A demonstrational implementation of a simple multilayered perceptron (A fully connected feed-forward artificial neural network) with steepest descent training, two faster heuristic learning algorithms, and a possibility of integrating the non-smooth local optimizer Solvopt (by other authors). The novelty in this package is the possibility of using non-smooth cost functions for training (requires some non-smooth optimizer). Contents: m/ - Matlab implementation of the 'MLP engine' mutil/ - Matlab tools required for research code and demos demo/ - Demonstration and research applications courseware - A stand-alone version for class-room use (in Matlab and also a separate implementation in Java) externals - A placeholder for third-party open-source tools and open-content data and a bash-script to fetch these over the internet. Most of the code was created as part of a EU-funded (European Regional Development Fund via Tekes) project called RISC-PROS during 2008-2010. Licensed under the MIT License as stated in the original project agreement (LICENSE.txt in each subdirectory is the actual license text). We do not distribute software or data from external sources, even though some are required for our demonstrations and research code to work. The directory ''externals/'' contains a bash-script that can (try to) automatically fetch the required bits using an internet connection and standard unix tools. On a Windows system (without MinGW, Cygwin, or similar unix-like environment), or in case of problems with the script, you may manually download and unpack the stuff that the script would. Installation of the unix-like tools is of course recommended. No warranty and no promises of support of any kind. But you may contact the author for any questions, improvements, or issues regarding this software. Author: Paavo Nieminen Copyright (for most parts): University of Jyvaskyla, 2008-2011 [Note: The 'a' letters in Jyvaskyla should be with two dots as in LaTeX 'Jyv\"{a}skyl\"{a}' but I didn't want to use other than ASCII coding for this README.]