MATS424 Viskositeettiteoria, 9 op, kevät 2015
Viscosity theory, 9 cr, spring 2015

This course can be considered as 'Partial differential equations 3'. The theory of viscosity solutions provides a modern approach to partial differential equations and extends the classical concept of a solution. The course deals with existence, uniqueness and regularity of viscosity solutions, and introduces connections to optimal control and games.


The course has been graded. To get back your exercises, visit MaD306.


Lectures on Thursdays 10.15-12.00 at MaD381 and Fridays 10.15-12.00 at MaD380. The first lecture is on Thursday 22.1.




Lecture notes. (Further material and details during the lectures. Please email typos in the material to the lecturer.)

Lecturer Mikko Parviainen,, MaD306

Course requirements

Course is passed by solving a sufficient number of exercises, and returning solutions to the lecturer. There will be three exercise sets (about 20-25 problems each). You can return exercises to the lecturer at the lectures, at lecturer's office MaD306 (mailbox outside the office), or you can scan exercises and send them via email.

The course will be graded as follows
50% problems solved -> grade 1
90% problems solved -> grade 5

In addition, at least 5 problems of each set must be solved.

Prerequisites: PDE1. Also some linear algebra and differential calculus will be required.

Exercise sets


Outline of lectures will appear on the website.

Additional reading