stage, and the S value of the classifier was generally improved without significantly reducing C in the second stage. This two-stage approach improved S values in the generalisation set (whereas an evolutionary algorithm (EA) based only on the S measure obtains worse S levels) and obtained both high C values and good classification levels for each class. The methodology was applied to solve 16 benchmark classification problems and two complex real-world problems in analytical chemistry and predictive microbiology. It obtained promising results when compared to other competitive multiclass classification algorithms and a multi-objective alternative based on E and S. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 2012 * 211(<-324): Mobility Timing for Agent Communities, a Cue for Advanced Connectionist Systems We introduce a wait-and-chase scheme that models the contact times between moving agents within a connectionist construct. The idea that elementary processors move within a network to get a proper position is borne out both by biological neurons in the brain morphogenesis and by agents within social networks. From the former, we take inspiration to devise a medium-term project for new artificial neural network training procedures where mobile neurons exchange data only when they are close to one another in a proper space (are in contact). From the latter, we accumulate mobility tracks experience. We focus on the preliminary step of characterizing the elapsed time between neuron contacts, which results from a spatial process fitting in the family of random processes with memory, where chasing neurons are stochastically driven by the goal of hitting target neurons. Thus, we add an unprecedented mobility model to the literature in the field, introducing a distribution law of the intercontact times that merges features of both negative exponential and Pareto distribution laws. We give a constructive description and implementation of our model, as well as a short analytical form whose parameters are suitably estimated in terms of confidence intervals from experimental data. Numerical experiments show the model and related inference tools to be sufficiently robust to cope with two main requisites for its exploitation in a neural network: the nonindependence of the observed intercontact times and the feasibility of the model inversion problem to infer suitable mobility parameters. 2011 * 241(<-405): Neural network ensembles: immune-inspired approaches to the diversity of components This work applies two immune-inspired algorithms, namely opt-aiNet and omni-aiNet, to train multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) to be used in the construction of ensembles of classifiers. The main goal is to investigate the influence of the diversity of the set of solutions generated by each of these algorithms, and if these solutions lead to improvements in performance when combined in ensembles. omni-aiNet is a multi-objective optimization algorithm and, thus, explicitly maximizes the components' diversity at the same time it minimizes their output errors. The opt-aiNet algorithm, by contrast, was originally designed to solve single-objective optimization problems, focusing on the minimization of the output error of the classifiers. However, an implicit diversity maintenance mechanism stimulates the generation of MLPs with different weights, which may result in diverse classifiers. The performances of opt-aiNet and omni-aiNet are compared with each other and with that of a second-order gradient-based algorithm, named MSCG. The results obtained show how the different diversity maintenance mechanisms presented by each algorithm influence the gain in performance obtained with the use of ensembles. 2010 * 247(<-645): Training neural networks with a multi-objective sliding mode control algorithm This paper presents a new sliding mode control algorithm that is able to guide the trajectory of a multi-layer perceptron within the plane formed by the two objective functions: training set error and norm of the weight vectors. The results show that the neural networks obtained are able to generate an approximation to the Pareto set, from which an improved generalization performance model is selected. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 2003 * 251(<- 85): Time series forecasting by neural networks: A knee point-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm approach In this paper, we investigate the problem of time series forecasting using single hidden layer feedforward neural networks (SLFNs), which is optimized via multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. By utilizing the adaptive differential evolution (JADE) and the knee point strategy, a nondominated sorting adaptive differential evolution (NSJADE) and its improved version knee point-based NSJADE (KP-NSJADE) are developed for optimizing SLFNs. JADE aiming at refining the search area is introduced in nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II). The presented NSJADE shows superiority on multimodal problems when compared with NSGA-II. Then NSJADE is applied to train SLFNs for time series forecasting. It is revealed that individuals with better forecasting performance in the whole population gather around the knee point. Therefore, KP-NSJADE is proposed to explore the neighborhood of the knee point in the objective space. And the simulation results of eight popular time series databases illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm in comparison with several popular algorithms. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 2014 * 252(<-124): An analysis of accuracy-diversity trade-off for hybrid combined system with multiobjective predictor selection This study examines the contribution of diversity under a multi-objective context for the promotion of learners in an evolutionary system that generates combinations of partially trained learners. The examined system uses a grammar-driven genetic programming to evolve hierarchical, multi-component combinations of multilayer perceptrons and support vector machines for regression. Two advances are studied. First, a ranking formula is developed for the selection probability of the base learners. This formula incorporates both a diversity measure and the performance of learners, and it is tried over a series of artificial and real-world problems. Results show that when the diversity of a learner is incorporated with equal weights to the learner performance in the evolutionary selection process, the system is able to provide statistically significantly better generalization. The second advance examined is a substitution phase for learners that are over-dominated, under a multi-objective Pareto domination assessment scheme. Results here show that the substitution does not improve significantly the system performance, thus the exclusion of very weak learners, is not a compelling task for the examined framework. 2014 * 263(<-204): Memetic multiobjective particle swarm optimization-based radial basis function network for classification problems This paper presents a new multiobjective evolutionary algorithm applied to a radial basis function (RBF) network design based on multiobjective particle swarm optimization augmented with local search features. The algorithm is named the memetic multiobjective particle swarm optimization RBF network (MPSON) because it integrates the accuracy and structure of an RBF network. The proposed algorithm is implemented on two-class and multiclass pattern classification problems with one complex real problem. The experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm is viable, and provides an effective means to design multiobjective RBF networks with good generalization capability and compact network structure. The accuracy and complexity of the network obtained by the proposed algorithm are compared with the memetic non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm based RBF network (MGAN) through statistical tests. This study shows that MPSON generates RBF networks coming with an appropriate balance between accuracy and simplicity, outperforming the other algorithms considered. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 2013 * 265(<-325): Memetic Elitist Pareto Differential Evolution algorithm based Radial Basis Function Networks for classification problems This paper presents a new multi-objective evolutionary hybrid algorithm for the design of Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFNs) for classification problems. The algorithm, MEPDEN, Memetic Elitist Pareto evolutionary approach based on the Non-dominated Sorting Differential Evolution (NSDE) multiobjective evolutionary algorithm which has been adapted to design RBFNs, where the NSDE algorithm is augmented with a local search that uses the Back-propagation algorithm. The MEPDEN is tested on two-class and multiclass pattern classification problems. The results obtained in terms of Mean Square Error (MSE), number of hidden nodes, accuracy (ACC), sensitivity (SEN), specificity (SPE) and Area Under the receiver operating characteristics Curve (AUC), show that the proposed approach is able to produce higher prediction accuracies with much simpler network structures. The accuracy and complexity of the network obtained by the proposed algorithm are compared with Memetic Eilitist Pareto Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm based RBFN (MEPGAN) through statistical tests. This study showed that MEPDEN obtains RBFNs with an appropriate balance between accuracy and simplicity, outperforming the other method considered. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2011 * 266(<-378): Memetic Pareto Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks to determine growth/no-growth in predictive microbiology The main objective of this work is to automatically design neural network models with sigmoid basis units for binary classification tasks. The classifiers that are obtained achieve a double objective: a high classification level in the dataset and a high classification level for each class. We present MPENSGA2, a Memetic Pareto Evolutionary approach based on the NSGA2 multiobjective evolutionary algorithm which has been adapted to design Artificial Neural Network models, where the NSGA2 algorithm is augmented with a local search that uses the improved Resilient Backpropagation with backtracking-IRprop+ algorithm. To analyze the robustness of this methodology, it was applied to four complex classification problems in predictive microbiology to describe the growth/no-growth interface of food-borne microorganisms such as Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli R31, Staphylococcus aureus and Shigella flexneri. The results obtained in Correct Classification Rate (CCR), Sensitivity (S) as the minimum of sensitivities for each class, Area Under the receiver operating characteristic Curve (AUC), and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), show that the generalization ability and the classification rate in each class can be more efficiently improved within a multiobjective framework than within a single-objective framework. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2011 * 268(<-414): Sensitivity Versus Accuracy in Multiclass Problems Using Memetic Pareto Evolutionary Neural Networks This paper proposes a multiclassification algorithm using multilayer perceptron neural network models. It tries to boost two conflicting main objectives of multiclassifiers: a high correct classification rate level and a high classification rate for each class. This last objective is not usually optimized in classification, but is considered here given the need to obtain high precision in each class in real problems. To solve this machine learning problem, we use a Pareto-based multiobjective optimization methodology based on a memetic evolutionary algorithm. We consider a memetic Pareto evolutionary approach based on the NSGA2 evolutionary algorithm (MPENSGA2). Once the Pareto front is built, two strategies or automatic individual selection are used: the best model in accuracy and the best model in sensitivity ( extremes in the Pareto front). These methodologies are applied to solve 17 classification benchmark problems obtained from the University of California at Irvine (UCI) repository and one complex real classification problem. The models obtained show high accuracy and a high classification rate for each class. 2010 * 274(<-113): Metrics to guide a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for ordinal classification Ordinal classification or ordinal regression is a classification problem in which the labels have an ordered arrangement between them. Due to this order, alternative performance evaluation metrics are need to be used in order to consider the magnitude of errors. This paper presents a study of the use of a multi-objective optimization approach in the context of ordinal classification. We contribute a study of ordinal classification performance metrics, and propose a new performance metric, the maximum mean absolute error (MMAE). MMAE considers per-class distribution of patterns and the magnitude of the errors, both issues being crucial for ordinal regression problems. In addition, we empirically show that some of the performance metrics are competitive objectives, which justify the use of multi-objective optimization strategies. In our case, a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm optimizes an artificial neural network ordinal model with different pairs of metric combinations, and we conclude that the pair of the mean absolute error (MAE) and the proposed MMAE is the most favourable. A study of the relationship between the metrics of this proposal is performed, and the graphical representation in the two-dimensional space where the search of the evolutionary algorithm takes place is analysed. The results obtained show a good classification performance, opening new lines of research in the evaluation and model selection of ordinal classifiers. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2014 * 276(<-334): Weighting Efficient Accuracy and Minimum Sensitivity for Evolving Multi-Class Classifiers Recently, a multi-objective Sensitivity-Accuracy based methodology has been proposed for building classifiers for multi-class problems. This technique is especially suitable for imbalanced and multi-class datasets. Moreover, the high computational cost of multi-objective approaches is well known so more efficient alternatives must be explored. This paper presents an efficient alternative to the Pareto based solution when considering both Minimum Sensitivity and Accuracy in multi-class classifiers. Alternatives are implemented by extending the Evolutionary Extreme Learning Machine algorithm for training artificial neural networks. Experiments were performed to select the best option after considering alternative proposals and related methods. Based on the experiments, this methodology is competitive in Accuracy, Minimum Sensitivity and efficiency. 2011 * 288(<-424): A multi-objective memetic and hybrid methodology for optimizing the parameters and performance of artificial neural networks The use of artificial neural networks implies considerable time spent choosing a set of parameters that contribute toward improving the final performance. Initial weights, the amount of hidden nodes and layers, training algorithm rates and transfer functions are normally selected through a manual process of trial-and-error that often fails to find the best possible set of neural network parameters for a specific problem. This paper proposes an automatic search methodology for the optimization of the parameters and performance of neural networks relying on use of Evolution Strategies, Particle Swarm Optimization and concepts from Genetic Algorithms corresponding to the hybrid and global search module. There is also a module that refers to local searches, including the well-known Multilayer Perceptrons, Back-propagation and the Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithms. The methodology proposed here performs the search using the aforementioned parameters in an attempt to optimize the networks and performance. Experiments were performed and the results proved the proposed method to be better than trial-and-error and other methods found in the literature. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2010 * 293(<-170): MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION BY MEANS OF MULTI-DIMENSIONAL MLP NEURAL NETWORKS In this paper, a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural network (NN) is put forward as an efficient tool for performing two tasks: 1) optimization of multi-objective problems and 2) solving a non-linear system of equations. In both cases, mathematical functions which are continuous and partially bounded are involved. Previously, these two tasks were performed by recurrent neural networks and also strong algorithms like evolutionary ones. In this study, multi-dimensional structure in the output layer of the MLP-NN, as an innovative method, is utilized to implicitly optimize the multivariate functions under the network energy optimization mechanism. To this end, the activation functions in the output layer are replaced with the multivariate functions intended to be optimized. The effective training parameters in the global search are surveyed. Also, it is demonstrated that the MLP-NN with proper dynamic learning rate is able to find globally optimal solutions. Finally, the efficiency of the MLP-NN in both aspects of speed and power is investigated by some well-known experimental examples. In some of these examples, the proposed method gives explicitly better globally optimal solutions compared to that of the other references and also shows completely satisfactory results in other experiments. 2014 * 329(<-271): Convergence analysis of sliding mode trajectories in multi-objective neural networks learning The Pareto-optimality concept is used in this paper in order to represent a constrained set of solutions that are able to trade-off the two main objective functions involved in neural networks supervised learning: data-set error and network complexity. The neural network is described as a dynamic system having error and complexity as its state variables and learning is presented as a process of controlling a learning trajectory in the resulting state space. In order to control the trajectories, sliding mode dynamics is imposed to the network. It is shown that arbitrary learning trajectories can be achieved by maintaining the sliding mode gains within their convergence intervals. Formal proofs of convergence conditions are therefore presented. The concept of trajectory learning presented in this paper goes further beyond the selection of a final state in the Pareto set, since it can be reached through different trajectories and states in the trajectory can be assessed individually against an additional objective function. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 2012 * 347(<-362): Learning in the feed-forward random neural network: A critical review The Random Neural Network (RNN) has received, since its inception in 1989, considerable attention and has been successfully used in a number of applications. In this critical review paper we focus on the feed-forward RNN model and its ability to solve classification problems. In particular, we paid special attention to the RNN literature related with learning algorithms that discover the RNN interconnection weights, suggested other potential algorithms that can be used to find the RNN interconnection weights, and compared the RNN model with other neural-network based and non-neural network based classifier models. In review, the extensive literature review and experimentation with the RNN feed-forward model provided us with the necessary guidance to introduce six critical review comments that identify some gaps in the RNN's related literature and suggest directions for future research. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2011 * 353(<-194): Neural Networks Applied in Chemistry. II. Neuro-Evolutionary Techniques in Process Modeling and Optimization Artificial neural networks are widely used in data analysis and to control dynamic processes. These tools are powerful and versatile, but the way in which they are constructed, in particular their architecture, strongly affects their value and reliability. We review here some key techniques for optimizing artificial neural networks and comment on their use in process modeling and optimization. Neuro-evolutionary techniques are described and compared, with the goal of providing efficient modeling methodologies which employ an optimal neural model. We also discuss how neural networks and evolutionary algorithms can be combined. Applications from chemical engineering illustrate the effectiveness and reliability of the hybrid neuro-evolutionary methods. 2013 * 369(<-499): Hybrid multiobjective evolutionary design for artificial neural networks Evolutionary algorithms are a class of stochastic search methods that attempts to emulate the biological process of evolution, incorporating concepts of selection, reproduction, and mutation. In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of evolutionary approaches in the training of artificial neural networks (ANNs). While evolutionary techniques for neural networks have shown to provide superior performance over conventional training approaches, the simultaneous optimization of network performance and architecture will almost always result in a slow training process due to the added algorithmic complexity. In this paper, we present a geometrical measure based on the singular value decomposition (SVD) to estimate the necessary number of neurons to be used in training a single-hidden-layer feedforward neural network (SLFN). In addition, we develop a new hybrid multiobjective evolutionary approach that includes the features of a variable length representation that allow for easy adaptation of neural networks structures, an architectural recombination procedure based on the geometrical measure that adapts the number of necessary hidden neurons and facilitates the exchange of neuronal information between candidate designs, and a microhybrid genetic algorithm (mu HGA) with an adaptive local search intensity scheme for local fine-tuning. In addition, the performances of well-known algorithms as well as the effectiveness and contributions of the proposed approach are analyzed and validated through a variety of data set types. 2008 * 379(<-274): Computational algorithms inspired by biological processes and evolution In recent times computational algorithms inspired by biological processes and evolution are gaining much popularity for solving science and engineering problems. These algorithms are broadly classified into evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence algorithms, which are derived based on the analogy of natural evolution and biological activities. These include genetic algorithms, genetic programming, differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, artificial neural networks, etc. The algorithms being random-search techniques, use some heuristics to guide the search towards optimal solution and speed-up the convergence to obtain the global optimal solutions. The bio-inspired methods have several attractive features and advantages compared to conventional optimization solvers. They also facilitate the advantage of simulation and optimization environment simultaneously to solve hard-to-define (in simple expressions), real-world problems. These biologically inspired methods have provided novel ways of problem-solving for practical problems in traffic routing, networking, games, industry, robotics, economics, mechanical, chemical, electrical, civil, water resources and others fields. This article discusses the key features and development of bio-inspired computational algorithms, and their scope for application in science and engineering fields. 2012 * 527(<-270): Structure optimization of neural network for dynamic system modeling using multi-objective genetic algorithm The problem of constructing an adequate and parsimonious neural network topology for modeling non-linear dynamic system is studied and investigated. Neural networks have been shown to perform function approximation and represent dynamic systems. The network structures are usually guessed or selected in accordance with the designer's prior knowledge. However, the multiplicity of the model parameters makes it troublesome to get an optimum structure. In this paper, an alternative algorithm based on a multi-objective optimization algorithm is proposed. The developed neural network model should fulfil two criteria or objectives namely good predictive accuracy and minimum model structure. The result shows that the proposed algorithm is able to identify simulated examples correctly, and identifies the adequate model for real process data based on a set of solutions called the Pareto optimal set, from which the best network can be selected. 2012 * 535(<-290): A Compact Optical Instrument with Artificial Neural Network for pH Determination The aim of this work was the determination of pH with a sensor array-based optical portable instrument. This sensor array consists of eleven membranes with selective colour changes at different pH intervals. The method for the pH calculation is based on the implementation of artificial neural networks that use the responses of the membranes to generate a final pH value. A multi-objective algorithm was used to select the minimum number of sensing elements required to achieve an accurate pH determination from the neural network, and also to minimise the network size. This helps to minimise instrument and array development costs and save on microprocessor energy consumption. A set of artificial neural networks that fulfils these requirements is proposed using different combinations of the membranes in the sensor array, and is evaluated in terms of accuracy and reliability. In the end, the network including the response of the eleven membranes in the sensor was selected for validation in the instrument prototype because of its high accuracy. The performance of the instrument was evaluated by measuring the pH of a large set of real samples, showing that high precision can be obtained in the full range. 2012 * 587(<- 21): ANN-based interval forecasting of streamflow discharges using the LUBE method and MOFIPS The estimation of prediction intervals (PIs) is a major issue limiting the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) solutions for operational streamflow forecasting. Recently, a Lower Upper Bound Estimation (LUBE) method has been proposed that outperforms traditional techniques for ANN-based PI estimation. This method construct ANNs with two output neurons that directly approximate the lower and upper bounds of the PIs. The training is performed by minimizing a coverage width-based criterion (CWC), which is a compound, highly nonlinear and discontinuous function. In this work, we test the suitability of the LUBE approach in producing Pis at different confidence levels (CL) for the 6 h ahead streamflow discharges of the Susquehanna and Nehalem Rivers, US. Due to the success of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in LUBE applications, variants of this algorithm have been employed for CWC minimization. The results obtained are found to vary substantially depending on the chosen PSO paradigm. While the returned PIs are poor when single-objective swarm optimization is employed, substantial improvements are recorded when a multi-objective framework is considered for ANN development. In particular, the Multi-Objective Fully Informed Particle Swarm (MOFIPS) optimization algorithm is found to return valid PIs for both rivers and for the three CL considered of 90%, 95% and 99%. With average PI widths ranging from a minimum of 7% to a maximum of 15% of the range of the streamflow data in the test datasets, MOFIPS-based LUBE represents a viable option for straightforward design of more reliable interval-based streamflow forecasting models. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 2015 * DONE READING: * 48(<- 26): Joint model for feature selection and parameter optimization coupled with classifier ensemble in chemical mention recognition (excluded from dissertation(?), because not MLP; good readings otherwise...) Mention recognition in chemical texts plays an important role in a wide-spread range of application areas. Feature selection and parameter optimization are the two important issues in machine learning. While the former improves the quality of a classifier by removing the redundant and irrelevant features, the later concerns finding the most suitable parameter values, which have significant impact on the overall classification performance. In this paper we formulate a joint model that performs feature selection and parameter optimization simultaneously, and propose two approaches based on the concepts of single and multiobjective optimization techniques. Classifier ensemble techniques are also employed to improve the performance further. We identify and implement variety of features that are mostly domain-independent. Experiments are performed with various configurations on the benchmark patent and Medline datasets. Evaluation shows encouraging performance in all the settings. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2015 * 69(<-369): Classification as Clustering: A Pareto Cooperative-Competitive GP Approach (might be included or excluded; GP and discriminative functions instead of MLP) Intuitively population based algorithms such as genetic programming provide a natural environment for supporting solutions that learn to decompose the overall task between multiple individuals, or a team. This work presents a framework for evolving teams without recourse to prespecifying the number of cooperating individuals. To do so, each individual evolves a mapping to a distribution of outcomes that, following clustering, establishes the parameterization of a (Gaussian) local membership function. This gives individuals the opportunity to represent subsets of tasks, where the overall task is that of classification under the supervised learning domain. Thus, rather than each team member representing an entire class, individuals are free to identify unique subsets of the overall classification task. The framework is supported by techniques from evolutionary multiobjective optimization (EMO) and Pareto competitive coevolution. EMO establishes the basis for encouraging individuals to provide accurate yet nonoverlaping behaviors; whereas competitive coevolution provides the mechanism for scaling to potentially large unbalanced datasets. Benchmarking is performed against recent examples of nonlinear SVM classifiers over 12 UCI datasets with between 150 and 200,000 training instances. Solutions from the proposed coevolutionary multiobjective GP framework appear to provide a good balance between classification performance and model complexity, especially as the dataset instance count increases. 2011 * 246(<-560): Many-objective training of a multi-layer perceptron (excluded on grounds of bad quality and non-trustworthy reporting) In this paper, a many-objective training scheme for a multi-layer feed-forward neural network is studied. In this scheme, each training data set, or the average over sub-sets of the training data, provides a single objective. A recently proposed group of evolutionary many-objective optimization algorithms based on the NSGA-II algorithm have been examined with respect to the handling of such problem cases. A modified NSGA-II algorithm, using the norm of an individual as a secondary ranking assignment method, appeared to give the best results, even for a large number of objectives (up to 50 in this study). However, there was no notable increase in performance against the standard backpropagation algorithm, and a remarkable drop in performance for higher-dimensional feature spaces (dimension 30 in this study). 2007 * 319(<-243): Memetic Pareto differential evolutionary neural network used to solve an unbalanced liver transplantation problem Donor-recipient matching constitutes a complex scenario difficult to model. The risk of subjectivity and the likelihood of falling into error must not be underestimated. Computational tools for the decision-making process in liver transplantation can be useful, despite the inherent complexity involved. Therefore, a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm and various techniques to select individuals from the Pareto front are used in this paper to obtain artificial neural network models to aid decision making. Moreover, a combination of two pre-processing methods has been applied to the dataset to offset the existing imbalance. One of them is a resampling method and the other is a outlier deletion method. The best model obtained with these procedures (with AUC = 0.66) give medical experts a probability of graft survival at 3 months after the operation. This probability can help medical experts to achieve the best possible decision without forgetting the principles of fairness, efficiency and equity. 2013 * 344(<-404): Multiple criteria optimization-based data mining methods and applications: a systematic survey (excluded; not relevant; too far from MLP) Support Vector Machine, an optimization technique, is well known in the data mining community. In fact, many other optimization techniques have been effectively used in dealing with data separation and analysis. For the last 10 years, the author and his colleagues have proposed and extended a series of optimization-based classification models via Multiple Criteria Linear Programming (MCLP) and Multiple Criteria Quadratic Programming (MCQP). These methods are different from statistics, decision tree induction, and neural networks. The purpose of this paper is to review the basic concepts and frameworks of these methods and promote the research interests in the data mining community. According to the evolution of multiple criteria programming, the paper starts with the bases of MCLP. Then, it further discusses penalized MCLP, MCQP, Multiple Criteria Fuzzy Linear Programming (MCFLP), Multi-Class Multiple Criteria Programming (MCMCP), and the kernel-based Multiple Criteria Linear Program, as well as MCLP-based regression. This paper also outlines several applications of Multiple Criteria optimization-based data mining methods, such as Credit Card Risk Analysis, Classification of HIV-1 Mediated Neuronal Dendritic and Synaptic Damage, Network Intrusion Detection, Firm Bankruptcy Prediction, and VIP E-Mail Behavior Analysis. 2010