/** * MOMULPER - Multi-Objective MULtilayer PERceptron * * This creates a catalogue of experiments in LaTeX format. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED #include using boost::property_tree::ptree; using boost::property_tree::json_parser::read_json; using namespace std; void usage(ostream & os, const char* arg0){ os << "Usage:" << endl; os << " " << arg0 << " CASEDEFS" << endl << endl; os << "where CASEDEFS is a list of case definition files. " <("tag"); brief = pt.get("brief"); task = pt.get("task"); alg = pt.get("algorithm"); comment = pt.get("comment"); cout << "\\begin{experiment}" << endl << " \\label{" << tag << "}" << endl << " \\begin{tabular}{p{.2\\textwidth}p{.8\\textwidth}}" << endl << " Brief & "<< brief << "\\\\" << endl << " Description & "<< comment << "\\\\" << endl << " Task & "<< task << "\\\\" << endl << " Algorithm & "<< "\\ldots TODO: algorithm details \\ldots" << "\\\\" << endl << " Parameters & "<< "\\ldots TODO parameter description \\ldots" << "\\\\" << endl << " \\end{tabular}" << endl << "\\end{experiment}" << endl << endl; } return 0; }