unit testi_impl; {This file was generated on 27 Aug 2004 22:54:53 GMT by version 03.03.03.C1.A2} {of the Inprise VisiBroker idl2pas CORBA IDL compiler. } {Please do not edit the contents of this file. You should instead edit and } {recompile the original IDL which was located in the file } {D:\gko\local\simplecorba\delphiclient\laskuri.idl. } {Delphi Pascal unit : testi_impl } {derived from IDL module : testi } interface uses SysUtils, CORBA, testi_i, testi_c; type TiCarCounter = class; TiCarCounter = class(TInterfacedObject, testi_i.iCarCounter) protected {******************************} {*** User variables go here ***} {******************************} public constructor Create; procedure Inc ; function Count : Integer; procedure Clear ; end; implementation constructor TiCarCounter.Create; begin inherited; { *************************** } { *** User code goes here *** } { *************************** } end; procedure TiCarCounter.Inc ; begin { *************************** } { *** User code goes here *** } { *************************** } end; function TiCarCounter.Count : Integer; begin { *************************** } { *** User code goes here *** } { *************************** } end; procedure TiCarCounter.Clear ; begin { *************************** } { *** User code goes here *** } { *************************** } end; initialization end.