Mika Haapanen
Contact details / Yhteystiedot
Professor of EconomicsJyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (JSBE)
PO Box 35
FI-40014 University of Jyväskylä
Taloustieteen professori
Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu
PL 35
40014 Jyväskylän yliopisto
Phone number: +358405767800 (work)
Email: mika.p.haapanen (at) jyu.fi
Twitter: @HaapanenMika
Orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2964-3352
About my work
I work as a Professor of Economics at the Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (JSBE). My responsibilities include:
- KTTS2110 Mikrotaloustieteellinen politiikka-analyysi ja sääntelyn taloustiede (Microeconomics of Policy Analysis and Regulation)
- KTTP3210 Koulutuksen talous (Economics of Education)
- Supervision of Master's theses.
- Coordination of the JSBE research seminar at the JSBE.
My main research project at the moment is "Education, labour market and mental health".
In addition to my work at the University of Jyväskylä:
- I have a title of docent (adjunct professor), particularly in the economics of education, at the University of Tampere.
- I act as an associate editor for Regional Studies, Regional Science published by Taylor & Francis for the Regional Studies Association.
General interests: labour economics, economics of education, regional economics, health economics, empirical microeconomics.
Topics in particular: returns to education, labour migration, mental health.
For more details, please see my CV (pdf-file updated: 29.01.2025) and List of Publications (pdf-file updated: 27.12.2024)
Work in progress, e.g.
- Böckerman, P., Haapanen, M., Kuhakoski, J., Kuuppelomäki, T., & Villanen, J. (2024). Born at the Right Time: Examining the Effect of Relative Age on Mental Health in Adulthood. IZA Discussion Paper No. 17501 (pdf).
- Mangyo, E., Haapanen, M., & Böckerman, P. (2024). Born under the Bad Sign: Intergenerational Effects of the Finnish Great Depression of the Early 1990s. IZA Discussion Paper No. 16750 (pdf).
- Böckerman, P., Haapanen, M., & Jepsen, C. Minimum legal age and morbidity.
- Haapanen, M., Pehkonen, J., & Seppälä, V. Understanding the intergenerational effects of a job loss: The effects of young adults’ displacement on parents’ earnings in Finland.
Recent publications
- Böckerman, P., Haapanen, M., & Johansson, E. (2024). Lost mind, lost job? Unequal effects of corporate downsizings on employees. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 38(4), 413-429. doi: 10.1177/23970022241244988 (Open Access). Earlier version was published as: IZA Discussion Paper No. 15645 (pdf).
- Maczulskij, T., Haapanen, M., Kauhanen, K., & Riukula, K. (2024). Decentralized wage bargaining and health. Economics and Human Biology, 55, Article 101433 doi: 10.1016/j.ehb.2024.101433. Earlier version was published as: IZA Discussion Paper No. 14654 (pdf).
- Böckerman, P., Haapanen, M., & Jepsen, C. (2023). Dark passage: Mental health consequences of parental death. American Journal of Health Economics, 9(4), 584-604. doi: 10.1086/723598. Earlier version was published as IZA Discussion Papers, No. 14385 (pdf).
- Böckerman, P., Haapanen, M., & Jepsen, C. (2023). Early parental death and its association with children’s mental and economic well-being in adulthood: A nationwide population-based register study. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 77, 625-631. doi: 10.1136/jech-2023-220692.
- Haapanen, M., Pehkonen, J., & Seppälä, V. (2023). Couples' Joint Retirement by Household Type: Evidence from Finland. LABOUR, 37 (3), 409–436. doi: 10.1111/labr.12253
- Haapanen, M., & Tervo, H. (2023). Koronapandemian vaikutus lähtömuuttoon Uudeltamaalta. Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja, 119(4), 400–420.
- Böckerman, P., Haapanen, M., Hakulinen, C., & Vainiomäki, J. (2021). Prescription opioid use and employment: a nationwide Finnish register study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 227, Article 108967. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108967
- Böckerman, P., Haapanen, M., Jepsen, C., & Roulet, A. (2021). School tracking and mental health. Journal of Human Capital, 15(2), 291-345. doi: 10.1086/712728 (Open Access). Earlier version was published as IZA Discussion Papers, No. 12733.
- Böckerman, P., Haapanen, M., Hakulinen, C., Karhunen, H., & Maczulskij, T. (2021). Determinants of prescription opioid use: Population-based evidence from Finland. Addiction, 116(1), 170-175. doi: 10.1111/add.15071.
- Eliasson, K., Haapanen, M., & Westerlund, O. (2021). Patterns of inter- and intra-regional differences in human capital and earnings: Evidence from Finland and Sweden 1987-2015. Applied Geography, 135, article 102539. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2021.102539. (Open Access)
- Eliasson, K., Haapanen, M., & Westerlund, O. (2020). Regional concentration of university graduates: The role of high school grades and parental background. European Urban and Regional Studies, 27(4), 398-414. doi: 10.1177/0969776420923133. (Open Access) Earlier version was published as Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics, No. 966.
- Böckerman, P., Haapanen, M., & Jepsen, C. (2019). Back to School: Labor-Market Returns to Higher Vocational Schooling. Labour Economics, 61, 101758. DOI: 10.1016/j.labeco.2019.101758. Note: Open Access. In this paper, we consider the returns to vocational master's degrees that were launched in 2002 in Finland.
- Alavuotunki, K., Haapanen, M., & Pirttilä, J. (2019). The Effects of the Value-Added Tax on Revenue and Inequality. Journal of Development Studies, 55(4), 490-508. DOI:10.1080/00220388.2017.1400015. Note: earlier version of the paper has been published as CESifo WP no. 6318.
- Böckerman, P., Haapanen, M., & Jepsen, C. (2018). More Skilled, Better Paid: Labour-Market Returns to Postsecondary Vocational Education. Oxford Economic Papers, 70(2), 485–508 (Open Access). DOI: 10.1093/oep/gpx052. Note: earlier version of the paper has been published as IZA Discussion Paper No. 9079.
Open access versions are available for most of my publications.